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  • Community Atlas 1000th map Competition - with Prizes [August/September]

    The fifth map in my Whispering Wastes set is the weird necropolis setting of Osalin Village:

    I've added some fresh notes about it to my WIP topic, and there's a higher-res map in my Gallery for this place too. Meanwhile, the FCW and PDF notes files are here:

    MonsenMathieu GansLoopysueWeathermanSweden
  • [WIP] Community Atlas, 1,000 Maps Contest: Villages in The Whispering Wastes of Haddmark, Peredur

    Halfway point, or map five of the ten, if you prefer, is reached via Hex 1105, Osalin Village:

    One interesting aspect for me as mapper with this sub-project was how readily the places each developed their own character, partly a result of their broader map setting, partly thanks to whatever features the Shadowdark random tables had come up with. In this case, there was the chance to map an unusually extensive area of burials, an aspect which truly defines the settlement, given that the area occupied by the dead is greater than that of the living village. Everything there was placed individually, to make sure things were never too neatly-ordered, although it's perhaps best not to peer too closely at what some of the repurposed symbols involved as the grave markers actually are! What's important at this map-view is the shape, texture and the shadows (or equivalent effects - there are some "Solid 10" shapes with variant Lighted Bevels in places, for instance). While time-consuming, it was rather satisfying to see the whole area growing in a more or less organic manner.

    I'd already decided there might be hints of connections with a couple of the barrow-fields in hexes some way from the settlement on the Whispering Wastes area map, so adding a few more Solid 10 bevelled shapes for a few barrows closer-by seemed simply a natural adjunct. What was perhaps more surprising was the random tables provided by-chance an undertaker, properties hinting further at the ancientness, not to say weirdness, of the setting here, haunted warehouses and a little old temple suitable for hosting celebrations for the deceased (and anyone else at other times, of course). I've mentioned before, there are times when you start to wonder just how "random" these things really are! All I needed to add was a mill, a few contours and those barrow-shapes.

    Onward now to the second half of the ten!

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeRicko Hasche
  • Hexcrawling starter maps

    That's certainly a fresh possibility, although having tried it out recently, I think the Annual 121 B&W Fantasy set provides a broader range of mapping options, given it's a normal style, and not hex-based, so you can fit symbols to the hexes, yet still have it look more naturalistic. It's what I used for my Whispering Wastes map at least. Even so, that style would benefit from expansion with a wider range of symbol options too (then again, we always want more symbols, don't we 😉?!).

    C.C. Charron
  • Community Atlas 1000th map Competition - with Prizes [August/September]

    Map four of my ten small settlements is Toresk Village:

    I've updated my WIP topic with this map today too, and there's a higher-res version in my Gallery as well. The FCW and PDF notes follow:

    MonsenQuentenLoopysueRicko HascheMathieu GansWeathermanSweden
  • [WIP] Community Atlas, 1,000 Maps Contest: Villages in The Whispering Wastes of Haddmark, Peredur

    Place four is from Hex 805, Toresk Village:

    A somewhat more conventional, "open", layout for the next village in this group compared with last time's Ivan's Keep, if with more potentially untoward locations this time, including an overt reference to The Shimmering Cult, to add a little more linkage between features across the maps in this Haddmark mapping extravaganza. Those who read through last time's PDF notes here will have learnt the Druids from Hex 611 had a hand in creating the defences at Ivan's Keep (and may be responsible for the Goblin attacks on the place too, while The Shimmering Cult may be behind the Kobold attacks there...). Here, no similar problems, just a variety of dubious or curious goings-on. The map notes, as usual, have a little more detail.

    Even so, I wanted the layout to be a bit odd, since the random rolls in the Shadowdark tables had come up with a Chaotic nature for the settlement (for those unfamiliar, most things in this RPG can be assigned an alignment - Law, Neutral or Chaos - as a keyword for GMs to apply as they choose to provide variant atmospheres for different places). So the village began nearer the river as a planned layout, but as more people came here, it spread more haphazardly eastwards, such that the older properties are now rather run-down and ill-favoured, despite also having a neater street pattern and fancy road-end walls.

    MonsenQuentenRoyal ScribeLoopysue