northern ruins Dungeon city Entrance area. And the Zosh village general store.
There are three trap doors leading down into tunnels. One of the tunnels leads to the city deep underground. The other two lead off into dead ends, in more ways than one.
The three small towers evidently didn't save them. Or was this ruin put here to disguise the entrance to Dungeon City ?
A small store in the village of Zosh. Shelves of items, a few storage containers like bowls, a blank book, small bags for carrying. Cashier table near the main door. The curtain covered door is for the employee to enter.
Posted By: JimPShould I make small caves areas underground for the Dungeon City entrances ?
Personally, I always consider if I have anything to add to such a transition are or not. If I don't have anything in particular I wish to add, I find that they just tend to end up rather empty, and isn't worth it, but if I have a plan, they're worth adding.
JimP asked:Should I make small caves areas underground for the Dungeon City entrances ?
Adding to Monsen's comment, maybe the question should be are these areas actually part of the Dungeon City, or simply accessways to it? If the latter, are they guarded/defended (if so, why and by whom?) or are they caves that have been adopted by some creature(s) or other as their home/lair? Or are they just empty caves?
The kobold one could be defended, after all it is how they get forces down to attack the dungeon city.
So, the other entrance could be defended as well. Maybe. This could be more traps the suppliers of food, ammo, etc. to the dungeon city put in themselves so the route down is secure.
This could easily skyrocket the number of maps up to 50. If I do this I'll try and keep it down to just 3 or 4 more for 40 or 41 maps.
I'm not going to be making changes to the towns... so if someone wants to make Inns, etc. detail maps, they can go right ahead. I can whisper the fcw files to them if they need them.
Hm... I think I may have to make a third entrance to the Dungeon City as the one I had earleir, the first one, cannot accomedate a wagon. Its only 6 feet wide circular opening.
So, I'll make another entrance in the side of a hill. A cave opening. Guess it will have to be an overhead view.
Ground level, first floor, and second floor of the Keeper Tower. 3 more maps to go on this one. 1 more level, top of the tower, and a basement.
Tower is 35' across.
Odd those trees being there, cuts down on the field of view... but they are inside the main walls.
added first floor. Bow firing slots are done with a bitmap fill, copied and rotated for each one. Lower left area is the weapon rack I could find, its Bogie I think. Maybe CSUAC 2.
Note that if the DM zooms in, they can still determine what floor this is, by the color of the spiral stairs.
If you put the arrow slits on a different sheet than the wall, you can add some glow and/or bevel effects to make them more visible.
Or, as an alternative, try this suggestion: - Make a copy of the wall, set the fill of the copy to the arrow slit fill, and place it on the sheet just below the wall in the drawing order (Making the wall hide it) - Then, add a color key effect to the walls sheet, make it the topmost effect in the list. Use color 6. - Now, draw the arrow slits on the same sheet as the wall, using the solid fill, and the color set to the same as the color key effect (color 6) This should result in the arrow slit polygons "punching holes" in the wall, thereby giving you the same bevel effect as the rest of the edges of the wall. The color key effect is great for things like this.
I think you don't have enough arrow ports. Too much deadspace for besiegers to get up next to the walls where they can't get shot. Just my soldier's eye, always looking for vulnerabilities.
I have decided to not make tunnel maps leading down to the Dungeon City.
According to my clipboard list, I have the following left to do:
1) top of Keeper Tower
2) general store for Keeper Tower complex
3) Wrelna town General Store.
When I post each map, and I'm looking for suggestions, I was thinking of adding a large number to a blank area of each map, that way suggestions can just note the number on the map so it will be easier for me to track the suggestions.
And are there any other maps in this set you would like to see ? Nothing too detailed though.
Maybe soften the contour beyond the town walls of Wrelna? Looks a bit too harsh and angular currently.
And does the road from the Farmers' Gate really just stop in the middle of nowhere? Maybe fade it out to a track, or just continue it off the southwestern map edge?
Made up: THERE I was ...
Real: NO SH*T, THERE I was ...
One for the city inhabitants, and one for the humanoids.
The yellowish-green square keep ruins... not a good place to go to ?
There are three trap doors leading down into tunnels. One of the tunnels leads to the city deep underground. The other two lead off into dead ends, in more ways than one.
The three small towers evidently didn't save them. Or was this ruin put here to disguise the entrance to Dungeon City ?
A small store in the village of Zosh. Shelves of items, a few storage containers like bowls, a blank book, small bags for carrying. Cashier table near the main door. The curtain covered door is for the employee to enter.
K store
L warehouse
M tax man
N stables
This map is the greenish-yellow keep area. The entrance down to the dungeon city is in the crack in the ground near the pillars.
29 maps out of 38 mostly done.
Most of the rest are keeper Tower levels and basement, etc.
Should I make small caves areas underground for the Dungeon City entrances ? ( That is, just below the two entrance areas I just posted today. )
So, the other entrance could be defended as well. Maybe. This could be more traps the suppliers of food, ammo, etc. to the dungeon city put in themselves so the route down is secure.
This could easily skyrocket the number of maps up to 50. If I do this I'll try and keep it down to just 3 or 4 more for 40 or 41 maps.
I'm not going to be making changes to the towns... so if someone wants to make Inns, etc. detail maps, they can go right ahead. I can whisper the fcw files to them if they need them.
So, I'll make another entrance in the side of a hill. A cave opening. Guess it will have to be an overhead view.
Tower is 35' across.
Odd those trees being there, cuts down on the field of view... but they are inside the main walls.
added first floor. Bow firing slots are done with a bitmap fill, copied and rotated for each one. Lower left area is the weapon rack I could find, its Bogie I think. Maybe CSUAC 2.
Note that if the DM zooms in, they can still determine what floor this is, by the color of the spiral stairs.
This is map 34 out of 38... the max number may increase.
Or, as an alternative, try this suggestion:
- Make a copy of the wall, set the fill of the copy to the arrow slit fill, and place it on the sheet just below the wall in the drawing order (Making the wall hide it)
- Then, add a color key effect to the walls sheet, make it the topmost effect in the list. Use color 6.
- Now, draw the arrow slits on the same sheet as the wall, using the solid fill, and the color set to the same as the color key effect (color 6)
This should result in the arrow slit polygons "punching holes" in the wall, thereby giving you the same bevel effect as the rest of the edges of the wall. The color key effect is great for things like this.
I like the effect though.
However, the different levels of this keep have arrow slots that are staggered.
On my cell phone.
According to my clipboard list, I have the following left to do:
1) top of Keeper Tower
2) general store for Keeper Tower complex
3) Wrelna town General Store.
When I post each map, and I'm looking for suggestions, I was thinking of adding a large number to a blank area of each map, that way suggestions can just note the number on the map so it will be easier for me to track the suggestions.
And are there any other maps in this set you would like to see ? Nothing too detailed though.
Oops. I got the labels backwards. The small building next to the gate is the taxman, not the stables.
And does the road from the Farmers' Gate really just stop in the middle of nowhere? Maybe fade it out to a track, or just continue it off the southwestern map edge?