Yeah, this seems to have been pretty severe from what I've seen. Folks on one of my Discords were talking of the power being out for 30+ hours now earlier today.
I can still work on my maps. I'm adding in markets, bread vendors, etc. I took one of these City State maps, and saved the symbols i used, and I was loading that fsc into CC3+, and then adding markets and umbrellas.
I've done parts 1, 2, and 3 so far. But I need to take a break, I'll stop until Saturday.
A friend of mine lives in Utah and had a few feet of snow this week. It's crazy! Salt Lake has had 60" (a little over 1.5 meters for those on the metric system🙂) in the past week. I think they're expecting another round this coming week, too.
Why the different color umbrellas over the markets ? City faction. Good, bad, evil, neutral. No umbrella, could be anything, even working for the Emperor. This is after all a City State, and an evil one.
The fourth row needs work. But I'll post three of the five maps. Part 17, the roads don't line up... it looks like one of the maps beside it, I had left the map border/frame there and got them a bit off.
Since this row needs work, I'll just post three parts.
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
why the different color buildings ? Could be Guilds, Merchant families, someone had lots of paint to sell, etc.
Now, if two different color buildings are near each other, and one appears to be intruding into another group of buildings of a different color, they could indeed be trying to take over an area from another group.
That's all really nice work Jim. As a lover of large maps, I really like it. I want to make topographic isomorphic maps, but my imagination just doesn't work in creating them. I also have thought about trying to make the large maps out of the individual map sheets, but I find the trapezoidal nature of grid "squares" and alignment of features to be a real bear, particularly when I have to 'cut' the map portion out of the full map sheet.
I keep lusting after a large format scanner, but I can't justify it and a laser cutter might be more effective for my work, but they cost too much for a hobby, too. Sigh.
Thank you. I have uploaded the pngs to my site, and created an overall map page, clicking on a small map leads to a larger map.
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My web host is in an outage. Going on for 5 hours so far. Probably a power out.
Looks like a power outage due to an ice storm affecting the city where the servers are located.
Ice storm? I thought my winter was stretching out uncomfortably, but....
It does seem a bit late this year. The person that told me lives near there.
Yeah, this seems to have been pretty severe from what I've seen. Folks on one of my Discords were talking of the power being out for 30+ hours now earlier today.
I can still work on my maps. I'm adding in markets, bread vendors, etc. I took one of these City State maps, and saved the symbols i used, and I was loading that fsc into CC3+, and then adding markets and umbrellas.
I've done parts 1, 2, and 3 so far. But I need to take a break, I'll stop until Saturday.
A friend of mine lives in Utah and had a few feet of snow this week. It's crazy! Salt Lake has had 60" (a little over 1.5 meters for those on the metric system🙂) in the past week. I think they're expecting another round this coming week, too.
Yup, my relatives and I have been keeping track the past 5 or so years, and Spring seems to be getting later and later.
I've redone the first row of 5 maps. Added more buildings, more markets, etc.
Here is the overall screenshot.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
That concludes the bits for today.
I hope you enjoyed the show, and I'll be here as I have time.
Update on power outage. The power company is still working on it. The servers hosting my sites are okay. Power likely up by Monday
My web host's servers are fine, but no Internet connection to them. No ETA for access.
Looks like I hadn't noticed that part 5's and part 10's city wall don't meet. I'll need to fix that.
Updated top two rows.
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
I decided not to add anymore building to this part.
part 10
And my web host's servers are back online !
Corrected part 5.
overall screenshot.
new part 5.
Why the different color umbrellas over the markets ? City faction. Good, bad, evil, neutral. No umbrella, could be anything, even working for the Emperor. This is after all a City State, and an evil one.
Third row, Row C is done.
First the overall, note I decided to add buildings to the ones I said I wasn't. Time marches on.
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
All for now.
The fourth row needs work. But I'll post three of the five maps. Part 17, the roads don't line up... it looks like one of the maps beside it, I had left the map border/frame there and got them a bit off.
Since this row needs work, I'll just post three parts.
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
why the different color buildings ? Could be Guilds, Merchant families, someone had lots of paint to sell, etc.
Now, if two different color buildings are near each other, and one appears to be intruding into another group of buildings of a different color, they could indeed be trying to take over an area from another group.
Or it was just an accident... in an evil city.
Corrected the roads in part 16, moved some houses, etc.
The lower right side roads, I did a L-shaped addition rather than moving those roads. The map edge/border cuts them mostly off. Ah well.
That's all really nice work Jim. As a lover of large maps, I really like it. I want to make topographic isomorphic maps, but my imagination just doesn't work in creating them. I also have thought about trying to make the large maps out of the individual map sheets, but I find the trapezoidal nature of grid "squares" and alignment of features to be a real bear, particularly when I have to 'cut' the map portion out of the full map sheet.
I keep lusting after a large format scanner, but I can't justify it and a laser cutter might be more effective for my work, but they cost too much for a hobby, too. Sigh.
Thank you !
I have trouble making maps that include a city/town/village and the nearby area.
Part 20. The bottom road matched exactly. The top on has to be adjusted a bit.
Similar to part 15, but I made some changes.
Working on the last 5 maps. Maybe get done this weekend, maybe not.
I went ahead and did it. I had to move a few things to get roads to line up.
Overall map first, lower three rows.
part 21 added a few bits.
part 22
part 23
new bit and the last part to be made.
part 24. Added more bits.
part 25
Took a bit to line things up. But I didn't try to line up all roads, afterall, this is an evil city.
Well Done Jim!
Thank you. I have uploaded the pngs to my site, and created an overall map page, clicking on a small map leads to a larger map.
New Crestar I took the descriptive text from this thread and placed it on my site. Have to explain the umbrellas...
Upset stomach Thursday night. Still not feeling well. I'll map when I feel better.
Edit. And I hope my advice this evening made sense.
1.8k views ! Wow !