Feedback request! (UPDATE 6) Waterfalls and Statues!!

I am working on a large map and got an area put together now the lower areas and the areas to the right are not complete. I am been playing with shadowing and adding some of my own home PNG files. Give me some feedback please!!




  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    I'm not sure I can see your png files, as this all looks very Herwin Wielink to me. But maybe I've only had 2 hours sleep last night, and can't see what I'm looking at ;)

    I really like the way you've done the crevasses. That looks really good.

    The problem I have is that the ice, sea and ocean textures are all quite heavily pixelated, which means you have the scale too large.

    The ice isn't too bad - just on the borderline of being almost acceptable, but the snow and the ocean aren't very pretty at all. See how blurry they look against the sharpness of the land?

    Try scaling them down in small steps until they don't look all blocky and pixelated like that, and it will look perfect :)
  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    Love the use of the crevasses. It took me a moment to realize what you did there. Very clever and it looks great. As Sue says, some of the fills need to be adjusted, but great start.
  • OK then a quick question how do I adjust the scale on the ice and water after I have laid it down?

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Fill scaling is controlled through the fill dialog. Click the fill style indicator in the status bar, go to the bitmap files tab, find the relevant fill in the dropdown, and change the values for scale.
  • That will scale what has already been laid down?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Yes. Fill scale is a map setting (per fill), not an entity property.
  • Yes it does! Thank you very much!
  • I will add the transitions on your lake in the upper right. The transition into the river is abrupt. The lake also seems more similar in color and style to the snow that it does the river/water. Also the transition between lake and land is very different that the style of transition between ocean and land, and that nudges at me a little bit.

    I will say when I look at the overall map (zooming out some) that it's a very catching image, nicely done.
  • Here is an update! I don't have the forests in yet but this is about 1/4 of the map. The world is supposed to be cold and dark. So I have been placing the foundation and want some feedback! I made some changes to the rivers and lakes. there are also saltwater inland seas which you can see are connected by channel to the oceans.



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  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    I wrote an enormously long response to this update, only to be thrown off by the server as I pressed Add Your Comment!

    Not happy!

    Shorter version (in case it happens all over again)

    Love the map - very pretty. Your water falls are very good - better than mine by far.

    Don't like the dividing water channels and multiple outflows from single lakes. That wouldn't happen unless the issue was forced by man. Hope you are going to make them canals and not just leave them as 'natural channels'.

    Fills look a lot better :)
  • GatharGathar Traveler

    I really like the way you used the crevasses, but at the same time, I'm a little bit unsettled by them: They build up a ladder with lots of huge steps, but at the same time, it looks like the step at the top left is at the same height as the step at the bottom left, since both touch the same sea. I'm not sure how this could be improved... But right now it looks a little bit like some M.C. Escher drawing to me... But it's still pretty cool :)
  • As someone who has great difficulty with waterfalls,I love those you have done. Any chance of sharing what you did? And I like the map greatly, but will definitely not migrate there - too warm for me. ;)
  • Sure if you want the waterfalls I will share them with you. They are actually PNG's I added to the map just as inserted files on their own sheet. Yes the rivers flowing from 1 lake to the other are man made from a long lost civilization. My biggest question is whether I should get rid of the natural channels and make them lakes and rivers. I like the ideal of salt water inland seas and large fresh water lakes but wonder if it looks right as a whole.

    what are your thoughts?
  • Waterfalls!

    What I did was took the river to the edge of the cliff. Placed the waterfall below and then wrapped a lake around it. Here are the ones I liked the best.


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  • So what do you think get ride of the salt waters inland seas and replace them with lakes?
  • Would love the symbols - can you email them to me at, or else put them on this forum?
  • I emailed them to you Q!
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    Generally speaking inland salt seas/lakes are those with no other outlet for the water than evaporation. That is why the water is salty - because its not being flushed out by fresh water leaving it all the time. They tend to occur in arid areas. The Caspian Sea is the best known of them all, even though there are many more of them. They can be at any altitude - even hundreds of feet below sea level. In fact they are more likely not to be at sea level.

    This article might help:
  • You are right I got rid of them and replaced them with fresh water!

  • Now transitioning from snow! What would you suggest this has got me stumped. I am thinking forest is the easiest transition.



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  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 41 images Cartographer
    How about transitioning through tundra to grassland then forest?
  • Here is an overview of the flow of the land. Most of the snow is now down and the cliffs with waterfalls. The continent is basically a series of plateaus and cliffs with water running down hill. Very different I thought. I got all the waterfalls down and want your feedback as to what you think so far!!


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  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    I really like it. The terracing with the cliffs is really good and it all fits and works well together. Maybe add some contouring to the sea for darker/deep areas? And maybe some ice floe as its an icy environment.
  • Sue's suggestion of using tundra to transition away from the ice is probably best, assuming Earthly norms, as forests tend to be a little further away (though this can be dependent on other factors - sheltering terrain or subterranean heat sources, for example).

    You might need to invoke a similar heat mechanic to keep the rivers flowing and stop the lakes and waterfalls from freezing, and possibly also the seawater in the fjords and other coastal narrows especially, unless you're using some magical option with the water in places.

    I noticed you've used both the ice and snow terrain fills. That suggests one is meant as ice-cap/glaciers, the other as possibly only seasonal snow cover (unless you were just aiming for variety across the ice-cap area more generally - I've done this, certainly). That might suggest there could be some sea-ice and/or glaciers/pack ice extending out over the seas as well. At present, it looks as if all the snowy/icy coasts are snow/ice free, which isn't really what happens on Earth - some may be, but not usually all. That can be seasonal, however.
  • I added some statue landmarks I made. I don't know if they look right! Can you guys give me some feedback?


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  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    Are they supposed to be carved out of the tops of the mountains or behind them? It doesn't look right, the bases just plopped down on top of a mountain. If they are supposed to have been carved from the mountains can you edit the symbols and add some fade or transparency to the bases so that they look more like they're come up out of it instead of just sitting on top? Also, if they're carved from the mountains the size looks way too big compared to the mountains they are on. If you are good with a program like Gimp or Photoshop you might also want to add some snow to them as the mountains and everything around them is topped with snow.
  • Great IDEA!!!!, Yes I am very fluent with Photoshop I don't know why I didn't think about that. I will fix immediately!!!!!!

  • OK does this look better?



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  • ScottAScottA Surveyor
    Oh yes. Much better. Now they look more like they are a part of the mountains and not just dropped there. Nice work.
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