Community Atlas 1000th map Competition - with Prizes [August/September]

MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

The community atlas is closing in on 1000 maps, and it is time to celebrate this occasion with a fun competition. So come on in, join the competition, have fun, and maybe even win a prize for your effort. Everyone is welcome.

All skill levels

As always, this competition is open to all skill levels. Please don't think you have to be a master mapper to compete. A competition is a great way of testing yourself and have some fun. Everyone is welcome here, and while some of the prizes are dedicated to the best maps, there is an option for anyone who competes to win.

Set in the Atlas - No contribution required

As always, the competition is set in the community atlas, but the competition is open for anyone, even if they do not want to contribute to the atlas. Of course, I hope as many as possible will contribute, and if you wish to contribute, you have to provide me with the .fcw file. I assume everyone who posts their .fcw file here will contribute, if you don't want to contribute, simply don't provide the .fcw file. Note that to be part of the 1000th atlas map draw, you have contribute your map since this prize is for an actual atlas map, but you are still eligible for the other prices even if you don't.

Do the map you have time for

I know people are busy, but keep in mind that competitions, especially with prizes, doesn't come around all the time. If you do have time to do your very best for the competition, that's great, but if you are short on time, consider doing either a smaller or simpler map.

Remember, competitions are held because people participate, without participants, there won't be competitions either. Not trying to guilt trip anyone into participating, if you truly don't have the time, that's completely fine, but I am hoping people can try to find the time to at least do something small and simple rather than pass over the competition completely.

The Competition - Villages of the World

This competition will be a village mapping competition. The idea is to pick an unmapped village location in the atlas and create a map of that village.
I won't put too many restrictions on your creativity here, but the idea is mainly to map a small village (maybe around 20 buildings, but up to you) , not a huge city. I'd rather you spent the time making the village interesting rather than a huge collection of generic buildings.

Try to make the village interesting, with some exciting features that could make it an interesting adventure location. Maybe it has some interesting ruins? Abandoned and overgrown? A cool graveyard? A particular evil feel? Use your imagination, and try to implement it into the map.

Keep in mind it is the map that will be judged, not supplementary text.

Since the atlas can feel overwhelming if you are not familiar with it, I've linked a few overland maps below that each contains several village locations. You can pick from the free villages there, or if you wish to go hunting for the perfect location in the atlas yourself, feel free to do so. The only restriction is that you should pick a location that is indicated by a "village-ish" symbol. All atlas maps are different, some use graphical symbols, other dots, but it shouldn't be too hard to interpret the mappers intention (And don't get too hung up if the symbol is supposed to be a hamlet/village/small town, the atlas isn't that precise, just don't pick what is clearly a large city).

Determining what locations are free for the taking in the atlas is easy. If there is already a clickable purple hotspot there, it means that that location have already been taken and mapped, otherwise it is free.

Once you have found your desired location, please post your claim below so other participants can see what has already been claimed, we don't want multiple people mapping the same location. I am not going to acknowledge each claim, assume it is yours if you are the first person posting it. Simply tell on which map your village is located, and the name. If it was unnamed on the source map, a screenshot of your location would be nice and you're of course free to name the village what you want.

Here are the suggested regions. Look for village markers on the maps, not all villages have a text label. Note that some of these have a "Description" button on the top you can click to read more about the map.

(If you have the time and desire, you can of course also make your own local map anywhere in the world and put down your own village location there)

Allowed Resources

You can make the map in whatever style you want, it does not need to fit the visual style of the map it is located on.

To keep this fair to everyone, the allowed resources are the same as for any atlas map. In simple words, that means any official CC3+ add-on from ProFantasy (including the mini add-ons downloadable from the registration page such as Shessar's Fireplaces and Scott's Celtic Buildings as well as the free monthly symbols), as well as the community add-ons listed under in the "Free Addons" section on this page (but not the Free Artwork further down).

No resources outside these, no custom symbols (includes modifications to official symbols), fills or images (included images exported from another CC3+ map).

The maps have to be made in CC3+ only, no pre/post production in an image editor or similar.


The prizes will be vouchers for ProFantasy products. Remember, if you already have all the products, these make excellent gifts to friends who could use CC3+ or just save them for the next product.

Best map: $75 voucher

2nd place: $50 voucher

3rd place: $25 voucher

1000th atlas map: $50 voucher

Best map and runners up will be determined by community vote.

1000th atlas map will be randomly drawn between the submitted maps, so the order they are submitted to me does not matter. You have to submit your .fcw file for inclusion in the atlas to be eligible for this one.

While you can submit multiple maps to the competition, each individual participant will only be eligible for one prize.

Thanks to ProFantasy for sponsoring the prizes.

Entering the Competition

Please indicate that you want to enter the competition by posting your claim to any unmapped village in the atlas below.

To complete your entry you then post the image of your final map in this thread when it is done. Feel free to also post a high resolution version in your personal gallery on the forum.

To contribute your final map to the atlas, you must also attach your .fcw file for the map along with the map image. This is required to participate in the 1000th map draw. but you'll still be eligible for the best map prizes if you don't want to submit to the atlas. I am going to assume that if you post your fcw,  you want it included in the atlas.


The competition ends October 1st 2024, 12:00 UTC

WIP Thread

Please consider starting a Work In Progress thread in the forum showing your progress. You can post a link to your WIP thread in this thread. Please do not use this thread as a WIP thread though, it is reserved for competition discussion and posting of the submissions.


Please ask below.


(May not always be fully up to date)
  1. @Loopysue - Elkton, Alarius North Central
  2. @Quenten - Aretizo, Spiros, Artemisia
  3. @Royal Scribe - Unnamed village, Verinress Arl, Artemisia
  4. @jmabbott - Lakeside, The Vale, Doriant
  5. @ABH_Cartographer - Riverton, Alarius North Central
  6. @Don Anderson Jr. - Unamed Village, Panaur, Doriant
  7. @Jeff B - Unamed Village, Seal Island, Alarius
  8. @Daniel Pereda De Pablo - Efva Taesi, Berenur
  9. @Richo Hasche - Metzvel, Peredur
  10. @Monsen - Port Haven, Alarius North Central
  11. @Wyvern - Multiple villages, Peredur
  12. @Mathieu Gans - Argenta, Alarius North Central
  13. @HelenAA - Unnamed Village, Kentoria
  14. @Quayuazue - Unnamed Village, Verinress Arl, Artemisia
  15. @Ralf - Rheems, Alarius North Central
  16. @cyrion - Sibad Oasis, Dungroth, Doriant
  17. @Shessar - Ober, Southern Scar, Alarius
  18. @MakeWayForJebus - Order of the Fist Monastery - Malajuri

Royal ScribeLoopysueQuentenDaniel Pereda De PabloPiMapperWyvernMathieu GansScottA


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    Please can I do the village of Elkton, from the Alarius North Central map?

    Royal ScribeMonsenWyvernMathieu Gans
  • May I adopt this little unnamed elven village marked in the red box on Virinress'Arl? (Quenten, since you did the parent map, please let me know if this is encroaching on your future plans.)

    LoopysueMonsenMathieu Gans
  • @Royal Scribe No, it definitely isn't. Great that you have picked it - a 'dark' elf matriarchal regime (see the map notes)

  • Hi Folks,

    I'd like to map the village of Lakeside, The Dale, Doriant.

    MonsenLoopysueMathieu Gans
  • I'd like to take a stab at this river valley in the Alarius Map.

    Royal ScribeMathieu Gans
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    @ABH_Cartographer wrote

    I'd like to take a stab at this river valley in the Alarius Map.

    While I am more than happy for you to make a local map out of that area for the atlas if you want to do that, it is after all quite a large area that might contain lots more villages than seen on the rather large-scale main map (Just check out that local map already made in that small rectangular area in the middle), remember that the competition is about creating a map of a single village, so I wouldn't be able to accept such an area map for the competition.

    Of course, if you want to make a local area map, and then a village map of one of the villages in the new local area map, that would be perfectly fine, but otherwise, you should pick one of the villages in the area to map, not the entire area.

  • I will be doing an unnamed village in my WIP Panaur on Doriant.

    Pretty sure I will keep my idea hidden until close to entry. Hoping it's going to be a unique take on a village.

    Thanks so much for doing this contest....and all the work on the Community Atlas.

    (I am going to win damnit, so I can finally buy some annuals lol or castles and catacombs)

    Good luck everyone!

    MonsenLoopysueRoyal Scribe
  • Jeff BJeff B Betatester 🖼️ 39 images Surveyor

    I would like to reserve this little frozen hamlet on Seal Island if Quenten is Ok with that.

    Is there any background information on Seal island? I could not find any.

    MonsenLoopysueRoyal ScribeMathieu Gans
  • edited July 23

    How's about I work on the town of "Riverton" in the northeast part of that.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
  • edited July 24

    @Jeff B - of course I am fine with that. The only area in the Atlas i want totally reserved for me is Spiros Island - which is about the same size as Norfolk Island , ie 5 miles long and wide!

  • After careful consideration, I'm going for the settlement of Efva Taesi, in the Ulviar region of Berenur, if that's alright.

    MonsenLoopysueJeff B
  • 7 days later
  • Please, I would like to make the city of Inbetwin, on the continent of Peredur.

    Mathieu Gans
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    @Ricko Hasche wrote:

    Please, I would like to make the city of Inbetwin, on the continent of Peredur.

    Isn't that one kind of large? The competition is about mapping a small village after all. Maybe one of the smaller places on the map would fit better for the competition?

  • @Monsen I will change to Metzvel on Widow Linn - (same zone).

    MonsenLoopysueMathieu Gans
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
  • @Malik Sultan All the info needed is at the top of this post. And you can look at the community Atlas via this forum as well. About the Community Atlas - ProFantasy Community Atlas (

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Here's my competition map from yesterday's live stream. Obviously, as the organizer, I an not eligible for any prizes, but it is still fun to compete. You'll find a higher resolution version in my gallery.

    Royal ScribeLoopysueRicko HascheMathieu GansWeathermanSweden
  • Remy, the map prizes are voted on for three of them, so I don't see why you can't be eligible for those - not the drawn out of the hat one though - those Norwegian hats can do funny things. 😈

  • edited August 16

    Having already reserved the orange-highlighted area below in Haddmark, Peredur to place the next small dungeon map in my ongoing mapping project this year, I'd already completed the map for it before the contest was announced.

    While it's not been submitted for the Atlas yet (it will be later), this is the map I've prepared, called The Whispering Wastes:

    I've explored why it is as it is elsewhere on the Forum, including how I'd had the crazy notion at one point to prepare maps for all 41 features in the labelled hexes. I'd even worked-up details for most, including the ten small settlements. I'll not be doing all that. However, I have decided to try mapping the ten little settlements, although whether I'll finish them all by the end of September is another matter!

    The list of settlements, and the theoretical order in which I'm hoping to map them, is as follows:

    • Ljungby Village (Hex 005)
    • Bruga's Hold (Logging Hamlet, Hex 403)
    • Ivan's Keep (Defended Village, Hex 505)
    • The Village of Toresk (Hex 805)
    • Osalin (Necropolis Village, Hex 1105)
    • Arvika (Bridge Hamlet, Hex 1304)
    • Rularn (Isolated Hamlet, Hex 1307)
    • Brightlawn (Watery Hamlet, Hex 1604)
    • Fairbridge (Torne Crossing Village, Hex 1702)
    • Skara (Farming & Logging Hamlet, Hex 1611)
    Royal ScribeLoopysueRicko HascheMathieu GansMonsen
  • I think my contribution to the contest is ready to submit. (If anyone notices any typos or other errors, I will delete and repost.) Here is the FCW, a text file description, and a PDF description. I will also paste the description here below the image.

    Fon'Anar is a small farming village in the matriarchal kingdom of Verinress'Arl, on the continent of Artemisia. It is a kingdom of Aeifa (surface dwelling drow) ruled by a Matriarch, where succession is by fight to the death among her female offspring. Fon'Anar is located at the edge of the Phindardo Forests on the eastern side of the kingdom.

    Fon'Anar is a mostly-self sufficient farming community. It is well known for its fine wines produced at the Granaat Winery. Resellers hire teamsters to travel from other cities and towns in the kingdom to bring back barrels of the wine. Their frequent visits allow Fon'Anar to support an inn, which would otheerwise be unlikely in a village this size. The inn also serves as a tavern and watering hole for the locals. The community is also well-known for their fruit and nut orchards.

    The village is governed by a mayor appointed by the local nobility, aided by a five-member village council elected by the local residents.

    The village was once a military outpost, and a few military structures remain: a small fortress now used by the village watch as the local jail; a few stone towers; and a great down on top of a 40-foot high rocky outcrop named Mon'Anar, but nicknamed "the rock."

    Two creeks run by the village: Gematt Creek, which is about 10-feet wide, and Mouro Creek, which is about five-feet wide. Both creeks feed into Vatrock Pond, which is about 30-feet deep at the deepest part and large enough to support a number of small rowboats. The outflow creek from the pond is also known as Gematt Creek.

    A wooden palisade encircles the town. It is enough to keep most predatory animals at bay, but could not withstand a concerted military attack for long.

    A great tower abandoned by the military perches on top of Mon'Anar. It was purchased generations ago by a wealthy sorceress who had retired from adventuring. Rumors persist that the sorceress was a scion of a former queen who faked her death rather than fight her sisters for the crown. When she died, she passed the deed to the property to a favored apprentice, and so it has continued to pass from sorceress to apprentice over the generations.

    Many villagers live in treehouse homes, connected to one another through elevated bridge walkways. Some villagers (particularly the elderly and the infirm) live in thatch cottages on the ground.

    1. TOWN CLERK - Most government is conducted by the clerk, including recording births, marriages, and deaths, and collecting taxes.

    2. COURTHOUSE - Traveling judges periodically visit to hold both criminal and civil trials.

    3. MAYOR'S OFFICE - The mayor is appointed by the nobility to govern the town in partnership with an elected council. Her offices are located here, as well as living quarters for those who do not have a nicer home in the village.

    4. COUNCIL CHAMBERS - The town has an elected five-member council who meet here to manage the village's mundane decisions like managing the maintenance and repair of the palisades.

    5. VILLAGE WATCH & JAIL - When the military abandoned their outpost at Fon'Anar, the town watch took over the small fortress, turning it into their headquarters as well as the village jail. Some prison cells have been carved out of the Rock, and the town's treasury is stored there as well.

    6. TEMPLE - The temple has a marble hallway that pushes into the cliffs of Mon'Anar. Beneath the Rock, caverns have been carved out for storing church documents and religious artifacts of dubious authenticity. It is rumored that there may be sealed tunnels here that can access vast subterranean cities.

    7. MON'ANAR ("The Rock") - Nicknamed "the Rock," Mon'Anar is a natural geological rocky outcrop rising about 40 feet above the village. The Tower of Sorcery is built above it, and three structures cut into the side of the cliffs: the Temple, the Village Watch's fortress, and Granaat Winery.

    8. TOWER OF SORCERY - Above the rock, a tower purchased generations ago by a wealthy sorceress looms. The entire top of the Rock is her property, though aside from the tower it mostly holds a gatehouse to guard the entrance and a barn for visitors' horses.

    9. GRANAAT WINERY - The wines produced here are legendary, and are sold in many larger towns and cities throughout the realm. The winery has a great barrel-roofed chamber filled with large oak tanks. The wine is later transferred to oak barrels, where it continues to ferment in cool caverns carved into the cliffside.

    10. VATRACH COMMONS - Outside the palisades, on the far side of Vatrach Pond, the villagers have constructed an entertainment area. A great bonfire is lit on many nights when the weather permits, allowing locals to sing and dance around it. To the side, a small stage is set up for traveling troubadors, minstrels, and acting troops to entertain the locals, who watch from stone benches before the stage as well as on the hillside behind. A small building behind the stage houses set decorations, props, and costumes, and serves as a dressing room for performers.

    11. MILL - A very small watermill is available to use the power of creekwater to grind grain.

    12. BLACKSMITH - The smiths primarily creates and repairs horseshoes. They also make farming tools but are not known for making weapons or armor, though they can repair them.

    13. TANNER - Tans hides from primary deer hunted in the woods, making and selling leather clothing and armor.

    14. GLASS BLOWERS - The glass blowers spend a lot of their time making bottles for the winery, even though much of the wine is exported in oak barrels.

    15. COMMUNITY BATHS - Include toilet and bathing facilities for locals and travelers alike, as well as access to recreational facilities. It is the only structure, other than the palisade towers, that spans both outside and within the village walls, and provides one of the only means of passing into or out of the village without passing through the town gates.

    16. WASTE MANAGEMENT - Here, garbage and other waste are fed to captive gelatinous cubes and black puddings in order to maintain sanitation.

    17. CROWNED FOX INN & COMMUNITY STABLES - Though it mostly serves as a local watering hole, the inn does have accommodations for teamsters and other travelers. The sign outside the inn is painted with a fox wearing a golden crown sprawling across a great throne.

    18. MARKET SQUARE - Local farmers and artisans set up booths to sell their produce and goods. The market spans both sides of Gematt Creek.

    19. HALL OF HEALING - Serves as a hospital and clinic for the villagers as well as a hospice for the aged who need assistance.

    20. BUTCHER - The shepherds and goatherds primarily do their own slaughtering, as do villagers who hunt, but many sell excess meat to the butcher.

    21. BAKERY - Also supplies baked treats for the inn and the winery.

    22. WEAVER / DRAPERS - A number of fabric artisans operate out of this shop, making and selling clothing and fabric goods of all sorts.

    23. COOPER - Although the coopers make all sorts of barrels, chests, and other containers, their principle client is the Granaat Winery.


    QuentenMonsenLoopysueRicko HascheWyvernMaidhc O CasainMathieu GansWeathermanSweden
  • Hello everyone,

    If possible, I would like to work on the village of Argenta from the Alarius North Central map.

    Best regards and have fun !

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Sounds good. Have fun.

  • So, the first of my theoretical ten villages is ready, from Hex 005 of the hex-map somewhere above (or here, in case that's a bit easier to find!), Ljungby. A few more details are in that linked post, although the PDF is here as well for those interested. Deliberately, I've kept the notes short, hoping that might improve my chances to complete all ten village maps!

    MonsenLoopysueQuentenMathieu GansRoyal ScribeWeathermanSweden
  • I would love to create the as yet unnamed village that is slightly NE of Duck's Ford Wyvern Dromes.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer

    Great. Remember to come up with a nice name for it :)

This discussion has been closed.