Personally, I think that looks much better. I still think the walls in rooms like 17, 12, and 9 would benefit from lower front walls but the map looks awesome.
If you want the title text to go on the wall, you can explode it and then apply a 3d projection.
If anyone reading this is unsure what I mean, here are the steps (HINT: It's easier to do than to write about).
Try this:
Make sure your sheets and layers are properly set for the text label.
Right-click the Explode button and select Explode Text from the pop-up menu.
Select the text (e.g. the title text), and then right-click and select Do It. The text explodes as far as CC3+ is concerned. You may or may not see a visual change. Note: Don't just use the normal EXPLODE command. It doesn't do anything when applied to text.
Now click the 3D Projection button . The Isometric Projection dialog box displays.
Click the projection you want. If you want to put the text on the north (upper left) wall, you probably want to select Right.
If you want to use a Blend Mode effect on the final text (recommended) you may want to select the Leave As Original Entity option at the bottom of the dialog. Otherwise, if you aren't going to use any effects, you may want to select the Make Shaded Polygon option.
Cick OK.
Select the the text (it's not really text anymore so you don't need to select it from the base), and then right-click and select Do It. The command line reads, Iso view origin:
I've found this to be much like copying. Click near the beginning of the base of the text. CC3+ displays the outline of the projected text at the cursor and the command line changes to read, To:.
Move the cursor to where you want the text. The outline of the text should move with it so you can get a preview of the move.
When you're where you want to place the text, click the mouse. Your projected text should display where you want it.
I recommend a new sheet for the Iso text (maybe TEXT ISO or something). I also recommend a Blend Mode effect. For the settings, if the text is white, you may want to use a Blend Mode of Overlay, and I'd start with an Opacity of 75% or so. You can adjust from there.
Also, a note to folks who'd like to do this for maps using one of the iso dungeon annuals: 3D Projection is a Perspectives command. If you don't have PER3, you won't be able to use this trick.
This is fantastic Jim! Great job on it! It is interesting to see the unconventional way you used the different pieces in the Annual to do this. Very well done!
I particularly like the way you made the dungeon look as if it were a map from an old video game. You know the kind, where they have different terrain types at the uppermost top of the map, and then the little icon of your character can move up or down the layers and might run into something depending on what square he is moving through? Sort of like Final Fantasy Tactics.
Okay, my spare time has come back... the below is the attic level of the entrance area. I guess I should have just put the spiral stairs in, and then saved as and erase the stuff I didn't need... but I didn't. So, I accidently erased part of the wall. Anyway, here is the last bit beofre the caves.
Attic level.
location 8 and 30 are on the main level and are on this map for location reference.
1) entrance to The Temple of the Flowers in other words, multi-color fungi.
2) font and alter
3) store room. Not much here. The books are eaten by insects. The two chests might contain vestments worth a bit of silver. The shelf right behind the curtain is empty.
4) just before 4 is a pit that drops the incatious down into the muddy pool.
5) Where the old gent who replaces the torches lives. He is the last acolyete for this temple. The bones of the parihoners are in room 30 below. He has a few things, maybe worth a few copper pieces. When he dies, the torches will go out, and nothing will be left. He is harmless, unless the characters try to take something, or ask him about the bones below.
JimP's Lost Mines maps are now in the atlas. This is the first perspectives contribution if I remember correctly. Thanks for a great contribution to the atlas.
I've been following this thread with interest since you started it. I'm sorry I've not been able to contribute, but I've never used the perspective style to be able to offer any good advice. However it's turned out to be a great dungeon map all-in-all.
Apparently I have been using the pre-release of Perspectives for CC3Plus all this time... So I just downloaded v3.77 of PErspectives 3, and after 3.0 does a repair, I'll be installing version 3.77. Sigh. I guess I need to check my other installs.
Okay. A bit of a teaser for part 3. Location 19 is from the lower part of the entrance area. I am contemplating, not sure how, to place a back wall and a floor area... but I may not do it on this map.
Okay, I didn't include them this time. Although a large slanted wall, with rooms projecting out from it would be neat to.
Part 3, Mines start.
location 19 is from Part 1, the Entrance rooms.
1) small room, entrance to one part of the Mines. Dust and other small debris.
2) small room, broken wood exit door. The skulls are small, likely dwarves or halflings. Beware the pit !
3) an L-shaped room. Broken bench, piles of rock, and some stalagmites ( on the floor, stalagtites hang tight to the ceiling). A Magic Mouth, basically a recording, will produce a low weak voice from the large pit on the left side of the room. 'Help me ! Help me !' Any attempt to look into the pit or climb down into it, and the 6 spikes on the fall launch across the pit opening.
The chest has some silver and copper pieces in it, and one large diamond under the coins.
4) a cave area, biting insects in the rock piles.
5) partially a cave floor, partially a stone block floor. The stone blocks are unstable and were added to level the room. The foggy area covers some low level undead.
6) a passageway. Metal door, wood door, and a very deep pit.
7) work in progress
8) large room. The large open treasure chest and large sack are illusions. The barrel and the wooden chest next to each other are not illusions. The chest contains lots of silver coins, with a pile of platinum and gold under neath that. When the chest is first opened a Jack i the box pops up. The Barrel contains sacks of rice. Way down towards the bottom of the barrel is a small metal box. It contains several magic rings and an emerald necklace.
A bit more... the water is still, and yet there is something that occasionally causes a bit of a swirl on the surface. To Dream, Perchance to Sleep. I may be back upon the Morrow, and yet, only time will tell.
Okay, part 3 of this Mine. Please let me know if the room descriptions have any errors, and if you think I should add to the map. The water increased my refresh times on my Win 10 computer.
Part 3, Mines start. Edit, this is part 3.
location 19 is from Part 1, the Entrance rooms.
1) small room, entrance to one part of the Mines. Dust and other small debris.
2) small room, broken wood exit door. The skulls are small, likely dwarves or halflings. Beware the pit !
3) an L-shaped room. Broken bench, piles of rock, and some stalagmites ( on the floor, stalagtites hang tight to the ceiling). A Magic Mouth, basically a recording, will produce a low weak voice from the large pit on the left side of the room. 'Help me ! Help me !' Any attempt to look into the pit or climb down into it, and the 6 spikes on the fall launch across the pit opening.
The chest has some silver and copper pieces in it, and one large diamond under the coins.
4) a cave area, biting insects in the rock piles.
5) partially a cave floor, partially a stone block floor. The stone blocks are unstable and were added to level the room. The foggy area covers some low level undead.
6) a passageway. Metal door, wood door, and a 20 foot deep pit.
7) A small square room. Entrance blocked by spikes. Under the pile of rocks are a few gold pieces and a small gem. The exit door to room 10 has been smashed.
8) large room. The large open treasure chest and large sack are illusions. The barrel and the wooden chest next to each other are not illusions. The chest contains lots of silver coins, with a pile of platinum and gold under neath that. When the chest is first opened a Jack in the box pops up. The Barrel contains sacks of rice. Way down towards the bottom of the barrel is a small metal box. It contains several magic rings and an emerald necklace.
9) a rectangular room. The extra floor space near the stalagtites can be used by small monsters as hiding places. The wood and rope bridge leading over to the stiars is very rickety, but wont break.
10) a long room. The stalagtite has a Magic Mouth recording on it. 'Get ready for combat !', but it isn't a monster disguised. This is just here to confuse the characters when the rock doesn't react to attempts to communicate nor attack it.
11) two stone bridges go to this room. One is blocked by a metal door, the other is clear of being blocked. 5% chance one of the bridges will collapse and dump the characters on it way down into the water.
12) a cave area with water flowing across the floor. The stairs ends suddenly, dumping anyone continuing down into the water below. The wood chest is mostly rotted, but does contain treasure.
13) a small long room. The miners had a bit of beer and made mistakes at the south end. Stemp up, then step down to the stairs leading to 18
14) A long room. nothing under the rocks.
15) a small cave area, slightly inmproved. Watch your step, loose rocks.
16) a stone bridge corssing over the water.
17) a large water area, goes from shallow to very deep. The rock piles are the shallow part, barely get your feet wet. The large fog area is over 2 stories deep. Outside the water area is cave floor.
18) a small room. No treasure.
19) a small room, a pit to dump the unwary into a rock pile below. Open stone door leads into room 20. A character can dive off the end of this room, but the water is shallow below.
20) a room with small alcoves on one side. The wooden crate near the entrance is tough to open, but comtrains no treasure. The treasure is in the small chest at the end of the room. The other chest is a mimic, waiting for an adventurer to try and open the chest it is imitating. It wil ltry to kill and eat the adventurer.
21) stairs and then two ramp areas. Careful, a character could slip and fall into the pit in room 19.
22) a small square room. Broken door on one side, and a stair going down on another.
23) loong room with 2 cages. One is empty. The other will swing open its door and bekon a character walking by, using its ghostly arm. And a voice wil lbe heard saying, 'This way to the egress...'. Any character entering wil lbe attacked by the cage.
24) a dead end with strange carvings on it. If a character can read ancient languages, they will read 'Nothing here, it is just a dead end.'. Probably a good time waster while they try to figure it out.
25) where 3 rooms and corridors meet, not well laid out, another miner's beer fest no doubt.
26) starts out as stairs, and then two ramps. A careless character could slip and fall.
27) a ramp area, a tumble could send a character skidding into room 15 and into the water below.
If you want the title text to go on the wall, you can explode it and then apply a 3d projection.
If anyone reading this is unsure what I mean, here are the steps (HINT: It's easier to do than to write about).
Try this:
- Make sure your sheets and layers are properly set for the text label.
- Right-click the Explode button
and select Explode Text from the pop-up menu.
- Select the text (e.g. the title text), and then right-click and select Do It.
- Now click the 3D Projection button
- Click the projection you want. If you want to put the text on the north (upper left) wall, you probably want to select Right.
- If you want to use a Blend Mode effect on the final text (recommended) you may want to select the Leave As Original Entity option at the bottom of the dialog. Otherwise, if you aren't going to use any effects, you may want to select the Make Shaded Polygon option.
- Cick OK.
- Select the the text (it's not really text anymore so you don't need to select it from the base), and then right-click and select Do It.
- I've found this to be much like copying. Click near the beginning of the base of the text.
- Move the cursor to where you want the text. The outline of the text should move with it so you can get a preview of the move.
- When you're where you want to place the text, click the mouse.
I recommend a new sheet for the Iso text (maybe TEXT ISO or something). I also recommend a Blend Mode effect. For the settings, if the text is white, you may want to use a Blend Mode of Overlay, and I'd start with an Opacity of 75% or so. You can adjust from there.The text explodes as far as CC3+ is concerned. You may or may not see a visual change. Note: Don't just use the normal EXPLODE command. It doesn't do anything when applied to text.
The Isometric Projection dialog box displays.
The command line reads, Iso view origin:
CC3+ displays the outline of the projected text at the cursor and the command line changes to read, To:.
Your projected text should display where you want it.
Also, a note to folks who'd like to do this for maps using one of the iso dungeon annuals: 3D Projection is a Perspectives command. If you don't have PER3, you won't be able to use this trick.
I hope that helps.
edit: I'll have to read up on the Annual suggested for the caves and work on it a bit before I post anything.
I particularly like the way you made the dungeon look as if it were a map from an old video game. You know the kind, where they have different terrain types at the uppermost top of the map, and then the little icon of your character can move up or down the layers and might run into something depending on what square he is moving through? Sort of like Final Fantasy Tactics.
Love it!
I did think of making another one, an overlay as a separate map, so the unused space above the main floor and away form the walls, was used.
Attic level.
location 8 and 30 are on the main level and are on this map for location reference.
1) entrance to The Temple of the Flowers
in other words, multi-color fungi.
2) font and alter
3) store room. Not much here. The books are eaten by insects. The two chests might contain vestments worth a bit of silver. The shelf right behind the curtain is empty.
4) just before 4 is a pit that drops the incatious down into the muddy pool.
5) Where the old gent who replaces the torches lives. He is the last acolyete for this temple. The bones of the parihoners are in room 30 below. He has a few things, maybe worth a few copper pieces. When he dies, the torches will go out, and nothing will be left. He is harmless, unless the characters try to take something, or ask him about the bones below.
I'll jhave to look at the Caves annual mentioned and decide if I am making the mines themselves ISo or go to an overhead view.
I just checked and a little over 300 views on my postings about the Interactive Atlas on Dragon's Foot forums.
I've been following this thread with interest since you started it. I'm sorry I've not been able to contribute, but I've never used the perspective style to be able to offer any good advice. However it's turned out to be a great dungeon map all-in-all.
Well done man!
Part 3, Mines start.
location 19 is from Part 1, the Entrance rooms.
1) small room, entrance to one part of the Mines. Dust and other small debris.
2) small room, broken wood exit door. The skulls are small, likely dwarves or halflings. Beware the pit !
3) an L-shaped room. Broken bench, piles of rock, and some stalagmites ( on the floor, stalagtites hang tight to the ceiling). A Magic Mouth, basically a recording, will produce a low weak voice from the large pit on the left side of the room. 'Help me ! Help me !' Any attempt to look into the pit or climb down into it, and the 6 spikes on the fall launch across the pit opening.
The chest has some silver and copper pieces in it, and one large diamond under the coins.
4) a cave area, biting insects in the rock piles.
5) partially a cave floor, partially a stone block floor. The stone blocks are unstable and were added to level the room. The foggy area covers some low level undead.
6) a passageway. Metal door, wood door, and a very deep pit.
7) work in progress
8) large room. The large open treasure chest and large sack are illusions. The barrel and the wooden chest next to each other are not illusions. The chest contains lots of silver coins, with a pile of platinum and gold under neath that. When the chest is first opened a Jack i the box pops up. The Barrel contains sacks of rice. Way down towards the bottom of the barrel is a small metal box. It contains several magic rings and an emerald necklace.
9) corridor work in progress.
Part 3, Mines start. Edit, this is part 3.
location 19 is from Part 1, the Entrance rooms.
1) small room, entrance to one part of the Mines. Dust and other small debris.
2) small room, broken wood exit door. The skulls are small, likely dwarves or halflings. Beware the pit !
3) an L-shaped room. Broken bench, piles of rock, and some stalagmites ( on the floor, stalagtites hang tight to the ceiling). A Magic Mouth, basically a recording, will produce a low weak voice from the large pit on the left side of the room. 'Help me ! Help me !' Any attempt to look into the pit or climb down into it, and the 6 spikes on the fall launch across the pit opening.
The chest has some silver and copper pieces in it, and one large diamond under the coins.
4) a cave area, biting insects in the rock piles.
5) partially a cave floor, partially a stone block floor. The stone blocks are unstable and were added to level the room. The foggy area covers some low level undead.
6) a passageway. Metal door, wood door, and a 20 foot deep pit.
7) A small square room. Entrance blocked by spikes. Under the pile of rocks are a few gold pieces and a small gem. The exit door to room 10 has been smashed.
8) large room. The large open treasure chest and large sack are illusions. The barrel and the wooden chest next to each other are not illusions. The chest contains lots of silver coins, with a pile of platinum and gold under neath that. When the chest is first opened a Jack in the box pops up. The Barrel contains sacks of rice. Way down towards the bottom of the barrel is a small metal box. It contains several magic rings and an emerald necklace.
9) a rectangular room. The extra floor space near the stalagtites can be used by small monsters as hiding places. The wood and rope bridge leading over to the stiars is very rickety, but wont break.
10) a long room. The stalagtite has a Magic Mouth recording on it. 'Get ready for combat !', but it isn't a monster disguised. This is just here to confuse the characters when the rock doesn't react to attempts to communicate nor attack it.
11) two stone bridges go to this room. One is blocked by a metal door, the other is clear of being blocked. 5% chance one of the bridges will collapse and dump the characters on it way down into the water.
12) a cave area with water flowing across the floor. The stairs ends suddenly, dumping anyone continuing down into the water below. The wood chest is mostly rotted, but does contain treasure.
13) a small long room. The miners had a bit of beer and made mistakes at the south end. Stemp up, then step down to the stairs leading to 18
14) A long room. nothing under the rocks.
15) a small cave area, slightly inmproved. Watch your step, loose rocks.
16) a stone bridge corssing over the water.
17) a large water area, goes from shallow to very deep. The rock piles are the shallow part, barely get your feet wet. The large fog area is over 2 stories deep. Outside the water area is cave floor.
18) a small room. No treasure.
19) a small room, a pit to dump the unwary into a rock pile below. Open stone door leads into room 20. A character can dive off the end of this room, but the water is shallow below.
20) a room with small alcoves on one side. The wooden crate near the entrance is tough to open, but comtrains no treasure. The treasure is in the small chest at the end of the room. The other chest is a mimic, waiting for an adventurer to try and open the chest it is imitating. It wil ltry to kill and eat the adventurer.
21) stairs and then two ramp areas. Careful, a character could slip and fall into the pit in room 19.
22) a small square room. Broken door on one side, and a stair going down on another.
23) loong room with 2 cages. One is empty. The other will swing open its door and bekon a character walking by, using its ghostly arm. And a voice wil lbe heard saying, 'This way to the egress...'. Any character entering wil lbe attacked by the cage.
24) a dead end with strange carvings on it. If a character can read ancient languages, they will read 'Nothing here, it is just a dead end.'. Probably a good time waster while they try to figure it out.
25) where 3 rooms and corridors meet, not well laid out, another miner's beer fest no doubt.
26) starts out as stairs, and then two ramps. A careless character could slip and fall.
27) a ramp area, a tumble could send a character skidding into room 15 and into the water below.
Room 9 on upper right is from previous map.
Here is more of part 4. Room 5 has a hole in the floor that drops down to room 7. I think I have them lined up... but I'm not sure.
Oh, I think I forgot to set Origin on some of these... but rectangular png is the best way to capture lal of a Perspectives map folks.