Community Atlas - Berenur - Temple of Aeniar
Started working on a new map for the Atlas. Decided to do the Temple of Aeniar region of Berenur. I figure this will lead to other maps as my vision has a town around the temple and the temple is located on an island in the Aeniar Lake, so far I have the basic layout set and I've completed most of the island which I'm posting here while I work on the rest of the map. Still a work in progress but comments and suggestions are welcome. Larger image in gallery.
the ruin houses is from where jeff?
SS6 ISO Cities. You may have to manually load them as Ralf forgot to add them to the menu bar.
i will look into it.
was missing a lot no ruins at all on new isometric 6
The paths seem a little indistinct currently, and at this scale, it may be worth considering adding a maximum high-tide line (assuming the blue coastal outline currently is the mean high-tide one). That line also seems a little jarringly strong and solid just now, compared to how all the other contouring is displayed.
What were all the ruined properties? Should they maybe have overgrown gardens or fields nearby too?
I left the roads indistinct to show little use, I have increased the road visibility on the lower part of the island and slightly on the upper part of the island. Don't know if the lake is large enough for tides but I added the water line to represent wave action on the beach. Removed the coastline as that was my next edit anyway as I really did not like it either.
Ruins added an old garden and additional bushed/weeds around the properties. Why are they abandoned? That is a mystery for some adventures to discover.
I'll post updated image when I have more of the map completed.
Well with the exception of some possible adjustments the Green city of Aeniar is completed. Comments and suggestions welcome. Larger image in gallery.
I thought the map was just the island.
You fooled me like a child :D
Great map @Jeff B
@Ricko Hasche - Thank You for the suggestion I changed the water contours like you suggested and increased the edge fade.
@DaltonSpence - The Island is on a lake so minimal tides if any. The tree line just represents where the trees start to grow beyond the shore line. But thanks for the suggestions. As far as the cave idea goes I'm sure that what ever adventures visit the island they may find a cave if the venture into the shoreline area and if not maybe they will find the secrets of the Temple or the haunted forest.
Updated map posted in gallery.
@Monsen - Remy I think I'm done with the map. I remembered to move the text into the map this time as it was on an external file for easy editing. .FCW file attached. Please let me know if I need to fix anything I messed up.
@Monsen - I just re-uploaded the map file as I forgot to add my signature/mark/trademark what ever you want to call the icon I added to the map. Decided I was going to start placing it in all my finished maps from now on.
I am going to wait a bit with this one before I clear it. SS6 is still just in beta/pre-release, so I want to make sure it is 100% compatible with the final version when that is released in case any bugs are found that changes things.
Sounds Good. Just let me know if I need to change stuff or fix my mistakes.
I just made a change to the finished map. Added my signature icon to the map. New map posted in gallery. Here is now the finished map.
That is an awesome map. Especially like the water effects.
And the bird, of course. :)
Thank you
Is this going to be submitted to the Atlas. I hope so. It is terrific, and i love the puffin.
Yes this was designed to go into the atlas. Later I will do a more detailed map of the island and the dungeon located on the island. Remy is waiting until the SS6 goes Gold before adding it to the atlas just in case somethings change between the current beta version and the release version. I will never catch you Wyren or Jim in atlas submissions but I do want a couple more atlas badges.
Where did you get the bird from?
@Quenten It's the one I made using @EukalyptusNow tutorial. I just resized it from the one I posted in that thread.
@Monsen Remy I found an issue with the text so I fixed it and here is the new .FCW file. Also added a glow to the puffin.
After seeing map in Blog found another text error missing stables - corrected and re-uploaded.
With SS6 released, I have now added this to the atlas. Thanks Jeff.
Jeff, very good map and I like the idea of marking the inns, taverns and other buildings with a single number.
Looking over the map, I found a building marked "15", but the number key only goes to "14".
Having made map many maps myself, only to find interesting details I did not intend only after I thought I was done, I thought you might want to know about this interesting detail.
That has been corrected in gallery version. 15 are stables.