Shessar's Overland Mountain Tutorial

I often need to make my maps quickly a few hours before the gaming session. As a result, I've found ways to streamline the map making process. The results are often not perfect, but are a good starting place for the beginner map maker (or those in a hurry).
I hope that you find this helpful.
I hope that you find this helpful.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but we need to find a way to get you sat down with nothing better to do than write amazing tutorials more often!
Thanks Shessar. I'm going to bookmark this one and use it every time I try to explain it to someone else.
I also owe LadieStorm a more detailed tutorial or two.
Maybe it's time for me to focus on one project at a time rather than working on thing all willy-nilly. LOL!
Looking forward to seeing more of your slices of wisdom...
Dogtag actually pointed me towards another similar method that was demonstrated on the forums a few years ago that uses a loop-de-loop rather then a squiggle. (That sounds rather silly). A combination of both methods on a map for different mountain ranges would look really good. The idea is to get mountain 'ranges' rather than a "patch" of mountains.
Happy mountain mapping!
Layers are unaffected by sheets or sheet order, so they're a great way to organize things in that way.
Do you think you would use a similar method for laying out forests as well? How about lakes?
Usually I don't have a set idea, I let the map evovle. Sometimes need ideas just pop up during the process.
A combination of both this and the looping line method should certainly provide enough variety, I'd think. I've only done this using sheets before - usually temporary ones I can simply delete when finished - for the structural elements. Hadn't thought of using layers this way too - thanks for that!
Oh yes... and has Dogtag has just kindly reminded me - of course its Thanksgiving next week
(not such a big thing over here in the UK!)