Here is Part 5 with room numbers. Rooms 1 through 25 are one part, and rooms A throughF are a section of cuttoff rooms and passageways due to mine collapses. 1,000 pixels wide.
Here is the first bit of Part A. There will be several smaller maps on this one large fcw file. These maps can be used for areas behind hidden/secret doors, or add-on bits for the rest of the larger maps.
One problem I do have is the water area has a pit and boulders on the stone floor, and I cannot figure out how to get them to show up in the png file.
Part A: 1) An ordinary room, 2) a busted wooden door, a ladder going up to room 3, a stone stair and a wooden ladder going down to room 5. One of the paths to room 5 is a trap. 3) just a passageway... of course, there could be traps, hidden doors hiding monsters and traps, etc. 4) a rickety wood and rope bridge, with one segment badly broken up, leadng to a sharp turn into room 4. The barrlws could have food, water, or a monster in them, 5) Two wooden barrels, one has food and some gems down inside, and the other could be empty. 6) a room with a few feet of water in it... and also so rocks and a pit trap, which is full of water.
Part B: 1) a room with wooden ladders leading down into it... they could be rotted. The stairs in the middle of the room are short of connecting with room 2. 2) Apparently a large creature tried to make the leap and failed, or died of hunger. One of the pillars could be hollow. 3) a giant sized stone stair case leads upwards... 4) a large oom with two plants in it. What do they eat to stay alive ? Or could they be ghosts of plants living from years ago ? Never mind the cookbook, 'The Serve Man' beside one of the pots.
Part C: 1) The Crossroads. A room with various means connecting to many rooms and passagways. 2) A small gap between the very large stairs and the floor. Two small cast iron pots in the room. Why are they a distance apart ? Might they explode, or paint the characters green, if the pots are brought close together ? 4) a path out.
I'm currently working on Part 6. These are Parts 7 through 9.
Who needs "The Ruins of Undermountain" when we have Jim's "The Lost Mines"! This keeps growing Jim, and each area is as interesting as the last. Love it!
To get up from location 8 to room 6, the characters have to climb a wooden ladder, then with leverage lacking, open a metal door. Room 6 has a 3 foot tall maze. Most can see over it, or can they ? Maybe part of this is illusion ? Two three stick candle holders on top of the walls. The torches and rock piles. What could they be there for ?
room 7) a candle atop a fake trap door. The actual trap doors are well hidden. Did the Iron Maiden just move ? Must be a trick of the light...
more wood ladders... :-)
Location 9... rock squares floating on clouds ? Doesn't seem to be anything holding them up.
Room 15: something that appears to be a barrel hiding behnd a cave wall.
Okay. I'll work on typing them up and whisper them to you.
Here is a better Part 6.
room 16) the two rectangular light grey blocks, are either teeter-totters, or they trigger some other location in the room... to raise a character into the ceiling, or drop the character into a narrow crevasse below this room.
Symbols used are from Annual Issue 66, and Perspectives 3. The fog symbols are cloud symbols from Annual 95, Alyssa Faden Overland. I rescalled them to 0.2 instead of 1.0.
Sheets order:
Common deep floor Symbols top Symbols walls Text Symbols Clouds
room 9 is from Part 3
1) rectangular room. Metal door lets onto a slide down about 30 feet. Stairsin floor are blocked by what appear to be wooden spikes, but some could be metal.
2) spikes at the bottom of the ramp. A stature, a cast iron pot, and a smal chest. And a plainly marked floor trap. Any of them could be hiding treasure and not a trap, or they could all be traps. Referee discretion.
3) a small rectangular room. A broken door, but yet the chest is unopened. Rocks and stalagmites blocking the floor. Stone doorway for an exit. There is a 5 foot gap to jump to reach room 5.
4) This room is not visible from room 9 Part 3, there is an undrawn wall in the way. A stature that talks and says random things to questions, aggrivation, smiles, etc. Wooden barrel blocked by a column. Stone stairs then wobbly wood and rope bridge leads to room 2.
5) a larger room, and a hole in the floor covered by fog. Stairs go up to room 6a.
6) 6a: portcullis blocks the entrance. 1d6 to determine which statue does what. 1: attacks, 2: hands nearest character a sack of gold, 3: plays a tune on a violin, 4: sings and dances, 5: drops a few platinum pieces on the floor, round ones. 6: 1d4 of the statues attack. The skulls could be a warning of doom.
6b: a cage blocs entrance, the walls go up to the celing. An urn, is inside the room, looks like gold.
7) room of no exit. Skulls and bones fro the hiden hole above in room 5.
8) an iregular room. The spikes appear to be guarding the pile of rocks. The real treasure is one of the wood spikes has a nice gold rod in it.
location 9) Appears to be a dead end, but is a secret door that swings o the left. Which blocks view of the portcullis in room 10. The characters have to enter room 10 and close the walls, then they can walk around he crypt, if they dare, and walk across the wood and rope bridge into room 12.
10) A crypt, looks like a mummy in there, but its a lower level undead.
11) behind another secret door. Treasure n the barrels, along with clean drinking water and food.
12) wood door at the entrance. Getting to the chest is blocked by two pillars. Can contain treasure or a monster, or both.
The monsters and treasures are just suggestions, change them up to fit your cmapaign. And the rope bridges could snap if too many try to walk across them at the same time.
I'll submit Part 5 in the morning. Part 6 isn't ready yet.
Part 5.
Perspectives template.
Symbols used are from Annual Issue 66 and Perspectives 3. The fog symbols are cloud symbols from Annual 95, Alyssa Faden Overland. I rescalled them to 0.2 instead of 1.0.
Sheets order:
Common deep floor Symbols top Symbols walls Text Symbols Clouds
upper part of the map, rooms 5 and 7 are from Part 4
The rooms labelled A through F are a lost part of the Lost Mines. They will be detailed below, after the rooms/locations for Part 5.
Oh, the walls, floors, and stairs/ramps are supported by the mountain unless otherwise noted. Very few are just floating in air.
1) The stair drops off into room 2. Something monstrous, or monies, could be hiding in the stalagtites in the center of the room. The left hand, north, stairs go nowhere, just into blank rock.
2) Lots of skeletons and gear form those who fell down from room 1. No exit except up.
3) 3a: A dining room nice food, and lights. It is to lull into complacency any adventurers before the undead living in 3b strikes. 3b: any undead of the referee's choice. Oh, a dining area, with food on nice linen and light by torches... just ignore what is behind the curtain. The picnic basquet, well a chest but it will have to do, a bed, a bath, and a cleaver with cutting board... and an emergency exit. I wonder who lives here ? :-)
4) An odd-shaped room which includes a feeding station. What ever it is down there below is likely very hungry. Probably the once master is one of the skeletons on the floor by the cave pillars.Portcullis to enter the room. The feeding station is unsupported over an abyss.
5) rectangular room, a pile of rocks. Stairs down to room 15 and a wobbly rock patch across fast flowing water.
6) a gap from a wobbly rode and wood path into this water soaked room. The stiars down leads to Part 6.
7) a room in 3 pieces due to rock shifting below it. Each part has a pile of rocks. They could conceal somethng evil, treasure, or a body.
8) exit for the undead in room 3b, just in case the characters are too powerful for it to handle.
9) A U-shaped oom. Stalagmites, and broken rock. The ceiling is unstable. The iron door requires a long lost kety to open.
10) skeletons, rocks, stalagmites; all blocking the path to a small chest. The metal door can be pushed open from either side.
11) a rectangular room crwded with stalagmites.
12) a square room. A chest hidden fomr view behind stalagmites, until the room is searched. Edixt stairs go deep to room 14 below.
13) why is there a guard room ? Doesn't seem defensible. The guards only know they have been ordered to stay here. They don't know what is in the room past the large stone door. They find fresh food and water upon waking each day.
14) 14a: a chest with rocks on one side and a pit on the other... could there be a hidden trap in front of the chest ? Bones and skulls. 14b: A metal door, a low wall, and an obvious trap. More stone piles.
15) small square room crowded with debris and stalagmites. ( Stalagmites are on the floor, stalagtites hold tight to the ceiling.)
16) Torches and rock piles. Or are the rocks skeletons ? And a large twice life size portcullis.
17) a small room, one way leads to the guard house, and the other leads to something large and sleepy.
18) rectangular room leading up to the feeding station and room 4 and 19.
19) broken and decayed furniture, possibly an old store room.
20) wood spikes guarding the wobbly broken bridges.
21) a small resting place, where the condemned are tossed to whatever fate awaits them below.
22) A second 'tossing station'.
23) a small room that leads to room 4 via room 18.
24) more wobbly broken bridges. If hatever it is down there in that fog moves, these could easily fall.
25) wood and rope bridge, worn and decayed.
The lost part, upper left of map.
A) A rock clogged stair leads into this room, past the wood door.
A portcullis, an open stone door, and a closed stone door. Only one is safe to walk through. The small ante room has a broken flor, a cast iron pot, and an urn. Could be treasure, could be trouble. Stiars lead down into room C
C) a room with a stone doorway you can walk around, but is that wise ? Broken wood benches and rock piles.
D) a small cave, water flows through it.
E) a stable rock walkway conecting rooms C and D.
F) wood door, rock pile in room. Traeasure is concealed in the door.
The monsters and treasures are just suggestions, change them up to fit your campaign. And the rope bridges could snap if too many try to walk across them at the same time.
Done ? Hmm... Well ,there are some side tunnels to do, and Part 6. Hopefully after that I'll switch to something else. But I can make a Part 10 if needed.
I won't stop you But you should do as many as you feel like doing yourself. The atlas will always need more maps, but that need won't go away if you make a part 10 or even part 20. Hmm... Starting to imagine a 100-floor mega dungeon here
Crestar's Dwarf Home was supposed to go down to level 20, but i got bored making maps on paper and we had quit gaming in 1985. I have Epic-Table and CC2/CC3/CC3Plus, and I have made some changes to Dwarf Home.
So, it looks like I'll keep mapping, but my siblings insist I get up and exercise every day... I intend to and have.
What is room 19 ? Why it is a tuning fork. The controls, long since broken, are in 19c. The Ancients, who built a Shrine deep within this mountain range ( and something someone else could map), used this tuning fork to cause small earthquakes out on the lands near the mountains to keep Unbelievers and Adventurers away.
Oh, room 9, this time those stone blocks are flaoting on those clouds. Careful, they wobble !
Oh, I don't know about the rest of you mappers, but when I work on this map, I humm quietly to myself the song that the Guards of the Wicked Witch of the West sing as they make their rounds around her castle. I felt it was fitting for this map. I don't ordinarily sing nor humm when I map.
Symbols used are from Annual Issue 66 and Perspectives 3. The fog symbols are cloud symbols from Annual 95, Alyssa Faden Overland. I rescalled them to 0.2 instead of 1.0.
Sheets order:
Common background water Symbols Clouds Symbols Text map border Symbols walls top
upper part of the map, rooms 5 is from Part 5
Oh, the walls, floors, and stairs/ramps are supported by the mountain unless otherwise noted. Very few are just floating in air.
1) a large room. Stairs up to room 2. Stairs down to shaky rock bridge to location 3.
2) room stairs down to a wobbly wood/rope bridge ans shaky stone steps.
3) a crumbling stone floor that leads down to well-maintained steps. Stone bridge goes left and right.
4) a small room, barely large enough to hold 3 human sized characters. Stairs leads down to a series of wobbly stone steps crossing a small swift stream.
5) a room with metal or wood spikes guarding a stairs going down. Two piles of cloth and wood debris. A small crate and a chest.
6) A room with a 3 foot, 1 meter, tall stones to make a small maze. Most characters can see over the walls. But are they seeing fact ? or illusion ? The far corner is well lit by two torches.
Just before th portcullis, is a skull on a pole.
7) stairs go up to the room. An iron maiden, that argues with itself 'Grab them now ?', 'No, not now !', 'How about now ?', 'No, they aren't close enough. Shh !'.
The trap door with a cnalde on it is a fake. The actual traps are around the room.
It is possible to dig a tunnel between room 7 and room 19c. 19c is slightly higher than room 7
8) A wobbly stone block location, with a ladder going up to a metal door. Not much leverage possible to open the door.
9) 5 stone blocks supported on clouds. They wobble.
10) a small room, rickety wood ladder leads down to room 12.
11) a long room, lewads to wobbly rocks and a wood/rope path.
12) a cave with water flowing through it.
13) a room with a notch cut in the floor, careful where your character walks !
14) a room with an alcove. A monster could hide in there. Ladder leads down into room 26. A locked portcullis leads into room 21.
15) wood ladder leads down into this room, and a wood ladder leads down into room 24
A wood barrel hides behind a stone wall.
16) steps from room 13 leads down ito this room. Along with a wood ladder down fomr room 18. The light gray rectangle either raises a character stepping onto it up into the ceiling, and down into a thin crevasse.
17) a small water cascasde cross the oom.
18) a mistep here, and the character falls into room 16 or tumbles down the ramp location 25.
19) once upon a time, 19c was the control room for a tuning fork, rooms 19a and 19b, that could cause small earthquakes out on the lands near these mountains. This was to keep Adventurers away.
20) a smooth L-shaped floor. Some bits of rock bounce up into the faces of characters when they walk around the room.
21) a long thin corridor. Stairs up to room 22 and wood ladder up to room 23.
22) a room that leads to room 19c. The phrase 'open please' must be spoke, or a trap springs.
23) only reached by wooden ladders. Watch out for the spiders !
24) a square room. Stepping on various parts of the floor rings a small chime.
25) a ramp leading down into room 27. Slippery.
26) wood ladder from room 14. A careful character could jump down to room 27. Watch out for the water !
27) a room with water below. Wait ! Was that a tentacle I just heard ?
28) another water cascading through a small cave.
29) rock debris and a barrel.
The monsters and treasures are just suggestions, change them up to fit your campaign. And the rope bridges could snap if too many try to walk across them at the same time.
Another level (6) of JimP's fantastic dungeon is now online. Thanks Jim. Not too sure if I would dare explore this place, I don't think I would make it back out in one piece.
Kinda busy today, but I'll write up the map for 7,8, and 9, the 'fractured' mine passageways and rooms. I will give some thoughts to Part 10. Then maybe some small offshoots, of mines nearby.
Part 7, 8, and 9. Lost passageways, or connecting areas, in the Lost Mines.
Perspectives template.
Symbols used are from Annual Issue 66, and Perspectives 3. The fog symbols are cloud symbols from Annual 95, Alyssa Faden Overland. I rescalled them to 0.2 instead of 1.0.
Sheets order:
Common Background Symbols top Text Symbols walls map border
Part 7, 1) T-shaped room. Wood door and stairs down to room 3, Metal door and stairs down to room 2, curtain and stairs down to a flooded room 6.
Part 7, 2) A square flooded room with rocks of various sizes scattered about the room. A round hole trap leading down to a flooded under floor,
Part 7, 3) An archway leading up to room 1, Wood ladder leading down to room 2, rope and wood bridges leading to room 4.
Part 7, 4) A broken walkway leads into this room. Two barrels sit in the room.
Part 7, 5) A stone stair and a stone stair/wood ladder lead down into this room. One of them could be a trap, various stone structures in the room, two barrles. One barrel is easily seen, the other is somewhat hidden.
Part 8, 1) A large room. Some wood debris. A skull in a pole as a warning to anyone coming up the stone stairs into this room, wood ladders leading up out of the room, a stone door and carved walls leading to room 3.
Part 8, 2) A rectangular room with stone pillars, a large reptilian skeleton, and wood debris. Difficult to get up to room 1.
Part 8, 3) Rectangular room. Spiral stairs going up, and startis going down to room 4.
Part 8, 4) A metal door leads into this room... is that to kep people out, or the two shrubberies in ?
Part 9, 1) A very large room, a crossroads to other areas. Wood ladders to a rope and wood bridge, stone stairs down to 2 other areas.
Part 9, 2) a small rasied area with cast iron pot on it, A ropeand wood bridge, and a cast iron pot in the main room. Probably shouldn't bring tnhe tw pots together, something might happen.
Part 9, 3) a smal stone bridge.
Part 9, 4) A cave with a stream running through it.
Part 9, 5) a small stone room.
The monsters and treasures are just suggestions, change them up to fit your cmapaign. And the rope bridges could snap if too many try to walk across them at the same time.
I've decided to take a break fomr these types of maps.
Of course, those who know my posts in here, will remember that after I said that in the past, I have quickly, for various levels of 'quickly' made one anyway.
But I would like to talk myself into taking a break.
Taking a break is always a good idea, we don't want you to burn yourself out and stop completely. Doing the same thing too much can get a bit repetitive, which tends to hurt the amount of enjoyment you get from making them. I'll get your latest submission online later today.
I have been thinking of making some very short, less than 10 rooms, adventure maps for my Crestar site. Overhead dungeons. I may add them in for the Atlas, depending on how god they come out. I'll post something on them when I get one or two done.
You're welcome. Look on the Bright Side folks, I gave up my attempt of trying to figure out how to implement Escher's waterfall, or a Mobius strip in one of these maps.
One problem I do have is the water area has a pit and boulders on the stone floor, and I cannot figure out how to get them to show up in the png file.
Why yes, the wood ladder or the stone stairs is a trap. The other one works just fine.
Part A: 1) An ordinary room, 2) a busted wooden door, a ladder going up to room 3, a stone stair and a wooden ladder going down to room 5. One of the paths to room 5 is a trap. 3) just a passageway... of course, there could be traps, hidden doors hiding monsters and traps, etc. 4) a rickety wood and rope bridge, with one segment badly broken up, leadng to a sharp turn into room 4. The barrlws could have food, water, or a monster in them, 5) Two wooden barrels, one has food and some gems down inside, and the other could be empty. 6) a room with a few feet of water in it... and also so rocks and a pit trap, which is full of water.
Part B: 1) a room with wooden ladders leading down into it... they could be rotted. The stairs in the middle of the room are short of connecting with room 2. 2) Apparently a large creature tried to make the leap and failed, or died of hunger. One of the pillars could be hollow. 3) a giant sized stone stair case leads upwards... 4) a large oom with two plants in it. What do they eat to stay alive ? Or could they be ghosts of plants living from years ago ? Never mind the cookbook, 'The Serve Man' beside one of the pots.
Part C: 1) The Crossroads. A room with various means connecting to many rooms and passagways. 2) A small gap between the very large stairs and the floor. Two small cast iron pots in the room. Why are they a distance apart ? Might they explode, or paint the characters green, if the pots are brought close together ? 4) a path out.
I'm currently working on Part 6. These are Parts 7 through 9.
I have some side Mines in mind, they are in another area of the mountains from this area.
More rickety/falling down areas than before.
To get up from location 8 to room 6, the characters have to climb a wooden ladder, then with leverage lacking, open a metal door. Room 6 has a 3 foot tall maze. Most can see over it, or can they ? Maybe part of this is illusion ? Two three stick candle holders on top of the walls. The torches and rock piles. What could they be there for ?
room 7) a candle atop a fake trap door. The actual trap doors are well hidden. Did the Iron Maiden just move ? Must be a trick of the light...
more wood ladders... :-)
Location 9... rock squares floating on clouds ? Doesn't seem to be anything holding them up.
Room 15: something that appears to be a barrel hiding behnd a cave wall.
a work in progress.
Remy, may I submit part 5 ?
Here is a better Part 6.
room 16) the two rectangular light grey blocks, are either teeter-totters, or they trigger some other location in the room... to raise a character into the ceiling, or drop the character into a narrow crevasse below this room.
Perspectives template.
Symbols used are from Annual Issue 66, and Perspectives 3. The fog symbols are cloud symbols from Annual 95, Alyssa Faden Overland. I rescalled them to 0.2 instead of 1.0.
Sheets order:
deep floor
Symbols walls
Symbols Clouds
room 9 is from Part 3
1) rectangular room. Metal door lets onto a slide down about 30 feet. Stairsin floor are blocked by what appear to be wooden spikes, but some could be metal.
2) spikes at the bottom of the ramp. A stature, a cast iron pot, and a smal chest. And a plainly marked floor trap. Any of them could be hiding treasure and not a trap, or they could all be traps. Referee discretion.
3) a small rectangular room. A broken door, but yet the chest is unopened. Rocks and stalagmites blocking the floor. Stone doorway for an exit. There is a 5 foot gap to jump to reach room 5.
4) This room is not visible from room 9 Part 3, there is an undrawn wall in the way. A stature that talks and says random things to questions, aggrivation, smiles, etc. Wooden barrel blocked by a column. Stone stairs then wobbly wood and rope bridge leads to room 2.
5) a larger room, and a hole in the floor covered by fog. Stairs go up to room 6a.
6) 6a: portcullis blocks the entrance. 1d6 to determine which statue does what. 1: attacks, 2: hands nearest character a sack of gold, 3: plays a tune on a violin, 4: sings and dances, 5: drops a few platinum pieces on the floor, round ones. 6: 1d4 of the statues attack. The skulls could be a warning of doom.
6b: a cage blocs entrance, the walls go up to the celing. An urn, is inside the room, looks like gold.
7) room of no exit. Skulls and bones fro the hiden hole above in room 5.
8) an iregular room. The spikes appear to be guarding the pile of rocks. The real treasure is one of the wood spikes has a nice gold rod in it.
location 9) Appears to be a dead end, but is a secret door that swings o the left. Which blocks view of the portcullis in room 10. The characters have to enter room 10 and close the walls, then they can walk around he crypt, if they dare, and walk across the wood and rope bridge into room 12.
10) A crypt, looks like a mummy in there, but its a lower level undead.
11) behind another secret door. Treasure n the barrels, along with clean drinking water and food.
12) wood door at the entrance. Getting to the chest is blocked by two pillars. Can contain treasure or a monster, or both.
The monsters and treasures are just suggestions, change them up to fit your cmapaign. And the rope bridges could snap if too many try to walk across them at the same time.
Part 5.
Perspectives template.
Symbols used are from Annual Issue 66 and Perspectives 3. The fog symbols are cloud symbols from Annual 95, Alyssa Faden Overland. I rescalled them to 0.2 instead of 1.0.
Sheets order:
deep floor
Symbols walls
Symbols Clouds
upper part of the map, rooms 5 and 7 are from Part 4
The rooms labelled A through F are a lost part of the Lost Mines. They will be detailed below, after the rooms/locations for Part 5.
Oh, the walls, floors, and stairs/ramps are supported by the mountain unless otherwise noted. Very few are just floating in air.
1) The stair drops off into room 2. Something monstrous, or monies, could be hiding in the stalagtites in the center of the room. The left hand, north, stairs go nowhere, just into blank rock.
2) Lots of skeletons and gear form those who fell down from room 1. No exit except up.
3) 3a: A dining room nice food, and lights. It is to lull into complacency any adventurers before the undead living in 3b strikes. 3b: any undead of the referee's choice. Oh, a dining area, with food on nice linen and light by torches... just ignore what is behind the curtain. The picnic basquet, well a chest but it will have to do, a bed, a bath, and a cleaver with cutting board... and an emergency exit. I wonder who lives here ? :-)
4) An odd-shaped room which includes a feeding station. What ever it is down there below is likely very hungry. Probably the once master is one of the skeletons on the floor by the cave pillars.Portcullis to enter the room. The feeding station is unsupported over an abyss.
5) rectangular room, a pile of rocks. Stairs down to room 15 and a wobbly rock patch across fast flowing water.
6) a gap from a wobbly rode and wood path into this water soaked room. The stiars down leads to Part 6.
7) a room in 3 pieces due to rock shifting below it. Each part has a pile of rocks. They could conceal somethng evil, treasure, or a body.
8) exit for the undead in room 3b, just in case the characters are too powerful for it to handle.
9) A U-shaped oom. Stalagmites, and broken rock. The ceiling is unstable. The iron door requires a long lost kety to open.
10) skeletons, rocks, stalagmites; all blocking the path to a small chest. The metal door can be pushed open from either side.
11) a rectangular room crwded with stalagmites.
12) a square room. A chest hidden fomr view behind stalagmites, until the room is searched. Edixt stairs go deep to room 14 below.
13) why is there a guard room ? Doesn't seem defensible. The guards only know they have been ordered to stay here. They don't know what is in the room past the large stone door. They find fresh food and water upon waking each day.
14) 14a: a chest with rocks on one side and a pit on the other... could there be a hidden trap in front of the chest ? Bones and skulls. 14b: A metal door, a low wall, and an obvious trap. More stone piles.
15) small square room crowded with debris and stalagmites. ( Stalagmites are on the floor, stalagtites hold tight to the ceiling.)
16) Torches and rock piles. Or are the rocks skeletons ? And a large twice life size portcullis.
17) a small room, one way leads to the guard house, and the other leads to something large and sleepy.
18) rectangular room leading up to the feeding station and room 4 and 19.
19) broken and decayed furniture, possibly an old store room.
20) wood spikes guarding the wobbly broken bridges.
21) a small resting place, where the condemned are tossed to whatever fate awaits them below.
22) A second 'tossing station'.
23) a small room that leads to room 4 via room 18.
24) more wobbly broken bridges. If hatever it is down there in that fog moves, these could easily fall.
25) wood and rope bridge, worn and decayed.
The lost part, upper left of map.
A) A rock clogged stair leads into this room, past the wood door.
C) a room with a stone doorway you can walk around, but is that wise ? Broken wood benches and rock piles.
D) a small cave, water flows through it.
E) a stable rock walkway conecting rooms C and D.
F) wood door, rock pile in room. Traeasure is concealed in the door.
The monsters and treasures are just suggestions, change them up to fit your campaign. And the rope bridges could snap if too many try to walk across them at the same time.
But you should do as many as you feel like doing yourself. The atlas will always need more maps, but that need won't go away if you make a part 10 or even part 20. Hmm... Starting to imagine a 100-floor mega dungeon here
Try again.
Crestar's Dwarf Home was supposed to go down to level 20, but i got bored making maps on paper and we had quit gaming in 1985. I have Epic-Table and CC2/CC3/CC3Plus, and I have made some changes to Dwarf Home.
So, it looks like I'll keep mapping, but my siblings insist I get up and exercise every day... I intend to and have.
What is room 19 ? Why it is a tuning fork. The controls, long since broken, are in 19c. The Ancients, who built a Shrine deep within this mountain range ( and something someone else could map), used this tuning fork to cause small earthquakes out on the lands near the mountains to keep Unbelievers and Adventurers away.
Oh, room 9, this time those stone blocks are flaoting on those clouds. Careful, they wobble !
Perspectives template.
Symbols used are from Annual Issue 66 and Perspectives 3. The fog symbols are cloud symbols from Annual 95, Alyssa Faden Overland. I rescalled them to 0.2 instead of 1.0.
Sheets order:
Symbols Clouds
map border
Symbols walls
upper part of the map, rooms 5 is from Part 5
Oh, the walls, floors, and stairs/ramps are supported by the mountain unless otherwise noted. Very few are just floating in air.
1) a large room. Stairs up to room 2. Stairs down to shaky rock bridge to location 3.
2) room stairs down to a wobbly wood/rope bridge ans shaky stone steps.
3) a crumbling stone floor that leads down to well-maintained steps. Stone bridge goes left and right.
4) a small room, barely large enough to hold 3 human sized characters. Stairs leads down to a series of wobbly stone steps crossing a small swift stream.
5) a room with metal or wood spikes guarding a stairs going down. Two piles of cloth and wood debris. A small crate and a chest.
6) A room with a 3 foot, 1 meter, tall stones to make a small maze. Most characters can see over the walls. But are they seeing fact ? or illusion ? The far corner is well lit by two torches.
Just before th portcullis, is a skull on a pole.
7) stairs go up to the room. An iron maiden, that argues with itself 'Grab them now ?',
'No, not now !', 'How about now ?', 'No, they aren't close enough. Shh !'.
The trap door with a cnalde on it is a fake. The actual traps are around the room.
It is possible to dig a tunnel between room 7 and room 19c. 19c is slightly higher than room 7
8) A wobbly stone block location, with a ladder going up to a metal door. Not much leverage possible to open the door.
9) 5 stone blocks supported on clouds. They wobble.
10) a small room, rickety wood ladder leads down to room 12.
11) a long room, lewads to wobbly rocks and a wood/rope path.
12) a cave with water flowing through it.
13) a room with a notch cut in the floor, careful where your character walks !
14) a room with an alcove. A monster could hide in there. Ladder leads down into room 26. A locked portcullis leads into room 21.
15) wood ladder leads down into this room, and a wood ladder leads down into room 24
A wood barrel hides behind a stone wall.
16) steps from room 13 leads down ito this room. Along with a wood ladder down fomr room 18. The light gray rectangle either raises a character stepping onto it up into the ceiling, and down into a thin crevasse.
17) a small water cascasde cross the oom.
18) a mistep here, and the character falls into room 16 or tumbles down the ramp location 25.
19) once upon a time, 19c was the control room for a tuning fork, rooms 19a and 19b, that could cause small earthquakes out on the lands near these mountains. This was to keep Adventurers away.
20) a smooth L-shaped floor. Some bits of rock bounce up into the faces of characters when they walk around the room.
21) a long thin corridor. Stairs up to room 22 and wood ladder up to room 23.
22) a room that leads to room 19c. The phrase 'open please' must be spoke, or a trap springs.
23) only reached by wooden ladders. Watch out for the spiders !
24) a square room. Stepping on various parts of the floor rings a small chime.
25) a ramp leading down into room 27. Slippery.
26) wood ladder from room 14. A careful character could jump down to room 27. Watch out for the water !
27) a room with water below. Wait ! Was that a tentacle I just heard ?
28) another water cascading through a small cave.
29) rock debris and a barrel.
The monsters and treasures are just suggestions, change them up to fit your campaign. And the rope bridges could snap if too many try to walk across them at the same time.
Not too sure if I would dare explore this place, I don't think I would make it back out in one piece.
Kinda busy today, but I'll write up the map for 7,8, and 9, the 'fractured' mine passageways and rooms. I will give some thoughts to Part 10. Then maybe some small offshoots, of mines nearby.
Perspectives template.
Symbols used are from Annual Issue 66, and Perspectives 3. The fog symbols are cloud symbols from Annual 95, Alyssa Faden Overland. I rescalled them to 0.2 instead of 1.0.
Sheets order:
Symbols walls
map border
Part 7, 1) T-shaped room. Wood door and stairs down to room 3, Metal door and stairs down to room 2, curtain and stairs down to a flooded room 6.
Part 7, 2) A square flooded room with rocks of various sizes scattered about the room. A round hole trap leading down to a flooded under floor,
Part 7, 3) An archway leading up to room 1, Wood ladder leading down to room 2, rope and wood bridges leading to room 4.
Part 7, 4) A broken walkway leads into this room. Two barrels sit in the room.
Part 7, 5) A stone stair and a stone stair/wood ladder lead down into this room. One of them could be a trap, various stone structures in the room, two barrles. One barrel is easily seen, the other is somewhat hidden.
Part 8, 1) A large room. Some wood debris. A skull in a pole as a warning to anyone coming up the stone stairs into this room, wood ladders leading up out of the room, a stone door and carved walls leading to room 3.
Part 8, 2) A rectangular room with stone pillars, a large reptilian skeleton, and wood debris. Difficult to get up to room 1.
Part 8, 3) Rectangular room. Spiral stairs going up, and startis going down to room 4.
Part 8, 4) A metal door leads into this room... is that to kep people out, or the two shrubberies in ?
Part 9, 1) A very large room, a crossroads to other areas. Wood ladders to a rope and wood bridge, stone stairs down to 2 other areas.
Part 9, 2) a small rasied area with cast iron pot on it, A ropeand wood bridge, and a cast iron pot in the main room. Probably shouldn't bring tnhe tw pots together, something might happen.
Part 9, 3) a smal stone bridge.
Part 9, 4) A cave with a stream running through it.
Part 9, 5) a small stone room.
The monsters and treasures are just suggestions, change them up to fit your cmapaign. And the rope bridges could snap if too many try to walk across them at the same time.
Of course, those who know my posts in here, will remember that after I said that in the past, I have quickly, for various levels of 'quickly' made one anyway.
But I would like to talk myself into taking a break.
I'll get your latest submission online later today.