
MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
edited October 2022 in Resources

This thread about Tutorials is one of the curated threads in the Resources category. It contains a list over various written tutorials available. Note that many of the tutorials are hosted on sites external to ProFantasy, and ProFantasy takes no responsibility for the content of these sites.

Only this top post is curated, users can use the comments below to provide links to additional tutorials. Tutorials from the comments may or may not be included in this curated post, so browsing the comments below may find you nice tutorials in addition to this list.

Use the Flag link to report out-of-date links in this topic, for example removed tutorials or pages that now post inappropriate content and should be removed from the list. Don't use it to suggest additions.

Video tutorials have their own topic.

Official Material

There are quite a lot of tutorials in the official documentation. Most of these are pdf files you can find in the Documentation directory inside your CC3+ data directory.

A significant portion of the CC3+ program manual are tutorials for how to do things in CC3+, these tutorials mostly use overland mapping as an example, but they do teach you a lot of useful things even if you will primarily be doing other kinds of maps, like dungeons.

Almost all the products/add-ons comes with an Essentials guide which gives you a brief quick start into that product with a short introductory tutorial.

The annuals are not just a great source of new styles and symbols, but each individual issue comes with a mapping guide for that style. Even if you don't plan to use that style, these guides often end up teaching you additional tips and tricks useful for your other mapping.

The Tome of Ultimate Mapping contains various tutorials for almost every one of ProFantasy's products. Just as with the user manual, tutorials may still be helpful even if they are for a different type of map since the basic way of doing things in CC3+ doesn't change between overland and dungeon and city maps.

The ProFantasy Blog contains a lot of useful articles, many of which take a tutorial format.


LoopysueAutumn GettyjmabbottWyvern[Deleted User]pdjRaikoMapjunkiearsenico13JimP
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