CSUAC installation

now i know this has been done to death, but i've run into something different. since my reinstall, i'm redoing my CSUAC install. i'm doing this step by step, per directions, but have run across something i haven't seen before.

1. needed to create a "CC3" folder in my C:\ProFantasy folder
2. appended fcw32.imn
2. extracted "CSUAC_for_CC3_v3.zip" into the new CC3 folder

so theoretically, i should have my menu buttons(i do), and access to the .FSC files, right(ex - C:\ProFantasy\CC3\Symbols\CSUAC\CC3_CSUAC_Animals\Aquatic.FSC)? no red x's though(i haven't extracted art yet), i only have blanks where the symbols should be. what's the deal here? i don't recall it being this difficult before....


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    If there is no CC3 directory in your ProFantasy folder, your CC3 is installed somewhere else. You'll need to add the files and extract the zip in your CC3 program folder, where ever it is located.
  • weird. i've only installed it in its own directory on the C: drive. a system search doesn't show any other CC3 directory....
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Have you looked in your C:\Program data\ folder ?
  • JimP, it's not there. what i did was delete everything CC3 related i could find. uninstalled everything. cleaned up the registry then rebooted. reinstalled using "run as administrator". here is a shot of my root directory "C:\ProFantasy" and no CC3 folder. am i missing something here?

    profantasy folder
  • KenGKenG Traveler
    edited March 2013
    This is my file directory, maybe this will help
    The bL folders have the PNG files and the CC3 have the *.FSC files

  • i guess my question is- is the CC3 directory added by the installation, or is it created by me?
  • KenGKenG Traveler
    Mine CC3 directory was created when I installed it on my system,
  • not mine :( screenshot above is my directory structure after a fresh install. what the heck am i doing wrong?
  • KenGKenG Traveler
    There is also a repair thing for your registry in the technical support area, maybe that is corrupted?
  • i had completely forgotten about that! verified that the registry points to the correct folder, now getting the cc2 dialog error loading file when i click on a menu button. all of the .mnc files are in the menu folder. C:\ProFantasy\CC3\Menu\csuac_animals.mnc
  • i'm actually looking at that post now, but still no solution. my 8 .mnc files are in the correct folder (C:\ProFantasy\CC3\menu)....
  • KenGKenG Traveler
    Do you have the CSUAC_MENU folder in the same place which would contain the fcw32 file?

    This is monsens comments on this issue

    MonsenCommentTimeJan 6th 2009 whisperquote
    Posted By: freefallin
    and yeah, it is an immediate error
    Ok. That means that it can't find the .mnc files, so let us forget about the symbol catalogs themselves for now (The fsc files)

    - First thing to try is to try several of the buttons, and both left and right click on them. This establishes if there might be an error in the fcw32.imn file. If some work, and some doesn't, you should redo this file.
    - If all the buttons create errors, check your file structure.
    1. Make sure you have a subdirectory called "menu" inside your main CC3 directory, and not inside a subdirectory or anything
    2. Make sure you have copied the 8 *.mnc files directly into the menu directory, and not inside a subdirectory or similar.
    3. If you are using Windows Vista, it is sometimes a bit protective about the content in the Program Files structure. You can verify that CC3 itself can see the files by using file->open, browse to the "menu" directory you created, and manually type in *.* as the filename and hit enter. If the files are available, you will see them listed in the window. (Don't try to actually open them in CC3)
  • here's the directory structure of my .mnc files

  • KenGKenG Traveler
    edited March 2013
    It didn't let me attach my IMN file but here are the contents for mine.
    No extra lines top or bottom

    #701,CAMONSTER2:[Creatures]{|CMENU #menu\csuac_creatures.mnc;}|CMENU #menu\csuac_creatures.mnc;
    #702,CC2DRAWTOOLS:[Equipment]{|CMENU #menu\csuac_equipment.mnc;}|CMENU #menu\csuac_equipment.mnc;
    #703,SS3VEHICLES:[Vehicles]{|CMENU #menu\csuac_vehicles.mnc;}|CMENU #menu\csuac_vehicles.mnc;
    #704,SS3PEOPLE:[Animals]{|CMENU #menu\csuac_animals.mnc;}|CMENU #menu\csuac_animals.mnc;
    #705,CAHEADTOG:[Humanoids]{|CMENU #menu\csuac_humanoids.mnc;}|CMENU #menu\csuac_humanoids.mnc;
    #706,CC2VE:[Vegetation]{|CMENU #menu\csuac_vegetation.mnc;}|CMENU #menu\csuac_vegetation.mnc;
    #707,DD2FURNITURE:[Furniture]{|CMENU #menu\csuac_furniture.mnc;}|CMENU #menu\csuac_furniture.mnc;
    #708,PERIHOUSE:[Structures]{|CMENU #menu\csuac_structures.mnc;}|CMENU #menu\csuac_structures.mnc;
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    edited March 2013
    That looks like your install folder for CC3 is C:\Profantasy\ instead of C:\Profantasy\CC3

    If your CC3 runs fine that is no problem in itself. Just make sure you place all the CSUAC files and folders directly under /Profantasy/, instead of creating the CC3 subfolder and placing them there.
  • i wasn't going to mess with this until tonight, but Ralf has again pointed out the obvious. i was one folder too deep. i was hung up on the "CC3" folder existing. i installed CC3 in its own folder, so no CC3 folder was there. the initial zip file(containing the menu and fsc files), instead of being in the CC3 folder, needed to be in the root installation folder. everything works like a charm now.

    a huge thank you to everyone who has had the patience to help me through this(again). trust me, this WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.
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