Menus missing



  • Ralf has helped me resolve the issue, and I thought I'd post the solution here in case someone else is affected.

    It appears that there is something wrong with my Windows cache, or with how the installer and update are interacting with it. Whatever the issue is, it had the following effects:

    Running the installer in repair mode triggered a "Your license key is invalid" message. Running Update 28 took care of that issue (though it did prompt me to enter my serial number, which it doesn't normally do), but removed the patch.ini file from the system folder and the cfgmenuconfig.exe file from the data folder. It may or may not have removed other files as well - I have no idea.

    Ralf sent me an update program that skipped the Windows cache steps, and that updated me successfully and without removing those two files.

    So, I'm up and running, and hoping that if the issue is with my Windows cache this is the only thing that's affected.

  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace

    Windows cache messes with me when I update a website I own. It doesn't always show me the newest version when I view the updated page. Can't seem to find a way to stop it from caching web pages.

    I use Firefox.

  • 6 months later
  • I'm a little late to the game here but this may or may not help somebody else. I was having this exact same problem. Opened up the menu_recovery.bat file and it had the following entries.


    cc3menuconfig.exe System\menu_recovery.cfg

    I added a pause at the end so I could see what it was doing. Turns out it was trying to run the cc3menuconfig.exe from C:\Windows\System32.

    I modified the menu_recovery.bat file to redirect it to the proper directory and it worked like a charm. Here is what I changed it to.

    cd c:\programdata\profantasy\cc3plus

    cc3menuconfig.exe System\menu_recovery.cfg


    Hope this helps someone. It was a pretty easy fix.

  • 1 year later
  • ScottAScottA Surveyor

    I'm having the exact same problem. How do you modify the menu_recovery.bat file? Or can someone modify it and post it here as a downloadable file?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    It shouldn't normally be necessary to change it, Windows runs batch files from the directory they are located unless you try to force them to run as administrator, which isn't required here.

    But if you want to edit it, just right click it and pick edit, Windows should open it up for editing in Notepad. Royalghost posted the exact contents of the file in the post above.

  • ScottAScottA Surveyor

    This is what I'm getting when I try to run the menu_recovery.bat file:

    All of the Bogie, etc. symbols are installed in the symbols directory, the button icons are in the icon folder, but none of the buttons show up in the toolbars even after running the update and menu_recovery.bat file. I do get that yellow flag button that appears to be empty. Looking through the FCW menus none of the Bogie, etc. buttons are installed in the menus.

    I have done everything exactly as instructed, activated the 3rd (and 2nd) custom toolbar, run the CC3+ update (multiple times), run menu_recvery.bat (several times). The menu_recovery.cfg is there, the patch.ini file is there. I'm at a loss what else to do..? The computer seems to be looking for the menuconfig files in the System folder, not the ProgramData file where they were installed. As someone said above, I can get to the symbols the long way, but want the convenience of having the proper buttons on my toolbars.

  • ScottAScottA Surveyor

    ...Okay, just tried running the menu_recovery.bat again and got these errors:

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    I've never seen errors happen before when running the cc3menuconfig program, but there are some interesting observations there.

    First of all, the instructions, which are visible along with the errors clearly indicate that all menu files be processed (*.mnu), but as seen from the errors, only a selection of the menu files generate errors (AAT, Per, CA, dioramas, dungeon), while others that I know for certain you would have (like fcw32 and city). I assume these are processed without errors since they don't appear.

    Now, errors on some files and not others tells that there are most likely something weird going on with your install. I could think of a few possible things, one being that the file system permissions on those files are off, simply not allowing you to modify them. The other is that those files might be corrupt in some way.

    File system permissions should normally be set by the CC3+ installer/updater, but it is worth having a check. Try opening up AAT.mnu in notepad (making sure to NOT use the "run as administrator" option. Can you open it at all? Do it look like a menu file (i.e is the contents similar to fcw32.mnu). Make a small minor change in the file like simply editng the spelling of "right" on the first line and try to save the file. Are you allowed to simply save it, or do notepad pop up the save as dialog even if you tried a standard save?

    LoopysueRoyal Scribe
  • ScottAScottA Surveyor

    Opened ATT.mnu with no problem. Yes, looked like the other mnu files. Edited it (changed Right to Rght) and saved, no problem. Opened it back up and fixed Right and again it saved with no "save as" dialog pop-ups.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    Well, that disproves that theory.

    I assume the paths shown in the error message is correct, i.e that your files are in c:\ProgramData\ProFantasy\CC3Plus?

    Do you have any 3rd party antivirus solutions installed?

  • ScottAScottA Surveyor

    Tried Royalghost's work around. Made all the Bogie, etc buttons visible but messed up some of the regular ones! I keep backups of all the mnu files when I'm tinkering, so I just restored all the files. As a last resort, I manually added all the Bogie, etc. info into the mnu files from a CC3+ backup file I kept from 2021. So far I think everything is there and working...

  • ScottAScottA Surveyor

    Oops, looks like we cross-posted. Yes, the files are in the ProgramData directory. And yes, I do have a third-party anti-virus enabled. Maybe that was the issue? Anyway, I just rebooted, and the changes I manually made seem to have stuck. So I guess the problem is solved. Although not really, as it seems others have this same issue. My very first install of the Bogie, etc symbols when I first got CC3+ went smooth as silk, but I've had to re-install two or three times since (changes to PCs) and have had nothing but trouble and the only thing that worked for me was to copy over lines of command from old saved mnu files.

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer

    I asked about the anti-virus because some of them can be a bit eager locking the files while they scan, preventing legitimate access long enough for a program to error out, but at this time, it was more of an exploratory question rather than nailing it as a culprit. It could be the issue, but it might just as well have nothing to do with it.

    It is hard tracking down the problem, but it doesn't really seem Vintyri-related. The Menu_recovery.bat calls the standard CC3MenuConfig command, and based on the text in those error messages, it seems like a lot of errors are thrown from the "default" pass where it process the official CC3+ menu config file (Menu_recovery.bat first does a run to process the Vintyri-provided file, then finishes up by the standard PF one.)

    But if it works for you after manual editing, I guess that is at least an acceptable workaround.

  • ScottAScottA Surveyor

    Yes, my next step was going to try turning off the anti-virus and running the menu_recovery.bat again. But I knew I had the good mnu files saved, so I tried putting the lines of code in manually to see if that would solve the issue and it did, so that's what I went with.

    Things have become so complicated that it's hard to get to the bottom of errors. My last PC was crashing about every 8 days for no reason that I could discover. Even my local tech nerd had it for a couple of weeks and couldn't find the root of the problem. That's part of the reason why I invested in the new system a few weeks ago.

    Thank you for the help, Monsen. I appreciate it.

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