Free symbol pack - Tentacles

I created this pack of tentacle symbols for use in the Sewer Encounters Live Mapping session by Remy Monsen, in which he explains as part of the show how to create your own new symbols from graphics from outside the Profantasy collection and integrate them into the CC3 system.
The pack contains 9 dungeon scale symbols and can be downloaded here.
Here is an example of the tentacles used in a Winter Trail map.
Question for @Monsen regarding these free symbols (as of course I couldn't ask in the main topic for the symbols overall, because that's closed to everyone but the Forum admins). Can we use these free symbols from Sue in maps for the Community Atlas, or does the potential for non-standard installations mean that won't be possible?
Whatever the answer, Wyvern, I will add the information to the resource thread.
Thanks Sue!
The reason that Resource thread is closed is to stop it becoming unweildy to look for assets between all the comments that might otherwise appear between the different packs. When I make the next pack there will be a new comment on that closed thread where you can download the assets and a new 'more info' thread for that new pack.
These packs can be used in community atlas maps. All of the downloads presented in that thread will be set up so that they will be easy to get a hold of and install (correctly) so everyone have the same setup.
Thanks Remy!
Oooh, we are going to get more packs :)
Yes - but not on any set timetable.