Free Assets by Sue Daniel

LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer
edited February 2023 in Resources

This thread contains the download files and folders for the smaller sets of symbols and fills I have created over time.

Each set comes in the form of a zip file. Unzip it into your CC3+ data directory (C:\ProgramData\ProFantasy\CC3Plus if you installed it to the default location).

Note that it is the content of the zip files that goes into your data folder, make sure your unzip software does not create any extra directories based on the name of the archive. If you end up with unintended subdirectories, the resources will not work properly.

If you run into problems installing any of these sets, each comment below contains a link to a dedicated More Info thread where you can ask for help if you need to.

Any specific instructions about how to access a set once you have unzipped the folder are given with each download link.

All the following asset packs can be used in maps for the Community Atlas providing you install them as directed.

hsv216JulianDracosEukalyptusNowWyvernkilma.ard.venomAleDMathieu GansFey


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer
    edited February 2023


    Tentacles is a small set of 9 dungeon-scale tentacles with built-in water splashes. They are intended for use with water features such as lakes, rivers, sewers and ponds.

    Download ZIP file   File size: 30MB

    These symbols can be accessed via the Skirmish Symbols button from DD3, Creepy Crypts, Forest Trail and Winter Trail templates, and from the Vehicles button in SS3a.  Alternatively, if you are navigating to find the catalogue file from any other template it can be found here: @ ​­Symbols\User\Sue\Tentacles.FSC

    More Info

    hsv216TheschabiEukalyptusNowWyvernRaikokilma.ard.venomcyrionMathieu GansJimPFey
  • 24 days later
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer
    edited March 2023

    Connecting Hedges (dungeon scale)

    These connecting hedge symbols were created as a fast and functional solution for making dungeon scale hedge mazes in a standard DD3 map. As with all connecting symbols you select the symbol from the catalogue and click at the end of the line you wish to draw your hedge on, then proceed to click along the line as if you are tracing it. A right click at the end of the line completes the process.

    Download ZIP file  File size: 12MB

    The catalogue contains 2 versions of the symbols. The first two are the 3 foot wide hedge and its associated round bush ends intended for use in imperial DD3 maps, and the second two are the 75cm wide metric hedge version of the same thing for metric DD3 maps. The catalogue can be accessed via the Walls button in DD3.

    Alternatively, if you are navigating to find the catalogue file from any other template it can be found here:  @Symbols\User\Sue\Dungeon\Connecting Hedges.FSC

    More Info, comments and questions

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