Okay, the way I did it was to ungroup the houses I wanted to change and manipulated or deleted the components individually. A little labour intensive but simpler than I expected.
CD3: Converting House Styles

Best Answers
jslayton Moderator, ProFantasy Mapmaker
Most of the procedural generation tools in CC3 are one-time drawing aids that result in sets of primitives (circle, arc, line, polygon, and so on) rather than in entities that retain the original identities of the procgen request. The HOUSE command, for example, generates polygons and those little frills along the edges of the rooflines can be composed of hundreds of nodes. Once the nodes for the basic house are placed, it's not really possible for the system to go back and change them out for something different except in a very limited sense. Changing the roof style of an existing house (including those generated by STREET) doesn't seem to be one of the limited editing options.
I may be wrong on that last one, though, because I didn't go through the code in any great detail.
roflo1 🖼 3 images Surveyor
When editing grouped entities, remember you can click on the Locked/Unlocked button on the bottom right (next to Snap, Ortho, etc.) to allow selecting individual entities within a group.
Most of the procedural generation tools in CC3 are one-time drawing aids that result in sets of primitives (circle, arc, line, polygon, and so on) rather than in entities that retain the original identities of the procgen request. The HOUSE command, for example, generates polygons and those little frills along the edges of the rooflines can be composed of hundreds of nodes. Once the nodes for the basic house are placed, it's not really possible for the system to go back and change them out for something different except in a very limited sense. Changing the roof style of an existing house (including those generated by STREET) doesn't seem to be one of the limited editing options.
I may be wrong on that last one, though, because I didn't go through the code in any great detail.
When editing grouped entities, remember you can click on the Locked/Unlocked button on the bottom right (next to Snap, Ortho, etc.) to allow selecting individual entities within a group.