Maddening Spring

edited December 2020 in Show and Tell

Hi, all. Thanks to the Black Friday sale, I finally got my hands on the SS2, which I had loved from the distance for some time because of the realistic, beautiful symbols and bitmaps and the potential to mix them with the CSUAC sets.

This is Maddening Spring, a mystical site south of the Dairly Plains, in the D&D Dragonlance setting. The wild gnomes of Moortrotter's apiary had been experimenting with the magical waters of the spring when a tarmak scout, the blue painted body in the middle of the picture, got wounded and died, the mixture of the alchemical blue ointment and the rotting corpse polluting the spring with dramatic consequences.


LoopysueMonsenDaltonSpence[Deleted User]jmabbottRalfWyvernTheschabiDaishoChikaraWeathermanSweden


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