New Features in CC3. What would you like to see?

Simon RogersSimon Rogers Administrator, ProFantasy Traveler
No new operating systems, no docking toolbars, no changes to the way commands work. Not bug fixes or tweaks, but whole new features. What would you like to see?


  • edited April 2009
    As I was laying down mountain ranges last night, I was thinking it would be great to have something like the forest symbol, where you can draw a shape and a nice looking mountain range appears inside it.
  • Re-Project Command: draw a square, then move a corner and each point within it moves proportionally. Useful to change from one map projection to another.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    A quick way to do things other than circles and boxes. Things like a 4-pointed diamond shape, lozenge shape, parallelogram, etc.

    A method that doesn't require lots of construction lines. Like the quick hexagons I can place in Comsmo overland maps.

    Maybe even have terrain features in them as well, like the Cosmo overland maps.
  • I don't know if there is a search and replace feature for symbols yet, but that would come in handy if people wanted to change a map's style.
  • I would love to see that Jungle drawing tool finaly done. I would also like to see an easier way to add your own toolbar buttons without having to open and modify txt files. I would also like to see a standard cliff drawing tool or tools.
  • Simon RogersSimon Rogers Administrator, ProFantasy Traveler
  • edited April 2009
    a seme' command where it would scatter random trees (or whatever symbol) over a selected area so that it is an open look rather than the present very packed fill.
    Easy railroad tracks.
    A much larger collection of heraldic symbols
    more primitive structure symbols: log cabins, wood forts, barns, & the like.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: Svena seme' command where it would scatter random trees (or whatever symbol) over a selected area so that it is an open look rather than the present very packed fill.
    Agreed. I envision a simpler "fill with symbols" command, which lets you draw a polygon and have it automatically filled with a single selected symbol at random spots within the polygon (As opposed to the symbol fill type which places them in even rows/columns, and the forest fill tool, which is great for nice drawing tools, but a bit to cumbersome when you only want to quickly fill an area, and still does not do random scattering)
  • Mogul76Mogul76 Traveler
    1. Transparent colour in the colour palette

    2. Export map as a GIMP and/or Photoshop file (the elements in CC sheets are exported to GIMP / Photoshop layers)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Yeah, light woods, along with medium woods, dense forest, jungle, etc.
  • BidmaronBidmaron Traveler
    The ability to change projections like in FT Pro (e.g. change a map from a mercator to a gnomic projection). To do this would require the ability to enter latitude and longitude.
  • BidmaronBidmaron Traveler
    Remove the limitation on the number of data points in a shape or at least make it several orders of magnitude higher.
  • BidmaronBidmaron Traveler
    Update Perspectives.
  • BidmaronBidmaron Traveler
    Automate the process whereby you can take a small scale (e.g. world) map and 'blow it up' into large scale (e.g. continent) with controllable parameters to re-randomize the blown-up features (remove the resulting straight lines).
  • I sure would love to see a handle system a la Illustrator. But i've been asking this for years and have been told it's not :)
  • I'd like to see more dungeon symbols like traps, top down monsters and adventures

    Easy rail road and mining cart tracks

    Updated Character Artist to produce some great portraits and standees

    Updated Dioramas to produce some wonderful 3D models

    Export map as a GIMP and/or Photoshop file (the elements in CC sheets are exported to GIMP / Photoshop layers)

    a seme' command where it would scatter random trees (or whatever symbol) over a selected area so that it is an open look rather than the present very packed fill. Also for hills and mountains

    More John Speed style buildings like cathedrals, castles, manors etc.

    Ability to change default settings for individual maps, like wall and floor style. If there already is a way please let me know, I'm tired of scrolling through the list every time I select floor and wall as the floor default to wooden plank.
  • edited April 2009
    When I am inserting an image into a map and scaling and moving it, I'd like it to be drawn in the current sheet order, as it is almost impossible to scale and line things up with other elements in the map, when all you can see is the image of the map you are inserting.
  • edited April 2009
    A label system for symbols, so I can search by tags, for 'town black and white' or 'city colour'.

    EDIT: A jpeg-to-poly (or jpeg-to-path) feature, for speeding up tracing maps. Even a best-guess would speed things up for me pretty often. If you could outline a colour on a JPEG, or highlight black on a white background, it would be very cool. I appreciate that this might be possible only in cloud cuckoo land, but it makes me happy just to think about it.
  • edited April 2009
    Posted By: Svena seme' command where it would scatter random trees (or whatever symbol) over a selected area so that it is an open look rather than the present very packed fill.
    You might be interested by

    seme macro

  • I want to be able to do this:

    Save As > Save As Type > Rectangular section FCW Drawing
  • An editable LIST.
    Changing entities parameters on the LIST text...
  • DargurdDargurd Traveler
    Posted By: Svena seme' command where it would scatter random trees (or whatever symbol) over a selected area so that it is an open look rather than the present very packed fill.
    Easy railroad tracks.
    A much larger collection of heraldic symbols
    more primitive structure symbols: log cabins, wood forts, barns, & the like.
    I second all of the above !
  • bearclawbearclaw Traveler
    World/Regional Map tool. Some of the aspects I'm thinking of were mentioned individually above. What I'm thinking of is a tool that allows you to set some details about your world/region and allows for closer detailed sections that can be further refined all based on the 'main' world map features.

    An example would be that I create a world map and define the number of sections or regions (sub maps). The tool would automatically create sub-maps of each region from the details placed on the main world map. Any changes to the main map would be reflected on the sub-maps. Or at the least have the option to be be reflected on the sub maps. or even vice versa too? There could be items from the sub map you might want reflected on the main map? Not that I can think of any off the top of my head.
  • 16 days later
  • Multiple trim to entity

    Select entity to trim to
    Select several entities to be trimmed.
  • Two things come to mind at the moment.
    1) A system where I can give a command and save, either in a save file or with the same name as a save file, a file that stores all of the graphics that was used in a map. I.e. so that you would only need to give one or two files to a person and all of the pngs in the symbols and bmps referenced are stored. Now when the map is loaded it will look for this graphics archive file and load from there.

    2) An ability to fill with symbol where I can piont it to a random symbol (a symbol that has several versons) and tell it a rotaion inciment (i.e. 90 degrees for square symbols) and it will fill the entity with the symbols randomly and with random rotation.

  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    The option to save layers as visible/hidden/frozen, and sheets as visible or hidden, and sheet effects on or off, with view sets. This came up on this thread at the Cartographers Guild:
  • 8 days later
  • An easy way to add mountains/forests etc.

    For example automatically fill an area you draw with the desired mountain/vegetation/hills etc etc
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    A Copy to Clipboard option (or default) that preserves Sheet information and automatically places it on the sheet it came from as opposed to the currently active sheet. As of now, only Layer info is transferred between maps without having to be on the same layer.
  • A fast and easy way to turn imperial templates and wizards into metric ones.
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    Anti-aliasing, especially for text.
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