Parchment maps

I love making parchment maps with Campaign Cartographer, but I'm still quite inexperienced at working with the software.
What tools are there for making overland parchment maps? I've already got:
- Classic fantasy
- Parchment and paper (annual 2007)
- Parchment maps (annual 2017)
Are there any other symbols or annuals which give me additional tools to work with? Which symbol catalogs go well with a parchment background? I'm looking for symbols which depict actual cities or towns, like those in the annual BW fantasy style.
The parchment style generally just has line art for the symbols. There is no white so you can see the parchment background. This is different from the other B&W styles without parchment because they will usually have white in at least some of the symbols.
If you are wanting for detailed symbols for say the city, then maybe Fantasy Illustrations would work. It is in annual 4. It is a grayscale style instead of B&W, so there won't be any white showing up.
In annual 3, there are instructions on how to create symbols for ornamentation using symbol fonts and clip art It also includes some symbols. Those symbols may be of use or at least the instructions in case you can find your own symbols.
You could also just use GIMP and convert symbols you like from another style into grayscale and then import and use them.
Here is a link to all of the annuals: