Wet medley and a city!

I am about to start a series new maps.They will be dedicated again to the RPG Brancalonia. The game has a series of free assets inspired to a daily medieval journal (should be free to get on drivethruRPG under the name "The daily Jinx", it is quite funny to read if you like the genre). In the first number there is an adventure called "The Phantasm of the Sea of Shadows" for which I will (slowly) create a couple of themed maps.

I was thinking about a city map (of Borgo Guiscardo) and a small battle map of the "Fang of Bitchfish". For the last, I will merge the marine dungeon by @Loopysue and the Ship Deckplans (did @Ralf put it together? Correct me if I am wrong). I think the two may work very well together! For the city, I am still not sure. I would like to try out the Darkland City style but suggestions are welcome 😊.

Below are the two suuuuuuuuper preliminary sketches:

That's just an idea for now... things may change (and my drawing skills should improve or stay hidden 😅).

LoopysueJimP[Deleted User]LillhansWyvernGlitchEdERickoLautiWazzebu


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