Festive Winter Card Challenge - Ended - Please vote for your favorite

For a small challenge in December, I challenge you to make the design for a festive winter-themed post card in CC3+.
This is just a small friendly challenge, No prizes for this one, except for the eternal glory of a shiny medal forum badge to the winner.
The idea is to design a small map that would fit a post card, so a pretty small map. It needs to be winter or seasonal holiday-themed (For example Christmas, New Years or other observable holiday).
No restrictions on art resources used, you can use imported symbols and fills, but the map itself should be made in CC3+, and no post-processing in external image editors. Obviously, even if you can import external art-resources, making a complete card in an external editor and then importing that as a single image into CC3+ isn't acceptable.
The challenge is now over, please use the poll below to vote for your favorite. All the images are on this page, just scroll down to see them. The poll will close on January 24th.
I might try a Christmas card with Aussie animals shivering in northern hemisphere winter. A beach BBQ christmas lunch in a blizzard. Mmmm And LOTS of frozen sand for Remy
Kangaroos in the Snow?
For you southerners, I do remind you that I wrote winter or holiday themed, so a typical Aussie Christmas scene is fine, it don't need to be wintery if it looks Christmassy.
The Christmas tree every adventurer would love to have :)
What a smashing card, Ricko! Wonderful :D
I'll have to think about this. Hopefully not too long.
I did a landscape for the card, having used inspiration by your beautiful night landscape map, Ricko!
@Lizzy_Maracuja how you do the smooth clouds effects on the right behind the middle and right big mountain?
The smooth clouds in the background are a free, huge texture I found online and put on a sky background sheet with high transparency. Just for a bit extra looks.
(one time I really use clouds for that. Most other maps I do tend to involve a mold texture somewhere in the background lol)
Since I almost always make a CC3 card for the forum (and my gaming group) this is perfect timing. Happy Holiday to all!
I realize it would be little more work, but some of those trees lit up in the night scene would be awesome.
That's indeed a great idea, and since there is plenty of time, I can see which ones I can use for some lights 😊
That's a really great card, @Shessar Thank you, and Happy Early Christmas back at you :D
I think it's probably the homestead of some end-of-days champion - made immortal but unable to leave until the stars are right and they must battle with some world-ending event. They probably ended up there as part of a bargain for their friends' lives. (Which is, if course, super-festive!)
This is my somewhat unexpected entry for this contest; unexpected as when it was announced I was, and indeed remain, deeply involved with the next part of my Nibirum mapping project for the Community Atlas. As explained elsewhere on the Forum though, once you start having ideas it's difficult to escape their implications...
So, here we have Merry Old Christmas Town, sort-of British-style:
I've added a higher-res version to my Gallery as well, albeit this one's not come out too badly at the usual Forum maximum size, as the style seems to cope quite well with increased anti-aliasing without becoming too large.
Just to clarify, this was prepared using ONLY CC3+; there's been no post-processing of any kind.
Feels slightly weird not to be submitting the map for the Community Atlas as well for once!
As is my habit, I sacrificed any ambition I had to make art to silliness. The only thing that is not genuine CC3+ is the treant art. I took it to PSP just to resize it and make it a *.jpg file. I may tweak it if I have time.
Fir-ghee: Voted most likely to be sent to the home of the naughtiest folk on the planet.
Fir-diva: Voted most likely to be worse than a drunk singing off key carols at all your holiday gatherings and will sneak out to go caroling if not watched.
Fir-tacious: Voted most likely to try to pass herself off as a mistletoe bush and get a kiss from everyone.
Fir-getit: Voted most likely to say "Bah! Humbug! And try to get everyone to just forget about the holidays.
Fir-vor: Voted most likely to burn a house down.
Worked on this till I can no longer tell what's going on. Anyway, Happy Holidays!
Lovely use of the tree symbols! :)
Here's mine :)
WIP thread here
Sue, that's just beautiful---awesome!
Thank you, Calibre :) It's mostly sheet effects and lighting.
It's lovely! Love the light effects and how peaceful it looks. 😀
Happy New Year everyone.
Just a reminder that this little challenge is still open until January 16th if you want to give it a go. Keep in mind this is just for fun, so don't feel intimidated by all the fantastic entries so far.
Here's mine! Let's not forget about Christmas on the other side of the hemisphere :) Here's something more summer themed for our fellow Australians!
This challenge helped me a lot in understanding custom symbol creations (the Koalas and sneaky Santa I had to crop manually from pictures found online) and how to import them as PNG's etc. Very useful!
Some details I am not happy about but I have a one-shot adventure I still want to map for this Saturday so I will just post the efforts made so far! Do not think I will come back to this but all in all I am satisfied with the results!
Happy holidays everyone :)
My Aussie theme. The War on Christmas arrives.
Here comes mine:
Thanks to everyone who participated in this little festive challenge.
I've now added a poll to the first post where you can vote for your favorite card. Please go vote everyone, also those that didn't participate.
And as usual, please don't despair even if you end up with zero votes. The number of people who votes are usually so low that all zero votes means is that none of those few people had you at the top, not that they didn't like your card too.
Looks like, so far, LoopySue and Shessar have tied.
And the time is up!
It was a close race between @Shessar and @Loopysue there in the end, but in the end Loopysue did claim victory. Congratulations.
Hope you all had fun participating. Remember, this was just a fun little challenge for the fun of it.
Thanks to everyone who participated, and hoe to see even more people participating next time.
Thank you very much to all who voted for me :D
I was kind of hoping for a draw with Shessar towards the end, but well...
That was fun. Maybe we could do it again next year if you aren't too busy?
Congratulations to all! :D
Congratulations Sue (and very nearly Shessar as well!)!
Seems highly apt, given Sue's entry was the genesis for the forthcoming Winter Village CA style for the March issue.
And well done to everyone else who entered, regardless of the voting results!