[WIP] Wizard's Tower

I have been working on a "small" wizard's tower that uses CA186/188 Creepy Crypts as the base (to facilitate doing the below-ground portions later) with heavy use of the fills and symbols from CA149 Beaumaris Castle.
I put "small" in quotes because it was intended to be the small one, but has been the victim of scope creep. I was working on a much larger wizard's tower that was the center of a much larger fortification, but put it on pause to do this one as a proof of concept. My "small" tower ended up being 80 feet in diameter with at least six stories in the main structure and at least two more stories rising above that. (There are also plans for at least three basement levels, including the sewers.)
I wanted to do a tower where the stairs wind around the outside, like the Sage Tower from Mike Schley's Overland symbols:
Given the diameter I picked, the steps ended up going about three-quarters around. It has 146 steps. Since each step has a rise of 7.5 inches, the steps reach a height off the ground of 1,095 inches, or 91.25 feet. And as you can see, the exterior steps don't go all the way to the top of the tower.
Here is the exterior view and the grounds, which includes a house for servants and/or guests, a barn, an outhouse, an exotic garden, and a fruit orchard. The tower is on a rocky outcrop on a bluff overlooking a river.
Per the discussion in this Tree Shadows thread, I drew in tree shadows for each tree so that a battlemap could be made hiding the trees but still showing the shadows of where they are, so that players could battle beneath the canopy. Here it is with the trees hidden but their trunks and shadows still shown:
(Just noticed that the house disappeared. Must have been on the "Vegetation - Trees" layer. Fixed!
Onwards to the interior!
Statue and bench as well?
The tower is amazing 😵
Good eye! I will fix.
Thank you!