1) entrance 2) guard room and a last ditch defence 3) guard room, nothing but wood debris.
4, 5, 6, and 7) barracks and storage areas.
Some broken, but unopened small boxes.
8) Rememberance Hall. Old paintings and tapestries of past glory. Some might be worth a small amount, a few gold.
And the top of the Giants' foot bath. A large flat rock covers the opening. Small bushes grow on it in dirt placed there by the giants, so it doesn't look like it is movable.
Sub-level 2
1) entrance to the level 2) barracks. All looks neat and correct, covered with dust. 3) kitchen some debris, but not much destroyed
4) dining room, rotted food on the tables 5) barracks 6) armor and weapon storage... too far from the barracks.
7, 8, 9, and 10) kitchen storage
Sub-level 3
1) entrance area, a battle took place here. 2) empty room behind secret doors. 3) water storage and water feed. Why does the water taste funny ?
4, 5, and 6) store rooms. Mostly debris, but a few barrels left unopened.
7) empty room 8) store room used for defense 9) 3 open chests.
Rememberance - Remembrance, but because this is a proper name, the mis-spelling could stand as correct, of course.
The Manse map:
I'd suggest adding a border around the Second Floor to separate it from the rest of the map, making clearer which parts are on the surface nearby to the First Floor, and which aren't.
If the alcove on the First Floor north wall is a chimney, the external flue/chimney "bulge" should continue up to the Second Floor as well (not necessarily with the internal fireplace alcove too, however).
The Second Floor seems to have a number of external and thin internal walls which have no means of support from the First Floor. Some of these would almost certainly have collapsed with the building in this state. Indeed, it currently looks more as if the Second Floor should be the First, because it's more intact.
For the Daefadel Fort maps, with a numerical key, are all the typed labels on the maps really necessary?
Just what occurred to me while viewing these today
Here are the texts, hopefully with all typos fixed.
As for wont, either wont or won't is correct.
Area map.
Ancient burials on the northern hills. The now abandoned, but being worked on, village was attacked multiple times. The villagers blame their loses on having round towers. They had no connecting walls. In the past square towers were good for them, so they brought those back, not realizing such technology had been passed by.
The battle ground in front of Daefadel Fort was over treasure believed to be inside. The real treasure was in the two mines on either side of the fort.
Some nights there is no one on watch. Sad.
The abandoned village is next.
1) worker's homes, more like dorms. Crowded. Makes you wonder who attacked whom ? 2) bread ovens and break maker 3) Inn
4) A small grove of apple trees, not good to eat any more. 5) broken, and partially burned, barracks for the nearby tower. 6) broken tower
7) broken tower 8) associated barracks 9) an unknown statute head, the villagers don't remember it from before
10) a few berry bushes. 11) Manse, the town owner 12) the well once had nice cool water, no one drinks from it anymore.
The villagers didn't cut down the other trees.
Third map is the Inn ruins.
Recently diseased shrubbery on the left. Broken furniture with bones and other debris inside. The pond used to be a gathering place, now overgrown and fetid.
The Manse ruins. I'm going to change up some of the text.
A: some rotted wood bits hanging over the first floor unsupported.
B: wood pile, with rats and termites.
C: could be a root cellar, but why in the house ?
evil worship area, fire ring and idol. Orange bushes and trees leading into the house from the cemetery.
The orange bushes lead into the ruins, from the cemetary.
Pumpkin patch near the 'e' in Manse.
Next is Worker Dorm 1 ruins
An ogre or gnoll seems to have taken up residence in one of them. Bird guano on the broken roof. The pit out front has a victim and is new. The humanoid has a cook pit upper right of these ruins. Debris and villager remains.
Since I want to place the Fort in one post and the new keep in one post, separate on this thread, this is it for these maps. Sigh. Tired, anyway, only two in this post.
The new square keep, 3 levels.
ground level in this keep, other keeps can vary, are for new villagers to register for work. No work, no food nor shelter.
Barrels and crates are for storage. The three clerks/scribes who work here wont answer much in the way of questions.
Second level.
Guards sleep here.
Food and other storage like arrows. The wood wall section is a bad idea and doesn't give protection to fighters, etc, on this level during an attack. Flying creatures can go right in.
Third level, nothing on the roof to protect from sky attacks.
The large opening was for a ballista that never arrived. A few days walk away adventurers might might the burnt remains of it and the people who were bringing it here. Something, or someone, is making certain they don't have too much protection.
The arrow slots are just square cut holes. No protection from arrows being fired at the inhabitants.
Here is the new Inn. Only one floor. Guests sleep in unguarded tents nearby.
Two newly dug wells, a dining room and parlour for those who don't want to eat in the dining room.
Veranda currently has no seating, that's 'not ready yet' as the Inn folks tell travelers.
No charge currently for the food, but there are those who keep track of the gluttons, who will pay dearly later on.
And now for Daefadel Fort.
Ground level first.
1) entrance 2) guard room and a last ditch defence 3) guard room, nothing but wood debris.
4, 5, 6, and 7) barracks and storage areas.
Some broken, but unopened small boxes.
8) Remembrance Hall. Old paintings and tapestries of past glory. Some might be worth a small amount, a few gold.
And the top of the Giants' foot bath. A large flat rock covers the opening. Small bushes grow on it in dirt placed there by the giants, so it doesn't look like it is movable.
Sub-level 2
1) entrance to the level 2) barracks. All looks neat and correct, covered with dust. 3) kitchen some debris, but not much destroyed
4) dining room, rotted food on the tables 5) barracks 6) armor and weapon storage... too far from the barracks.
7, 8, 9, and 10) kitchen storage
Sub-level 3
1) entrance area, a battle took place here. 2) empty room behind secret doors. 3) water storage and water feed. Why does the water taste funny ?
4, 5, and 6) store rooms. Mostly debris, but a few barrels left unopened.
7) empty room 8) store room used for defense 9) 3 open chests.
For typo checking, I usually set up the text using a word-processor (like MS Word) to highlight possible errors (and add new invented names to the dictionary, in case I mis-spell those...), then copy into Notepad for sending on as a text file. Word also has things like a thesaurus and word lookup facility for when I forget or get muddled
Wont/won't are both correct spellings, but mean different things. Wont refers to someone's customary behaviour, or their habit of doing something, whereas won't is a weird sort-of contraction of "will not".
Typos spotted today:
Area map:
"blame their loses" - losses
Abandoned village:
"unknown statute head" - statue
Manse ruins:
"orange bushes lead into the ruins, from the cemetary." - cemetery
New square keep, ground level:
"clerks/scribes who work here wont answer" - won't
Third level:
"adventurers might might the burnt remains" - ...might find the...
Like the new improved upper Manse level; maybe worth adding some scraps of wood texture to it at point "A" though?
The roof and the partially visible floor haven't been done. I did the machiolations and crenelations by hand with the poly tool. So there are no cracks in the stone yet.
CA138 Tower ruined 1 is what I'm using as a guide.
You can get a better feeling for the crenelations if you put the sections on individual sheets and set up shadows with different lengths. That way, the shadows do the explanation for you.
Looking good. Make sure to apply the same black glow to them too though, right now, the black glow gets interupted all the time, which looks weird. But the shadows really helps to show off the crenelations.
You are not using the same shadow opacity on all the sheets. 2 are 20, one is 50. Also, several of your glows for those sheets have been set to inside instead of outside.
Also, the effect order was not the same on all sheets, this is also important because of the way CC3+ calculates the effects. Ig glo appear before shadow, then the glow will actually also cast shadow.
It looks quite a lot better, Jim, but I think at least one of those glows is still set to the "Inside" option, instead of the "Outside" one at the top of the editing dialog.
Jim, I think the dark bits should be for the lower part of the crenellation, and the lighter bit for the part casting the shadow, This can easily be fixed by reversing the effects of the dark bits with the light bits.
Posted By: QuentenJim, I think the dark bits should be for the lower part of the crenellation, and the lighter bit for the part casting the shadow, This can easily be fixed by reversing the effects of the dark bits with the light bits.
Ground level first.
1) entrance
2) guard room and a last ditch defence
3) guard room, nothing but wood debris.
4, 5, 6, and 7) barracks and storage areas.
Some broken, but unopened small boxes.
8) Rememberance Hall. Old paintings and tapestries of past glory. Some might be worth a small amount, a few gold.
And the top of the Giants' foot bath. A large flat rock covers the opening. Small bushes grow on it in dirt placed there by the giants, so it doesn't look like it is movable.
Sub-level 2
1) entrance to the level
2) barracks. All looks neat and correct, covered with dust.
3) kitchen some debris, but not much destroyed
4) dining room, rotted food on the tables
5) barracks
6) armor and weapon storage... too far from the barracks.
7, 8, 9, and 10) kitchen storage
Sub-level 3
1) entrance area, a battle took place here.
2) empty room behind secret doors.
3) water storage and water feed. Why does the water taste funny ?
4, 5, and 6) store rooms. Mostly debris, but a few barrels left unopened.
7) empty room
8) store room used for defense
9) 3 open chests.
10) baskets didn't last long as defensive works.
That is all of the maps I have completed. I'll check back later using my cell phone for more feedback.
I know cemetary is misspelled, my browser wont show me the correct spelling. I'll look it up.
What other words did you see misspelled ?
Typos I spotted:
"unknown stature head" - should be statue
cemetary - cemetery
Rememberance - Remembrance, but because this is a proper name, the mis-spelling could stand as correct, of course.
The Manse map:
I'd suggest adding a border around the Second Floor to separate it from the rest of the map, making clearer which parts are on the surface nearby to the First Floor, and which aren't.
If the alcove on the First Floor north wall is a chimney, the external flue/chimney "bulge" should continue up to the Second Floor as well (not necessarily with the internal fireplace alcove too, however).
The Second Floor seems to have a number of external and thin internal walls which have no means of support from the First Floor. Some of these would almost certainly have collapsed with the building in this state. Indeed, it currently looks more as if the Second Floor should be the First, because it's more intact.
For the Daefadel Fort maps, with a numerical key, are all the typed labels on the maps really necessary?
Just what occurred to me while viewing these today
Fine collection of maps regardless!
I prefer to not use just room numbers and letters.
edit: I don't have text files, I just typed the descriptions into these posts.
I'll copy them into a text file for use with the fcw files.
I have two more maps to make, worker dorm ruins 2, and round keep ruins.
And go over the maps done and double check them.
Maybe done by this weekend.
As for wont, either wont or won't is correct.
Area map.
Ancient burials on the northern hills. The now abandoned, but being worked on, village was attacked multiple times. The villagers blame their loses on having round towers. They had no connecting walls. In the past square towers were good for them, so they brought those back, not realizing such technology had been passed by.
The battle ground in front of Daefadel Fort was over treasure believed to be inside. The real treasure was in the two mines on either side of the fort.
Some nights there is no one on watch. Sad.
The abandoned village is next.
1) worker's homes, more like dorms. Crowded. Makes you wonder who attacked whom ?
2) bread ovens and break maker
3) Inn
4) A small grove of apple trees, not good to eat any more.
5) broken, and partially burned, barracks for the nearby tower.
6) broken tower
7) broken tower
8) associated barracks
9) an unknown statute head, the villagers don't remember it from before
10) a few berry bushes.
11) Manse, the town owner
12) the well once had nice cool water, no one drinks from it anymore.
The villagers didn't cut down the other trees.
Third map is the Inn ruins.
Recently diseased shrubbery on the left. Broken furniture with bones and other debris inside. The pond used to be a gathering place, now overgrown and fetid.
The Manse ruins. I'm going to change up some of the text.
A: some rotted wood bits hanging over the first floor unsupported.
B: wood pile, with rats and termites.
C: could be a root cellar, but why in the house ?
The orange bushes lead into the ruins, from the cemetary.
Pumpkin patch near the 'e' in Manse.
Next is Worker Dorm 1 ruins
An ogre or gnoll seems to have taken up residence in one of them. Bird guano on the broken roof. The pit out front has a victim and is new. The humanoid has a cook pit upper right of these ruins. Debris and villager remains.
Since I want to place the Fort in one post and the new keep in one post, separate on this thread, this is it for these maps. Sigh. Tired, anyway, only two in this post.
The new square keep, 3 levels.
ground level in this keep, other keeps can vary, are for new villagers to register for work. No work, no food nor shelter.
Barrels and crates are for storage. The three clerks/scribes who work here wont answer much in the way of questions.
Second level.
Guards sleep here.
Food and other storage like arrows. The wood wall section is a bad idea and doesn't give protection to fighters, etc, on this level during an attack. Flying creatures can go right in.
Third level, nothing on the roof to protect from sky attacks.
The large opening was for a ballista that never arrived. A few days walk away adventurers might might the burnt remains of it and the people who were bringing it here. Something, or someone, is making certain they don't have too much protection.
The arrow slots are just square cut holes. No protection from arrows being fired at the inhabitants.
Here is the new Inn. Only one floor. Guests sleep in unguarded tents nearby.
Two newly dug wells, a dining room and parlour for those who don't want to eat in the dining room.
Veranda currently has no seating, that's 'not ready yet' as the Inn folks tell travelers.
No charge currently for the food, but there are those who keep track of the gluttons, who will pay dearly later on.
And now for Daefadel Fort.
Ground level first.
1) entrance
2) guard room and a last ditch defence
3) guard room, nothing but wood debris.
4, 5, 6, and 7) barracks and storage areas.
Some broken, but unopened small boxes.
8) Remembrance Hall. Old paintings and tapestries of past glory. Some might be worth a small amount, a few gold.
And the top of the Giants' foot bath. A large flat rock covers the opening. Small bushes grow on it in dirt placed there by the giants, so it doesn't look like it is movable.
Sub-level 2
1) entrance to the level
2) barracks. All looks neat and correct, covered with dust.
3) kitchen some debris, but not much destroyed
4) dining room, rotted food on the tables
5) barracks
6) armor and weapon storage... too far from the barracks.
7, 8, 9, and 10) kitchen storage
Sub-level 3
1) entrance area, a battle took place here.
2) empty room behind secret doors.
3) water storage and water feed. Why does the water taste funny ?
4, 5, and 6) store rooms. Mostly debris, but a few barrels left unopened.
7) empty room
8) store room used for defense
9) 3 open chests.
10) baskets didn't last long as defensive works.
Rotated, moved some things, deleted some things, added some things. Might add some wild animals, like a chicken.
I was thinking about redoing the round keep ruin I did a year or so ago, or maybe doing it from scratch.
edit: Oops, moved the scale bar to text sheet so it doesn't have a shadow.
All looking really great, Jim :)
Wont/won't are both correct spellings, but mean different things. Wont refers to someone's customary behaviour, or their habit of doing something, whereas won't is a weird sort-of contraction of "will not".
Typos spotted today:
Area map:
"blame their loses" - losses
Abandoned village:
"unknown statute head" - statue
Manse ruins:
"orange bushes lead into the ruins, from the cemetary." - cemetery
New square keep, ground level:
"clerks/scribes who work here wont answer" - won't
Third level:
"adventurers might might the burnt remains" - ...might find the...
Like the new improved upper Manse level; maybe worth adding some scraps of wood texture to it at point "A" though?
Good luck with the wild chicken hunt!
There are some chickens and cows in one of the skirmish symbol sets.
The roof and the partially visible floor haven't been done. I did the machiolations and crenelations by hand with the poly tool. So there are no cracks in the stone yet.
CA138 Tower ruined 1 is what I'm using as a guide.
Here is the square keep ground floor with a bit of stagnant water added.
I've added the fcw file in case someone wants to look at it and tell me what my mistakes are.
Also, several of your glows for those sheets have been set to inside instead of outside.
Also, the effect order was not the same on all sheets, this is also important because of the way CC3+ calculates the effects. Ig glo appear before shadow, then the glow will actually also cast shadow.