I think it depends on where you live. If there are lots of oaks and other really large trees all around you (as there are for me), then the trees are fine. If you live in an area that is largely spruce or pine then they are less than half the diameter from above, and large trees in a map feels unnatural.
The scale of each of the 25 map parts is rather larger than my typical maps.
A number of places I have lived had oak, or pine trees. Cedar, cottonwood, and others.
Young oaks are not all that big. One unversity I went to there were two live oaks, that is a type of oak, over 100' feet across. One was there when the university was built last century. It is between 200 and 300 feet across.
The cedars and cottonwoods were less than 50 feet wide.
I don't think there are any tree symbols like the cedars out in the western US. They are wind blown to the extent that the branches are all on one side, and they are thousands of years old.
I was out of town at a sf convention for a few days. Back home, but I probably won't be making maps until next weekend.
Walked about 20 thousand steps in 3 days, but some I walked slowly. My tracker doesn't count steps when I slowly walk. Likely around another thousand or two steps per day.
I spent about $50 on dice I didn't have. Bought a drawing of a ranger or druid sitting on a rock eating a sandwich. She is handing some lettuce to 2 rabbits. One rabbit has a small dagger,a bow, and a quiver of arrows.
The other rabbit has a small sword, and a shield. Both have helms on their heads.
Got a couple of freebie things.
A vendor called TikiFez was there. I bought a small Tiki from him. They had a comic book, but I didn't get it. Overall I enjoyed myself. But my siblings and I were much more tired than in the past.
I had to modify part 9 so the roads would fit. I think part 9 may be a bit off. Apparently I forgot to update the original. Not a problem. Larger in gallery.
This Sea Goddess, uhm, Sea Monster pretending to be a Sea Goddess... that is it down in the deep water. This will be inserted in one of these city state maps, probably number 12. why did it take over this old temple ? Hunger.
Remnants of an older temple. The walls, topiaries, the columns and stone steps.
Sea urchins and rocks placed to guide acolytes to the sea monster's maw.
Why don't the other deities in this evil city stop this ? Well, they are evil. Just don't tell the actual Sea Goddess what is going on. It took this city centuries to recover from her last visit.
The sheets are in the same order, and all are correct.
The file I'm importing looks like this.
What it looks like in map I used to make this, is this:
map file for the original smaller map.
This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.
This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below.
If you have sheets that have the same name in both maps they might, but it looks to me like the water blend mode isn't working for some reason. Check all the effects on the water sheets - that they are set up the same as the original map and that they are all switched on.
I just remembered water, water2, and water3 sheets as I just saved as and changed the filename. I'll check them after some other things I must get done Wednesday.
Nothing on water, water2, nor water 3. I deleted those sheets.
I put the large water area on a different layer, hid it, and all the other items, including the deeper and deepest water, shows up.
As you can see here:
Sheets are in the correct sequence, so are the effects. I just inserted the smaller md02 into this map. Worked last time. I am unsure why it doesn't work this time. I'll try a transparency instead of blend mode.
I think it depends on where you live. If there are lots of oaks and other really large trees all around you (as there are for me), then the trees are fine. If you live in an area that is largely spruce or pine then they are less than half the diameter from above, and large trees in a map feels unnatural.
The scale of each of the 25 map parts is rather larger than my typical maps.
A number of places I have lived had oak, or pine trees. Cedar, cottonwood, and others.
Young oaks are not all that big. One unversity I went to there were two live oaks, that is a type of oak, over 100' feet across. One was there when the university was built last century. It is between 200 and 300 feet across.
The cedars and cottonwoods were less than 50 feet wide.
I don't think there are any tree symbols like the cedars out in the western US. They are wind blown to the extent that the branches are all on one side, and they are thousands of years old.
Here as more work done on Part 9. More trees and buildings added. Larger in gallery. Made the scale bar larger to.
Update on Part 17. Larger in Gallery. I also got rid of the frame.
Part 24 of 25. Larger in Gallery. Two crop land areas, from CA158 Ferris Style.
I used multipoly to go around the houses for the crop land lower right.
Well, a number of discussions here I am clueless about, and currently too busy to read up on.
Part 14 of 25. And the overall screen shot. The green CD3 grass 1 needs to be adjusted to better work with the above map.
Edited, sentence poorly written.
New part. Part 3 or 25. Also removed some frames as you can see on the overall screenshot.
Text is slightly larger.
Thanks folks !
Edit: I thought I had a compass and scale bar on there... I'll find it later.
New map, Part 15 of 25. Needs some work...
And overall sketch map. Larger in my gallery.
1) Farmers' Road.
2) Old Farmers' Road. I might make it go through the wall, but broken to show it is no longer in use.
3) Palace of the Owners. They own the Amphitheater and the orchard in the back.
4) Their workers who work in the public baths, the public bath brewery, the amphitheater, the manor houses.
Grel's Inn and stables has his own employees.
5) Public Baths Breweries.
6) A local temple of homes of the acolites.
7) and the Tax Collector.
The Barracks are City and Wall Guards.
edit: Yes, these maps are a hodge podge of ideas and styles, different text fonts, etc. I will try to fix that as I work on these maps.
Pleased to see you've not driven yourself completely mad sorting all this out Jim. At least as far as I can tell... 🤪
Look forward to seeing your further progress with the whole project though.
Deciding what to do with the various roads and symbol sizes is the hard part. Matching the sides that touch is something I figured out years ago.
I decided to get rid of the frame for a different look .
I was out of town at a sf convention for a few days. Back home, but I probably won't be making maps until next weekend.
Walked about 20 thousand steps in 3 days, but some I walked slowly. My tracker doesn't count steps when I slowly walk. Likely around another thousand or two steps per day.
My feet don't hurt as much. So I'm fine.
Yup. Talked to people I haven't seen in 4 years.
I spent about $50 on dice I didn't have. Bought a drawing of a ranger or druid sitting on a rock eating a sandwich. She is handing some lettuce to 2 rabbits. One rabbit has a small dagger,a bow, and a quiver of arrows.
The other rabbit has a small sword, and a shield. Both have helms on their heads.
Got a couple of freebie things.
A vendor called TikiFez was there. I bought a small Tiki from him. They had a comic book, but I didn't get it. Overall I enjoyed myself. But my siblings and I were much more tired than in the past.
That's what 2 years of being locked up does to us. You just need a bit of training to get back into that convention-shape again :)
Well... I'm more looking at camping.
Part 5 of 25. Upper right of total maps.
Map and overall screenshot. Since the Part 5, this time, is only 1000 pixels, I wont be putting a larger version in my gallery.
That sand striping wasn't in there when viewed on my computer. Ah, it is garden yellow. I meant for it to be sand.
Here it is with desert bitmap. Yes, the upper right corner is messed up.
Part 4 of 25.
I had to modify part 9 so the roads would fit. I think part 9 may be a bit off. Apparently I forgot to update the original. Not a problem. Larger in gallery.
I'm mostly done with work around the house, so I'll be working on maps in a few days. Rather tired for now.
Map 7 of 25 mostly done. Larger overall map in gallery.
3000 pixel Part 7 in gallery.
Another Necro.
This Sea Goddess, uhm, Sea Monster pretending to be a Sea Goddess... that is it down in the deep water. This will be inserted in one of these city state maps, probably number 12. why did it take over this old temple ? Hunger.
Remnants of an older temple. The walls, topiaries, the columns and stone steps.
Sea urchins and rocks placed to guide acolytes to the sea monster's maw.
Why don't the other deities in this evil city stop this ? Well, they are evil. Just don't tell the actual Sea Goddess what is going on. It took this city centuries to recover from her last visit.
Larger in my gallery in Jim's Stuff.
I think all I have to do is work on the effects.
The sheets are in the same order, and all are correct.
The file I'm importing looks like this.
What it looks like in map I used to make this, is this:
map file for the original smaller map.
map file I inserted it into.
How do I fix this ? Thanks !
You have to copy across all the sheet effects from the map that looks ok, to the one that doesn't.
I thought I did. I did double check before posting. Same sequence to.
Could the city effects be affecting the marine dungeon effects ?
If you have sheets that have the same name in both maps they might, but it looks to me like the water blend mode isn't working for some reason. Check all the effects on the water sheets - that they are set up the same as the original map and that they are all switched on.
It could be the effects aren't large enough for the larger map which is 5000' x 4000'.
I'll check tomorrow, still rather tired from my trip.
I just remembered water, water2, and water3 sheets as I just saved as and changed the filename. I'll check them after some other things I must get done Wednesday.
Nothing on water, water2, nor water 3. I deleted those sheets.
I put the large water area on a different layer, hid it, and all the other items, including the deeper and deepest water, shows up.
As you can see here:
Sheets are in the correct sequence, so are the effects. I just inserted the smaller md02 into this map. Worked last time. I am unsure why it doesn't work this time. I'll try a transparency instead of blend mode.