Sodom during the time of Abraham and Lot



  • Oh, there are local digs. I know of one in the south US, and likely there are some in Europe and Englang as well.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Oh they're always digging up things over here in the UK. In fact I didn't know there was a 'dig season'. I've seen sites covered over in plastic tent things before now in the dead of winter, with people still moving about on them. I suppose that's because a lot of it happens just before some horrid office block goes up, so nothing can wait till the nice weather.

    You can't build anywhere over here without hitting something Roman it seems - either that or you hit a right royal grave - King Richard III (Richard the Lionheart) last time.
  • The dig season happens because it has something to do with the Government of Jordan only letting them dig at certain times of year. I think if it were not for the government then this dig would be an all year around thing.

    That is actually very cool that you guys can find all sorts of roman things over there. Over here, we have native American things. So if you go digging and run across something Native, you have to let the government know about it, then often times, there will be Native American protestors who do not want Archaeologists digging up the bones of the Ancestors so they usually shut down any more Archaeology. Sometimes the dig sites can continue but more often than not they are just shut down and the land proclaimed as off limits.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 49 images Cartographer
    Posted By: TonnichiwaAre we allowed to link video's on this site?
    Of course (unless they contain questionable content or otherwise is against the guidelines).
  • Thanks Monsen. I wasn't really sure if I could because while they are Archaeology, they are also religious based and I wasn't sure if topics about religion could be posted. I was simply fascinated by the idea of them actually having found the ancient city.

    So this is the first video where he basically says it is trinitite.

    And this is the newer video where he shows it is impactite.

    Note that the names of the videos were given by someone else, not by the Archaeologist.
  • Sue, King Richard III was the reviled King of Shakespeare's play. Richard the Lionheart was the son of Henry II, and was Richard I. Sorry to be a history nerd
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    LOL! no worries. I get all the kings and queens mixed up. I hated history at school. They made something that should be fascinating totally boring and horrible by turning it into a list of dates and names that had to be remembered parrot fashion and dutifully regurgitated in the final exam. Talk about killing the curiosity in a child!

    Consequently, I am no history nerd, since my head is now full of things I find a lot more interesting, like the concept of finding an English king buried under something as mundane as a car park in the City of York, UK.
  • There are likely digs in the UK and don't require travel outside the country.
  • Posted By: Loopysue
    Consequently, I am no history nerd, since my head is now full of things I find a lot more interesting, like the concept of finding an English king buried under something as mundane as a car park in the City of York, UK.
    Talk about an ignoble end for someone who once wore a crown! :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Hey Tony :)

    Are you still working on this one?

    There's only 4-5 days left now.

    I hope you haven't fallen ill again!
  • Most dig seasons I know about are when university students are out of class for the summer. They volunteer to go on digs as some of the manual labor or cataloging teams.
  • Hi Sue, no, I'm not ill anymore, I've just got real life things that took priority for a bit.

    I do have a bit of an update though. I've decided I am just doing the upper tell wealthy district. But I am unsure how I want to represent the hill that the city sits upon. I'm also unsure if I should try to represent the farmland that was around the city.

    Anyway, here's the map
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Very glad to hear you are ok :D

    The map has come on a long way!

    I can't answer the questions you pose, since how I imagine it would never be the same as the way you would, but I am certain the solution will be a good one ;)
  • Glad you are doing better! Great maps! :-)
  • Thanks Sue, Thanks Charles. So I finally completed the map. This is it's final form. Enjoy :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    I would say you stand a really good chance of being the first exclusively CC3 map to win a challenge ;)

    Good luck! :D
  • A great map. I'll vote for it. Best of luck in the challenge
  • Thanks Sue, I doubt it though. Some people won't vote for a CC3 map no matter what the map looks like.

    Thanks Quenten. I did make a mistake in this map with the direction of the compass because I was working with an upside down diagram of the archaeological dig that didn't have a compass on it and they made it seem as if North was actually pointing down. In reality the compass should be pointing more to the Northwest. I've corrected it on the map for the challenge but I really didn't see the point of doing it here because the map really was just made for the challenge.

    Anyway, the challenge ends tonight so we'll see how it goes. :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Well if you're right about people not voting for CC3 maps just because they are CC3 maps and not PS maps, then neither of us are going to do very well - even though there are only 5 runners including you and me.

    It doesn't really matter, though. It was fun taking part :)
  • JMunsonIIJMunsonII Traveler
    What's wrong with a CC3 map? Do people think its somehow cheating? Heck, if that's the case, tell 'em to do it all by hand with real-world media! Oi, some people...
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    LOL! Its not really that bad :)

    I have more and more PS mappers voting for me every time I take part.

    I will admit that this time around I've done a hybrid map - a GIMP background with a CC3 foreground, but it is in its basic style a CC3 map, since the GIMP background was inspired by the original CC3 background, using the same CC3 fills to flood each layer, and only different by the way it made use of the facility to be able to draw and shade things without polygons. I could have done it all in CC3, but to produce the variable EFI effects would have taken me several weeks longer than the 1 month we get to do a challenge. I feel it highlights the capabilities of CC3 that you simply cannot do in PS - like globally adjustable roof shading on detailed building symbols, and the use of varicolour symbols. I've not yet heard of a PS or GIMP brush that can pull off that kind of trick :P
  • edited June 2017
    There are a number of reasons some people don't like CC3 maps. I've read why on Reddit and on the Cartographer's Guild, and I've even seen some stuff about it on facebook. Maybe even other sites I've visited too.

    Some people think any map made with CC3+ looks too artificial. Some people have said they look too "cartoony". Some people have said they can always tell when a map is made with CC3+ because everything looks like it came from a template instead of being drawn by hand. Other people don't like that it is easy just to put down some Symbols instead of drawing them all out by yourself. Other people have said that its cheating. Some people have said every CC3+ map looks just like any other CC3+ map, so you will never see a CC3+ map that looks like an original piece of work.

    The most weird complaint I heard was from a guy on Reddit that said that CC3+ isn't even worth buying because he said the time it takes to learn CC3+ could have been spent learning how to draw your own unique maps in Gimp or Photoshop. He went on to say that once you have learned to draw in Gimp or Photoshop, you would not be limited on what you can draw, where as with CC3+ you can only draw what you have Symbols for.
    He said he had already bought CC3 but thought he had wasted his money.
  • edited June 2017
    Posted By: TonnichiwaThere are a number of reasons some people don't like CC3 maps. I've read why on Reddit and on the Cartographer's Guild, and I've even seen some stuff about it on facebook. Maybe even other sites I've visited too.

    Some people think any map made with CC3+ looks too artificial. Some people have said they look too "cartoony". Some people have said they can always tell when a map is made with CC3+ because everything looks like it came from a template instead of being drawn by hand. Other people don't like that it is easy just to put down some Symbols instead of drawing them all out by yourself. Other people have said that its cheating. Some people have said every CC3+ map looks just like any other CC3+ map, so you will never see a CC3+ map that looks like an original piece of work.

    The most weird complaint I heard was from a guy on Reddit that said that CC3+ isn't even worth buying because he said the time it takes to learn CC3+ could have been spent learning how to draw your own unique maps in Gimp or Photoshop. He went on to say that once you have learned to draw in Gimp or Photoshop, you would not be limited on what you can draw, where as with CC3+ you can only draw what you have Symbols for.
    He said he had already bought CC3 but thought he had wasted his money.
    And here's why i don't go on the Guild, or any other site, for that matter. I find it incredibly arrogant to critique someone's work in that manner. Constructive criticisms are always welcome, but when you get on some soapbox about the medium one uses to CREATE - which is really the key word - you are nothing but a judgemental snob, talent or no talent. Unfortunately for some of us, DRAWING does not come easily, and quite frankly i don't think all the drawing classes in the world would get me the ability to create a map like say, a Schley map in CC3.....but would still like to have a creative outlet. It really gets under my skin - those judgy people. bleck.

    That's why i love this forum - CC3(+) users only - who are just here to help each other out, give great, honest and respectful criticisms to each other, and cheer each other on when a great or even not so great map is posted to these boards. I love us here :)

    Ok, stepping down off MY soapbox now. Can't wait to see what you make of this Tony! You should do a tutorial....cause i sure haven't been able to figure Perspectives out yet! It's a bit too "mathematical" for me, i think :) (says the nurse, haha)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    edited June 2017
    I find it very amusing when people who can't work out how to use CC3 start to damn it instead. Its just like the bad workman who blames his tools, for they would obviously like to be able to use CC3, or they would never have bought it in the first place.

    Unfortunately this minority make up the hardcore anti CC3 mappers who actively vote against CC3 maps - just because they are angry and frustrated people. Its a sort of vengeance thing with them.

    Fortunately they are only a very small minority. Most of the PS users are perfectly fine about CC3 maps. I've found that if you just show an interest in what they are doing with their maps, they start to get a bit curious about what you are doing with yours, and the fences (if indeed there are any) seem to melt away.

    I have many PS friends at the Guild - as a result of working on the barriers all this time.
  • Lol, I agree with you Lorelei. It does make me a bit irritated about the one guy who made the comment about drawing it all myself. I was just laughing when I read this because I want my maps to look like Schley maps as well, and there is no way I could draw as well as he does. Schley has spent a lifetime learning how to do that and I don't have that amount of time left in my life to learn that.

    Haha, I agree Sue, I have to chuckle as well when I hear people complain about how hard it is to learn CC3+. I have found it much harder to learn Gimp or Photoshop and I don't get anywhere near as good of a result from those programs as I do with CC3+. If I spent the time learning them I would still need to spend even more time (10+ years at least) in order to be able to learn how to draw the way I want to.

    I don't really have a problem with the people who don't like this program. I just figure if people like what I've made they will look at it. If they don't they won't. No skin off of my back.

    Lorelei, I am going to be doing a tutorial on my Youtube channel on how to make buildings in Perspectives 3. I am actually getting set up to make the video now. It isn't going to be about making dungeons at all, as I will do that in another video. I personally think making buildings and houses in Perspectives 3 is harder than drawing dungeons.
  • JMunsonIIJMunsonII Traveler
    Re: art snobs - people should just get over themselves and get lives...
  • I've seen complaints of cartoony CC3 maps, and it wasn't drawn with CC3. I think there are lots of people out there who pretend they can draw or know art, and they can do neither.

    I use CC2/CC3/CC3+ because I'm not an artist. My maps are popular, I see anywhere from 300 megs to over a gigabyte of downloads from my sites per month. So there are folks out there who like them. Some months just my Crestar site gets over a gig of maps downloaded.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 49 images Cartographer
    Posted By: JimPI use CC2/CC3/CC3+ because I'm not an artist.
    Same here. Drawing just isn't for me, I've been failing at it since elementary school. Without CC (or similar software), I would have been completely lost.
  • JMunsonIIJMunsonII Traveler
    CC3+ saves a heck of a lot of hand drawing time. Granted, maybe some raster effects are better handled in something like PS or GIMP, but, overall, this is a faster way to accomplish work... :) I can draw and I opt for CC3+ in this case... :)
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    I use CC3, and I treat GIMP as an add on - a useful tool for doing complex blending operations in the background. I call them hybrid maps, but the truth is they are far more CC3 than they are GIMP.
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