What are the annuals?
jusa ant
Are annuals like yearly dlc? and are any of them included in the humble bundle 25.85€ price?
Some are included. I think it was mentioned that 78 are.
The Annuals are 12 issues per year, one per month, of different mapping styles, fills, symbols, etc. and a pdf on how to use them.
You can purchase previous year's Annuals as one large zip file. Buying next year's Annual next month, each issue becomes available at the beginning of each month.
Annuals are an ingenious device to part you from your money.
The thing is, you cannot buy indivudal map styles. You have to buy the entire year worth. The bundles are a mixture of styles taken from various annuals.
The annuals are produced at the rate of 12-13 issues per year like a monthly magazine. You can buy any year, including the current one as a single annual, though you will get a new issue each month if you have the current year's annual until the year is over.
If you want to know what is in each one I made a wall of issue links right here: https://forum.profantasy.com/discussion/10366/cartographers-annual-all-the-issues-linked-in-one-place
Each link takes you to the little bit of Profantasy webpage that announces each new issue.
Most of the current bundle consists of grouped selections of annual issues from different years. There are lots of them in there - about a third of them.
You can install the annual in parts as you go, month by month, and it is possible to install the full annual over the top of those monthly installations.
The annuals have great content. I have them all except for 2021. Will be picking that up soon.