What does this mean

I keep seeing this when I close (because it is underneath CC3+) and don't know what the message means. It doesn't seem to affect the performance of CC3+.

Best Answer

  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 49 images Cartographer
    edited February 2023 Accepted Answer

    It sometimes happens that the update installs a .dll file you're not supposed to have. Basically, CC3+ thinks you have Perspectives3 installed, but can't find the required settings files for it.

    You should be able to fix it by deleting the cc2per.dll file found in your CC3+ installation directory (c:\program files (x86)\ProFantasy\CC3Plus).

    (Is that your cat in your new profile image?)



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 49 images Cartographer
    edited February 2023 Accepted Answer

    It sometimes happens that the update installs a .dll file you're not supposed to have. Basically, CC3+ thinks you have Perspectives3 installed, but can't find the required settings files for it.

    You should be able to fix it by deleting the cc2per.dll file found in your CC3+ installation directory (c:\program files (x86)\ProFantasy\CC3Plus).

    (Is that your cat in your new profile image?)

  • It is - her name's Bubz [short for Bubbles] and she's 15.

    I do have Perspectives3 but it isn't installed any more - I'm waiting for a new computer which will make things faster and I'll have a totally clean install.

    note the order of my comments!

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