Getting through Essentials



  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I'm sorry to say, but this installation looks awfully messed up. Many buttons are on the wrong toolbars, and many things are in the CC3 program folder that do not belong there.

    It is generally a bad idea to install a program into Window's "My Documents" folder - it's for documents, not for software installations. "My Maps" and your own CC3 custom stuff can and should go there, but not the CC3 installation.

    I strongly recommend a complete deinstallation of DD3/CD3/CC3, save your own maps in a safe place, then get rid of the above folder completely.
    Then get the latest download for your CC3 and add-ons and do a fresh install. Don't install CC2 Pro at all, just use CC3.

    If you are using any OS despite Windows Vista, use the default program directly offered by the installation (Should be something like C:\Program Files\Profantasy\CC3) to install. If you have Vista, use C:\Profantasy\CC3\.

    Run and test CC3. It should be clean, no other buttons for add-ons present. Once you're satisfied it runs properly, install your City Designer 3 and Dungeon Designer 3 add-ons. There is no need to install anything CC2 Pro related, just use the "3" versions, even if they say "upgrade".

    Again, run and test CC3 with these add-ons. If anything weird comes up, install the CC3 Upgrade 10 at the end, although that shouldn't be necessary.

    Hope that helps.
  • I have Win 7, 64-bit. I gave up on Vista because there was just too many frills and went to Linux Mint. Nice OS, but it had about a million options and I couldn't get the deb files to work. I'm still struggling with Win 7, but it's better for me than what I had. I should've thought about a re-install as soon as I picked up DD3 and CD3, but the pit bull in me just keeps gnawing away.
  • I've uninstalled everything, reinstalled CC3 and am downloading CD3. In trying to get a handle on this mess, I moved all the "hanging" files in the install to a "Misc. Files" folder, but I saw some CC2 notations in some of those files. Is that right?
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Some of the help files are probably based on CC2, but those parts of CC3 haven't changed from CC2 to CC3.
  • Man, it takes a bit of forever to get all this stuff downloaded. I really wish I wasn't so behind on everything else in my life!
  • I'm sorry. I need help on the most basic stuff. I put everything in the CC3 folder in Programs (x86) including My Maps. When I try to open to that folder in CC3, it isn't available. Now, I suspect that it has to do with the type of file, but the other folders are there. A folder is a folder, regardless of the files it contains. So, why aren't My Maps available?
  • OK, I found the problem. I'm afraid I'm going to have to have my hand held getting this set up properly. I uninstalled everything and did a new install using the recommended settings, but when I opened CC3 again, it opened from my Documents folder! My Maps were in the Program (x86) folder. Sent the Documents copy to the trash and opened the fcw.32 icon. CC3 opened, but everything I downloaded was missing. Tried to run the menu config file and was notified that it wasn't available. I've since restored the trashed copy, so I have an evidently full program running in My Docs and a truncated one in the Programs folder. I'd really like to get this set up properly so I can reasonably follow along on the tutorials.
  • edited November 2011
    I have this all screwed up now. I've spent the better part of a day downloading stuff and now nothing works right anywhere. Earlier, I had a nice presentation with all the right buttons, but now it's all gone. Just did my "Everything" search and CD3 and DD3 aren't even on my computer now. Where the hell did they go? God, I hate these machines!
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    edited November 2011
    Can you do a search for the file FCW32.exe? Is it still on your system.

    We might be better off taking this to tech support. Please see my email.
  • edited November 2011
    It's there and I opened it, but it's essentially bare. I'm going to post some attachments. If it's too much bandwidth, go ahead and delete once we have this sorted out. The first is the fcw32.exe opened from Programs (x86). The second is the upper half of the Programs (x86) install with the lower half below that. I moved the Update 10 from Documents to this folder and also copied My Maps into it. The last shot is the install in Docs. It's interesting that my beginning city map, when opened from Programs (x86) is missing the walls, but isn't when opened from Docs.
  • I've installed Team Viewer, but like everything else techno, I'm gonna need help getting it going.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I've saved all the images locally and removed them from this thread to make things a little less cluttered.

    That you walls are not visible is no surprise since, you don't have CD3 installed yet. Overall the installation doesn't look to bad, you're only missing two toolbars. Please click the little tool icon on the bottom of the screen) next to "Grid" and activate the "File Toolbar" (point it up), and both "Right Toolbars" (point it right). See attached image.
  • Ralf, I really appreciate your help.
  • edited November 2011
    Well, figured I'd do a bit more on my city, but these damned roads just keep shooting off in weird directions! Using smooth path isn't helping.I can't seem to get a road connected in an intersection w/o it shooting off to the nearest endpoint. At least, I think that's what's happening.

    Fixed. My attach was set wrong.
  • Too many damned symbols! Workin' on my city and I'm havin' trouble recognizing what I'm seeing. Is there a master catalog that'll tell me what all these symbols represent? I know I can do a search from the symbol master, but I'm not experienced enough to know what search terms to use. For instance, in my market area I placed some tents and to the outside of those, I started placing buildings, but wading through all the symbols is quite tedious and I'm never sure what I'm placing. I mean there should be a blacksmith in the market and I'm pretty sure I could search using that term, but what of the other buildings? Just how do I narrow this stuff down?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    CD3 generally don't provide building symbol by function, so you won't have much luck searching for blacksmith, shop etc.
    This is primarily because a blacksmith looks like any other building when seen from above, so basically any of houses in the catalog will work as a blacksmith, just pick a house the looks like the kind of building you wish this particular blacksmith to be in.

    CC3 doesn't have a search facility that works inside of symbol catalogs, so it isn't possible to narrow down individual symbol catalogs further.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I basically use the large ones for city halls, barracks. And the small one for shops.
  • Man, cities are hard! The symbols are shifting all over the place for one thing and I'm havin' a problem with scale. Think I hafta start over on Allis.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Select a symbol from the symbols displayed on the left side of CC3.

    Right click the mouse. Unclick 'smart tracking' on the popup.

    Now you will have more control over the symbol placement.
  • edited November 2011
    Gads, what a persnickety program! Still having problems with symbol placement. I've discovered there's an offset dialed in for placement, but I can't find where to change it. I've searched help, played w/ stuff and can't seem to get my symbols to place where my cursor puts them. I really don't do well with unlimited options these days and CC# has thousands along with the add-ons, it's pretty damned bewildering.

    Only took me hours, but I found it. Had to disable smart tracking. I had already unchecked smart tracking but hadn't checked the disable box.
  • Well, my scale is still jacked up. My castle compound is dwarfed next to the other city buildings.
  • I'm still tryin' to get this thing, but I'm afraid I'm just past my prime. Anyway, I'm tryin' to get a reasonable city map and I numbered my grid (yes, I know there's that option when it's created, but it wasn't what wanted and has a tendency to disappear). Anyway, is there any way of resetting the numbering w/o closing the program?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    If you are using number labels, after you have clicked on the button, but before placing your first number, you can see that CC3 is requesting the starting number at the command line. If you ignore this, and start placing numbers, it will continue from where you left off, but if you instead just type any number (like 1), followed by [enter], it will start at the provided number instead.
  • This is frustrating as all get out. How do I draw a closed contour line? I've clicked "smooth path," used both "attach" and the endpoint modifier tool and I can't get my lines to match up.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Use "Smooth Polygon" with "Hollow" fill style to draw a closed contour line. Or you can use "Path to Poly" to close an existing smooth path.
  • This is definitely not easy, but nothing is any more.
  • Is there any way to search the symbol catalogs? I know I saw a stables symbol, but now I can't find it.
  • Found the stables. How in the heck do I get these little pieces (of wall) to line up and attach properly?
  • This is just too damned frustrating.
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