Egyptian Resources?
Hi - I'm using CA150 Egyptian template but need more symbols for furniture etc. In particular I'm looking for an Egyptian Burial barge - are there any additional resources out there (free or otherwise) for symbols etc.?
Hi - I'm using CA150 Egyptian template but need more symbols for furniture etc. In particular I'm looking for an Egyptian Burial barge - are there any additional resources out there (free or otherwise) for symbols etc.?
Not sure if there may be something like this among the free icon resources listed here, though I don't recall an actual Egyptian burial barge from them offhand (I'm not especially familiar with all these options, however).
There is though a specific top-down, ancient Egyptian barge symbol in this paid-for icon pack from Inkwell Ideas, amongst other items. You'll need to convert the PNG artwork from that to symbols you can use in CC3+, if you need the items as symbols, but that's pretty straightforward.
You can go to search for any free pic of what you want, use PS or something else to turn it into a PNG, then add it to a symbol catalogue of your own.
Right now, I'm just trying to find the right image, ideally in PNG format and ready to go.