Historical Maps

MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼 81 images Cartographer
edited March 2024 in Resources

This thread about Historical Maps is one of the curated threads in the Resources category. Here you can find links to various sources for historical maps, mostly online, but also book recommendations and the like. This thread is about actual historical maps from Earth not fantasy maps inspired by the style of historic maps. It also covers modern maps of historical locations.

The link goes to the forum post that brought the content to the forum. A direct link to the content is provided in parenthesis for easy access, but please go to the forum post to discuss the content.

Only this top post is curated, users can use the comments below to add links themselves, but I suggest that you do this by starting your own discussion in the Cartographic Resources category, and link to that discussion from your comment here. That way each source have it's own thread where it can be discussed. I'll add the best links to the curated content, but the comments here will be a way to discover even more resources than I showcase.

As time goes by, some links may get outdated as sites die and gets replaced by other sites. If you find any such links here, please use the Flag link to notify me about this but please don't use Flag to ask me to add links.

Historical Maps

Loopysue[Deleted User]JimPWyvernDaishoChikaramike robelLorelei


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