CC3+ crash when tracing FT3 map

I have created a great map in FT3 which I have exported using multiple files to CC3+. I am working on one of the smaller maps trying to create something with it in CC3+. When I try to trash the landmass, as soon as I complete the trace CC3+ crashes. I have tried reducing the detail level in the FT3 export down to 640 (it was set to fine) but it still crashes. I am running Windows 7 and I have read that CC3+ has some fractal problems but I haven't read any specifics. What can I do to get this to work? The whole point of buying FT3 and CC3 was to be able to create this amazing world map and then creating detailed maps in CC3+. Thanks for any help.


  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    There is a memory leak when drawing multipolies with complex geometry that might be affecting you (and FT generates the most complex geometry that CC3+ is likely to see). This memory leak is scheduled to be fixed in the next update. Until then, you might be able to mitigate the problem slightly by saving regularly so that when it crashes, CC3+ will be able to recover lost work.

    Another option would be turn off the multipoly option on your CC3+ export (Edit the export setting, click Next a couple of times to get to the "Detail Level" page and uncheck the "Multipoly Each Contour Level" checkbox). The memory problem doesn't seem to be present when using regular polygons. Note that when exporting regular polygons from FT, things may look a little different in CC3+ (it's been a long time since I looked at that section of the program, so I don't recall what the precise differences are).
  • Thanks. I'll try turning of the multipoly. Unfortunately regular saving doesn't help as this is basically the first step I am attempting to do. I am not losing any work because I am not getting to do any work. Any idea when this next scheduled update will be? Also is there anyway to stop the memory leak on the backend in windows? Thanks.
  • Still crashes even with turning off Multipoly.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited November 2017
    1. Do you really need to trace the landmass from FT? If you are tracing it with a drawing tool simply to get the same landmass in another style, you can use the Change like Draw Tool command instead to change it into the desired style.

    2. If you do need to trace it, you can try to reduce the number of nodes in the landmass first. Right click the Explode butto, select Remove Nodes, and select your landmass.

    In both cases above, I recommend exporting without the multipoly option, as explained by Joe above.

    Also, notice that if you installed FT3 in the default location from the installer, you need to run it as admin (right click, select run as administrator) to change the export options, since they are stored inside the installation folder, and Windows blocks access to write files in this directory for programs that are not running with elevated privelegies (even if you are logged on as an administrator), so it is very possible that even if you tried to change the export settings, that they didn't take because of this, since there is no error message indicating this, the only way to check is simply edit them again and see if the new setting you set stuck or not.
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    If it still crashes even after turning off multipoly in FT3 and doing the export again, then it's definitely not a multipoly bug in CC3+.

    What are you trying to accomplish by tracing over the path that was exported from FT3? Also, which command at you using to trace the landmass from FT?
  • Monsen. Thanks for the tip on the Change like Draw tool. I am giving it a try . CC3 has not crashed yet but it has not been responding for a while. It is just spinning. I will give it some time. If it doesn't work I will try your other suggestion.

    Jslayton, I am simply selecting the default landmass tool and hitting T to trace and choosing my points on the coast line which I did export from FT3. Once I complete this step and I attempt to do anything else is when it crashes.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I don't use the trace command.

    I create a bmp. Sheet and layer. Make then active and insert the bmp or png. I use bitmap fills under fs. Fill style window to fill in the landmass. I use polygon to follow the outline of landmasses.

    As I zoom around the polygon will go behind the imported file. One one landmass is completed, hide the layer the inserted file is on. Check the look of the polygon. Show the inserted file and continue.

    After that is completed. I hide and freeze all layers except the one the inserted file is on. I delete the inserted file. Show all layers and add symbols, etc. to complete the map.

    A bit tired and just woke up but that should get you started.
  • Thanks Jim. I was pretty much thinking that this was what I was going to have to do. A bit more tedious but it will work. I am a bit frustrated that tracing doesn't work as it should. I had been looking forward to buying the world builders back for weeks so I could do these maps and for it to not work is just kind of disappointing. But on the bright side, it sounds like they will fix it in an upcoming patch so hopefully I will only have to do a few maps this way until then. The nice thing is I can get even more detailed with the land mass when I zoom in and do it buy hand so the maps should look great!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Well, I did around 1,500 scanned 5mm hexagon maps in CC2 the way I mentioned above. Once you get the method down, it goes faster.
  • I really like the idea of the multiple file export so it grids it out and it is all hyperlinked. I just need to create another layer for the image. So do you use the polygon tool and then do a fill or do you use the landmass tool? What is the benefit of one of the other?
  • So I exported my maps like normal to CC3. Then I saved the CC3 as a bitmap. I created a new layer and sheet and then tried to insert the BMP over the map so I can use it to draw. Soon as I tried to insert CC3 crashes.
  • Just tossing this out for ideas. It sounds like you are crashing, a lot, and while CC3+ crashes on the rare occasion, it is really quite stable most of the time.

    If you haven't yet, I would try running Update 13 again.
  • jslaytonjslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
    I have this suspicion that FT is generating some constructs that aren't what a human would do and that the TRACE code wasn't designed to handle (for example, a line sometimes wanders back over itself, causing nodes to have unfortunate geometric relationships). FT also tends to generate far more nodes than even the most enthusiastic human would, which can push internal buffers to the breaking point in certain cases. Exporting a bitmap from FT (or even a screenshot), quickly tracing over the areas of interest with the FREEHAND tool, and then using CHANGEDTM to apply a drawing tool might be the best overall solution at this precise moment in time.

    I really dislike the multiple file export feature. It can generate thousands of sterile blocks of information cut at unfortunate places that a human has to look at and manually annotate. it can also display some bugs that make the output very hard to reconcile from map to map. I much prefer to use FT's views feature, because you can pick areas that interest you precisely and then repeatably view those areas again. Sure, you need to add your own hyperlinks in CC3, but I that it's usually a small thing in the overall workload, especially because you're going to be doing things like adding forests and roads and labels and symbols anyhow.

    Maybe someday FT will get features like labels and lines and symbols. Maybe it will get in-built slippy-map support like direct output to leaflet.js or Cesium. Maybe I will change my mind about the multi-file export if it gets those sort of features. However, I suspect that those things aren't going to pop up overnight.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited December 2017
    Hmmm... I have never had an insert of a bmp or png crash Campaign Cartographer of any version starting with cc2.

    Edited for typo due to auto correct.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Seems like you certainly are experiencing far more crashes than are normal for CC3+ (I use the term "normal" loosely here, because normally, it doesn't crash at all during operation, but I do know a few specific things that can crash it. Some FT3 exports can sometimes do this, but inserting an image should definitively not). If following Shessar's advice and installing Update 13 again doesn't fix this, you should probably contact support.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    I'm curious. Why, did you say, are you tracing the exported FT3 map? As Monsen noted earlier, it shouldn't be necessary. The map should already be in CC3+ format.
  • So I ended up exporting a png and tracing it by hand which worked. Time consuming but the result was good. The crash happened when i tried inserting a bmp though. I think I am just not going to get to do what I had originally intended. The idea was to create a great world map in FT3, then export the multiple files all broken up into smaller and smaller maps and then start building CC3 maps with that. To answer Dogtag's question, the reason I am doing this is to get a more realistic layout of terrains and climates that I can then lay symbols on. I don't want to just lay symbols over the FT3 altitude or climate maps as it won't look good. i want to be able to place a normal land mass on instead and then lay symbols on that.

    I think my new plan will be to just take my FT3 map and zoom into sections I want to map in FT3. I can export a png or bmp of that and lay it into a CC3 map and then free hand trace the land mass. I can then lay my symbols based on the climate and altitude maps in FT3. I guess I could export 2 bitmaps on different sheets/layers, one for climate and one for altitude, to help me know where to lay mountains and forests and what not. I am sure it will all work out, I was just hoping the trace feature would make my life a bit easier.

    In case your interested, here is my world map.
  • DogtagDogtag Moderator, Betatester Traveler
    First, cool map!

    joe2chillo replied:To answer Dogtag's question, the reason I am doing this is to get a more realistic layout of terrains and climates that I can then lay symbols on. I don't want to just lay symbols over the FT3 altitude or climate maps as it won't look good. i want to be able to place a normal land mass on instead and then lay symbols on that.
    If I understand what you're saying here, it sounds like you don't want to use the landmass style that FT3 exported, with the altitudes and climates and all that, is that correct?

    If so, then Monsen's suggestion to use the Change like Draw Tool command is probably a LOT easier than tracing. Check out this discussion about exporting the coastline and changing it to a different CC3+ style.

  • edited December 2017
    Awesome! The good news is the Change like Draw Tool worked like a charm! My last issue though is this. It seems that the problem may not be with tracing or any other tool. I have been trying to use the Annual Harwin Wielink Style for the land. When I just used the default Overland CC3 style it works fine. When I try to use the Annual it crashes.

    The other issue I have, and this is just a lack of knowledge of the software, after I change the draw tool and put the land on, which I had to create a new layer and sheet for since other elements from the exported map shared the default layer and sheet, I then attempt to do the same with the sea. I create a new layer and sheet but it is disappearing behind something and I can't figure out what or why. Any idea on this? Thanks again for all your help. You guys have been fantastic!
  • I think I finally got it guys! I ended up just exporting the coastline only. The rest I am just going to have to do by sight. But Once I had that I put in the water and then used the change draw tool command to fill in the land and we have success!
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Congrats !

    Remember, the first 1,000 maps were a pain for me. You are doing much better.
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