Interesting, Important and Helpful topics - Free Symbols, Resources, Tutorials & More

MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 49 images Cartographer
This topic contains links to other valuable topics on this forum, as well as some of the more important/frequently needed support articles on the ProFantasy site.

Free Community Resources

This section contains links to various free community resources for CC3/CC3+, such as symbols and fills. Everything listed in this section are made to integrate properly with CC3(+), just like ProFantasy's own official Symbol Sets. Do note that some manual steps may be required. These resources are not supported by ProFantasy, but feel free to ask for help in the forum.

Troubleshooting/FAQ. Have a look at this FAQ for basic troubleshooting for common problems with the installation of these four addons. This does NOT replace the individual installation instructions.

Support Resources

Please be aware that this is a community support forum. While ProFantasy employees do read these discussions and may answer, official tech support is done through the Profantasy website. Please check out the FAQ and the Tech Support database for an answer to your problem before you post here.

Having said that, the user community does an excellent job at quick and efficient support. It is probably the quickest way to get help for normal issues. Many thanks to all our helpful users!

Suggested Material

This is a suggested list of material you can or should use to increase your familiarity with Campaign Cartographer 3+ and its accompanying software.

Standard tutorials and help

  • Do the Quick Start Guide available from the Help menu in CC3+.
  • Read and follow the Essentials Guide to CC3+ (or the appropriate add-on). The Essentials Guide is available as a pdf in the Documentation directory.
  • Read and follow CC3+ User Manual. You can open the pdf from the Help menu.
  • For individual command reference, check put the Windows help files available from within CC3+ (Help menu).

Purchasable material

Third-party help

General tips on creating artistic maps

If you find any topic you think should be linked from this list, just whisper a message to me (or one of the other Moderators/Admins) in the topic you wish to include, and we will consider it for inclusion. Feel free to to this in both old and new topics. The list of categories are not absolute, so if you think material should be here, even if it doesn't fit in one of the categories above, feel free to submit it.
Note that if a topic is as likely to cause confusion as it is to be helpful, it won't be included here. Additionally, this is primarily a list of links to interesting posts in this forum (with a few exceptions). If you have a useful off-site resource that you think really belong here, create a forum post describing the resource (what it is, what it can do for Campaign Cartographer/Fractal Terrains, how to use it, etc), and we will link to that post if appropriate.

Note that this topic cannot possibly link to all the interesting posts in this forum. So don't forget to use the search function if you are looking for something. Also don't forget that all topics are categorized. For example, if you are looking for inspiration, try going to the "Show and Tell" category.
This discussion has been closed.