
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
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  • Community Atlas 1000th map Competition - with Prizes [August/September]

    I'm ready to submit my desert village of Djayet for the competition.

    Primary Style: Desert Oasis

    Toggles: none

    The village is located in the yellow boxed area of this area map. (The area map is the Eknapata Desert, on the eastern side of the Gold Coast -- both were previously submitted in this thread.)

  • [WIP] Community Atlas 1000th Map Competition: Elkton, Alarius North Central

    I have been looking forward to seeing what you do since you first claimed Elkton.

    Also: DD4 things! Squeeee!

  • Community Atlas submissions: the Gold Coast (Doriant) and areas within it

    I am ready to submit the FCW for the Eknapata Desert for the Atlas, knowing that it won't be processed until after the contest ends (though it is a parent map for a village I am submitting to the contest).

    Here is the FCW, along with a PDF Description and a plain text file (with accents replaced with standard ASCII characters).

    MonsenLoopysueQuentenRicko Hasche
  • Are gift certificates available?

    Last year, I asked about the availability of gift certificates (my very first post, actually), and it was suggested to buy what you want to gift and then instead of registering it, forward the email with the registration code to the recipient.

    It's a good solution for those of us familiar with the site mechanics and know what we want to gift. It doesn't really work, though, if the buyer doesn't know what the recipient already has or would want to get, or if multiple people might want to gift something to the same recipient but were risking buying the same thing. (I am greedily thinking of myself as the recipient, and how people always ask me what I want...and how would I explain this process to folks who don't use ProFantasy?)

    Anyway, I wanted to revive this idea well enough before the holidays to see if ProFantasy had the ability and resources (knowing that there are many priorities competing for scant time) of creating a gift certificate option.

    Thank you!

    Ricko Hasche
  • [WIP] Atlas Contest - Vildural Village & Mines

    Having done (in varying stages of "in progress" and not all submitted yet) an elven farming village, forest village, and underwater village, as well as a desert town, what other unusual village environment could I tackle. How about...underground?

    I decided to build out my dwarven kingdom in order to find a home for a dwarven mining village. It ended up being more above-ground than below. I did it in the Mike Schley style because it's compatible with Monsen's Mines.

    The village is more fortified like a town, but I figured that was more to protect the mine, but it's still a small village.

    Villages don't usually have many specialized shops, so I didn't label any of the potential-retail buildings around the town square. There's a little bit of agriculture, and a few villagers have gardens, but most of the village's food is bought or traded with the wealth generated from the mines. Pretty much every family in the village has at least one family member who works in the mines, and anyone else who doesn't has some job that supports mine workers. The Miners' Guild is more like a union rather than a what we might think of as a guild, as it represents the workers rather than the mine's owners.

    But no blacksmith in the village. That can be found in a (well-ventilated) space within the mines.

    If we hide the "Roof" layer (that is, the top of the mountainside), we can peek into portions of the mine operations. (I still need to finish furnishing this area.) There's a temple used by the entire village, and a blacksmith. Miners can eat in the Miners' Mess Hall during the day, fed by those who work in the kitchens. There's a set of offices for the Mining Administration, where the mine's accounting and payroll are managed. One room has several locked cages to provide extra security for the mine's ore and treasury. In a pinch, it can also serve as the village jail. (One wonders if the mine administrators will come to regret putting the lockup in the treasury.) There's a washroom where miners can get cleaned up before going home, but it's mostly used by the dwarves who live underground.

    The furnaces in the blacksmith's and next-door washroom also heats water. The dwarves have created a cunning pipe system throughout this level of the mines that brings both hot and cold water to the residential suites and the kitchen.

    There are six luxury residential apartments underground. Most of the underground residents use the common washroom, but the Mine Administrator's family has their own private bathroom with bathtub.

    ShessarQuentenMapjunkieMonsenLoopysueMaidhc O CasainWyvernseycyrusAleDDak