Tale of 2 Cities



  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    100 square m?

    Mine is only 35 square m, and pretty average for a two adults in the UK. Places in London and other big cities are smaller than that. I think the space that people expect to have as a home depends a lot on population density. To me, your minimum home size is like a minotaur's palace, and I guess Sanctuary is going to be full of buildings that will seem to you to be about cupboard sized :P
  • 10x10m was the size of my barn on my previous property - and just the right size for a minotaur family of 4-6. Minotaurs are really thoroughbred australian stock, and love space. my current house is small at 5x12 m. Guess it is a matter of perspective. Regardless, minotaurs need space - even their excreta is many times bigger than humans! (sorry, not sorry, Jerry). And very few dwellings would have only 2 people in it, though bear in mind that the smaller buildings would be compartmentalised - shops, workrooms, slave quarters as well as family space above shops, and even rent rooms for aliens (ie humans, Aeifa and Grim). And most public and important private buildings are much larger than 10x10 m.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    I'm quite happy in my not-quite-6-m x 6m property. Think I would feel lost in anything bigger! LOL! :)
  • GThielGThiel Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Quenten, If I have any say in the design of the city, I would really prefer the arched bridge for several reasons.

    1) I don't see a Bull in a hurry having the patience to wait for the bridge to lower so that he can go on his way!!
    2) The history of the people arriving via "gate" to Artemisia is the Babylonians in 1200 to 1000 bc, the Greeks and Trojans from 800 to 300 BC, and the Gauls (who had little affect in the history of Artemisia) in 50ish BC. Their architectural ability was limited historically to stone and wood bridges. Mechanical bridge structures didn't really catch on in our history until the late dark ages - early middle ages and those were relatively short lengths used in fortification defenses -- drawbridges over the moat.
    3) aesthetically, I think a graceful arched bridge just looks better :-)

    a square meter is equal to 10.76 square feet. I live in Grand Rapids, MI in a house of 1650 sq feet. I can not imagine the two of us and our two cats and one dog living in a 35 square m flat (376.6 sq ft -- UGH!!!)
  • Arched bridges it is. However, technology has not remained at the level of the original ancestors who first came to Artemisia - magic and time have advanced since then. Why, the Iraisians are developing flying machines (part magic, part Steampunk tech) in Stromphe - and no, Magamul doesn't have the same tech-magic ingenuity of the Iraisians, so there. :P

    And to reiterate - very few dwellings have only 2 adults in them in Khelaphet. Extended family and slave attendants is the norm, even for lower middle class.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    When it comes to space, it is interesting how much that have changed up through the years. What we consider tiny space today was luxurious in the middle ages, or even 100 years ago. I live on about 100 m2, which, when this place was new, was divided into two family apartments. Now I feel this place is hardly large enough for me and my cat, but about a 100 years ago, 2 full families shared this space.

    My main point with pointing out things like this is just to make people think though. There is nothing wrong with having big houses in your city (and those minotaurs certainly requires more space), I am more interest in people reflecting over what they do to make sure they make what they intended to make. I've seen some pretty bad examples over the years, such as a a dungeon complex with a bunch of "tiny" rooms (a bed and a desk really, think monastic cell), but where each room was 20 by 20 foot, or 400 square feet, which is small for a modern apartment, but enormous for tiny spartan quarters.
    In a city, even rich people might often be forced to settle for smaller quarters (still huge compared to working class dwellings though), simply because there isn't enough room as long as they want to live inside the walls.
  • Point taken, and I think I have got the areas right for Stromphe, a human city. However, I do see each building as having multiple apartments. I am in the process of mapping a poor quarter block of apartments for Stromphe, in as yet unmapped district square (so not for this month's contest, i am afraid)
  • And commiserations to your cat, Monsen, for having to share such damnably cramped quarters - does this rate as animal cruelty? :D
  • GThielGThiel Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    A section of Khelaphet city of the Bull's Quarter, In Quenten's map where the major road reaches the city wall. I will be mapping in detail the two named villas.

    Military structure of the Empire:

    ​An Educi is in charge of six Battle-Horn units. (162 Steers and 6 Porucik)
    A Battle-Horn is formed from ​3 Battle-Hoof units which is under direct command of a Steer Porucik (27 Steers).​
    ​The basic unit in the Magumul armies is the Battle-Hoof which is comprised of a Steer Sargeant (Warrior 5) and eight Steer Privates (Warrior 1).​
  • 8 days later
  • An update of the second of the two cities (what the dickens is going on here!)
    Can I have opinions on the 2 types of fields - which fills are preferred, and which layout. The recent one (most to the right) are strips of 5x20 m (approx 16x66 feet)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Jerry - that's a great map :)

    I might be seeing this wrong, but are those swimming pools under open roofs?

    The only thing that might be worth looking at is the cart tracks, which seem to me to be a bit wide for the carts I can see?

    Quenten - that's coming on really well now :)
  • Sue, which field arrangement, and which field fill do you prefer (or something else entirely).
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Me personally?

    From my own perspective I find the totally straight ones a bit artificial. Farming is different around the world, so perfectly straight fields might look really natural on a broad flat plain, but broad flat plains aren't that common in the UK, so I'm more comfortable with the patchwork of irregular shaped fields you get with gentle rolling hills.

    The colours of those straight ones don't seem to relate to the surrounding countryside all that well. If they are pure solid colour and not a texture, how about trying a Blend Mode on that Sheet? The fields in Sanctuary are solid colour patches on a sheet with a Blend Mode set to Colour Burn, and about 20% opacity, but with your generally paler map background one of the other settings might look nicer. Overlay, perhaps? That way you also get the benefit of any underlying texture showing through to make them look like they are part of the land.
  • I am not partial to the recent strip fields. Maybe if you did them in another fill? Those don't really blend well with what you've got going on with this map, i think.
  • I'll try them with another fill and see what you think, when i add some more buildings. Thanks for the opinion though - it helps.
  • And a minor update of Khelaphet (so Thredeov doesn't get lonely)
  • GThielGThiel Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Loopysue Don't you like the Minotaurs' "Aquarium," stocked with his pet crocodiles. Attached is a WIP of the Wall Educi's Villa.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Oh, well I couldn't see them!

    I thought they had posh swimming pools with G&T in a twee little cabinet to one side :P
  • GThielGThiel Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    They weren't in the overview, just put them into the detailed map. Was actually looking for some nice Koi to put in the pond, but found the crocs instead. :-)

    I've moved the tracks closer together. Better??
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Yes, that's better, but the crocs have all got out! :O :P
  • GThielGThiel Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    They're BACK!!!! (and hungry)
  • GThielGThiel Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    World Cup match: Crocs V Giant Koi
  • Preferably held on front lawn of White House, or better still, in the Oval office.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
    Well, its almost a goldfish bowl :)
  • Here is an update on Thredeov, the map I almost lost.
    2 things for advice:
    1: I have changed the fills and added blur to the regular strip fields (though i will add some irregularities when all put together. Which do you prefer?
    2: the second picture is of the Amphitheatre (for World Cup Hurley matches, of course). I have no idea as to how to have the tiles point in an outward direction around the whole ellipse. Any ideas?
  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    I like the new fields much better. The colors blend in with the rest of the map more and aren't as jarring.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: QuentenI have no idea as to how to have the tiles point in an outward direction around the whole ellipse. Any ideas?
    This isn't possible with a single filled entity, a fill in any given entity can only be aligned in one direction. The only way to do this is to to the roof in segments.
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