Free Symbols & Artwork

MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 49 images Cartographer
edited September 2023 in Resources

This thread about free symbols and artwork is one of the curated threads in the Resources category. Here you can find links to various sources for free artwork. The content of this thread will grow over time as more resources are posted in the forum. This thread contains two lists. The first are resources that are properly integrated with CC3+ and use the feature of the program. The second list contain places which contains great artwork you can use in CC3+, but which haven't been prepared for use with CC3+, which mean you need to import these resources yourself.

Since the resources in the first category comes prepared for CC3+, it does mean that it is easy to share map files with others that use these resources, since they can just download and install these just like any official CC3+ add-on. For the second category, this is unlikely to be possible, unless they takes steps to do thing the exact same way as you. You'll therefore need to take a bit more care when utilizing these. The points don't just apply to sharing with others, but also when you take your own maps to a new computer.

Only this top post is curated, users can use the comments below to add links themselves, but I suggest that you do this by starting your own discussion in the Cartographic Resources category, and link to that discussion from your comment here. That way each source have it's own thread where it can be discussed. I'll add the best links to the curated content, but the comments here will be a way to discover even more resources than I showcase.

Only free resources will be allowed here, but it is OK if the same site also sells resources, as long as the free offering can stand by itself and isn't just a small free sample for advertising the paid resources.

Please keep copyrights in mind. Even though the resources here are free to download, they are usually not free to redistribute or share with others.

As time goes by, some links may get outdated as sites die and gets replaced by other sites. If you find any such links here, please use the Flag link to notify me about this but please don't use Flag to ask me to add links.

Free Addons

These are basically add-ons to CC3+, large or small. The contents of these add-ons have been prepared for use with CC3+, and may include things like symbols, fills, symbol catalogs, templates, drawing tools and more.

Free Annuals

ProFantasy maintains a set of free annual issues available for download. These are completely free for any owner of CC3+ and contains lots of new styles, with new symbols fills, templates and styles.
These are a great preview of what the annuals are all about, and is a great resource on its own even if you don't intend to purchase the annuals.

You can download the free sampler. Note that even if it is called a sampler, the issues included are complete issues, they are just selected issues from the complete set.

Free Monthly Content

ProFantasy releases regular free content updates for CC3+, such as extra symbols to make the existing styles even better.
You can grab these by signing in to your registration page and go to the Downloads tab. From here click the download link next to the Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus entry in the list and grab the CC3+ Monthly Content download.

Free Artwork by Sue Daniel

Free symbols and other artwork produced by ProFantasy's own artist, Sue Daniel.

These assets are ready to use with CC3+, and comes with proper symbol catalogs and catalog button integration.

More information and downloads.

Vintyri Cartographic Collection

This is a huge collection of City-level symbols and resources. This collection integrates with City Designer 3, but can also be used without that product.

Check out the forum post for more information.

Download the collection, and make sure to visit the FAQ page if you have any issues, it explains all common issues.

The Vintyri Project does not monitor these forums. If you need official support you can email them at (please read the FAQ first), but you are of course welcome to post in these forums for support from other community members


This huge collection adds hundreds of new symbols. Most of these are floor-plan level symbols for fantasy maps, but it also contains symbols for other genres, as well as symbols for other types of maps.
Artwork by Dundjinni forum Users. CC3+ conversion by Vintyri Project.

Check out the forum post for more information.

Download the collection, and make sure to visit the FAQ page if you have any issues, it explains all common issues.

The Vintyri Project does not monitor these forums. If you need official support you can email them at (please read the FAQ first), but you are of course welcome to post in these forums for support from other community members

Dundjinni Archives

This is another huge collection of symbols in various flavors which expands the original CSUAC collection. Overland, fantasy floorplan and Modern/Sci-fi floorplan symbols are available.
Artwork by Dundjinni forum Users. CC3+ conversion by Vintyri Project.

Check out the forum post for more information.

Download the collection, and make sure to visit the FAQ page if you have any issues, it explains all common issues.

The Vintyri Project does not monitor these forums. If you need official support you can email them at (please read the FAQ first), but you are of course welcome to post in these forums for support from other community members

Bogie's Mapping Objects

This collection adds a huge number of floorplan level symbols in a consistent style from a single artist.
Artwork by Bogie. CC3+ conversion by Vintyri Project.

Check out the forum post for more information.

Download the collection, and make sure to visit the FAQ page if you have any issues, it explains all common issues.

The Vintyri Project does not monitor these forums. If you need official support you can email them at (please read the FAQ first), but you are of course welcome to post in these forums for support from other community members

Hârn Style for CC3+

This add-on by Roy Denton gives you the tools to make maps in the style of the Hârn maps from Columbia Games.

Check out the forum post for more information and download links.

Free Artwork

This list tries to collect some of the good sources for free artwork that can be used as symbols or fills within CC3+. Keep in mind that the artwork found here won't be prepared for use in CC3+, so you will need to import it yourself.
Of course, there are thousands of sites on the net where you can download free artwork, and I don't plan on listing them all here. The criteria for getting on this list is generally that the site offers artwork that is interesting for general CC3+ use, containing textures suitable for terrain/walls/floors, and images appropriate for mapping symbols. Collection size is a factor, and so is site reputation. But I am not trying to make an exhaustive list, just a small set of good resources.
Please post any additional resources you may have in the comments below. Even if they don't make my curated list here, they will still be able to find for users browsing this thread.
For the list below, the link on the element title (if any) leads to the forum post introducing/discussing this resource, while the link in parenthesis is the direct link to the site in question.

LoopysueTheschabiShessarWyvernRaiko[Deleted User]Loreleiquirky_cartographerJimPNureafand 4 others.
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