Community Atlas, Forlorn Archipelago, Fisher Island, Moroni Range, local maps



  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 7: Moo. Toned down the glow around the text.

    Map 8: Outstretched Tower increased the text size for Lero's. I tried increasing the text glow, but I don't think I got it correct.

    Map 38: area map for Outstretched Tower and Moo. Roads fixed to reflect the roads on Map 1.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 9: Shoro Town. Added the broken road over to the ruins. Ruins aren't mapped.

    Map 10: Stout Tower, no changes.

    Map 40: showing roads added for Map 9 and Map 10.

    Map 11: Wrelna Tower, no changes.

    Map 12: Zosh Updated with a compass rose, text and a scale.

    1) Main Gate
    2) Food kiosk and store
    3) weapons kiosk and store
    4) secondary gate
    5) general store
    6) more stores

    Map 17: Forest Tower, no changes.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 41: Zosh's general store. Should I make the footpath wider ? The square grid is part of the floor tool. I can remove that if you want me to.

    And that is it for today. I'm getting tired and I am taking a break.

    Break over.

    Map 13: ruins south of Yonder Pond

    1) old keep
    2) house, cracked land, could lead to a cave
    5) well
    6) weeds
    7) moldy garden
    8) fall oak trees
    9) fall ash trees

    Something came out of, or went into, the well.

    Map 14 ruins west of Yonder Pond No changes

    1) older keep than map 13. Has a snow covered maple tree growing on one side ot it.
    2) a snow covered bush growing in a house
    3) 3 snow covered bushes growing in a house
    4) unknown, appears to be a large house or store. Has a snow covered maple tree next to it
    5) unknown, appears to be a large house or store. Has a snow covered maple tree next to i and a snow covered bush growing in it.
    6) an old religious building, with a snow covered pine tree.
    7) wall remnant with a snow covered pine tree.
    8) older keep same as 1)
    9) a small pergole
    10) This tree seems older than the rest.
    11) snow covered tree

    The snow doesn't melt as the seasons change.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 15: Kobold Ost, no changes

    Map 16: Kobold Sud, no changes.

    Map 18: general General Store, no changes

    Map 19: Keeper Tower ground level, moved the compass rose.

    Map 20: first floor of Keeper Tower, moved the compass rose

    Map 21: second floor of Keeper Tower. Moved the compass rose.

    I'll double check the compass roses and scales on Friday and try and move them all to the same part of the map... I knopw some of them I just have to find a place to put them.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 22: Ah, the trees were on the wrong sheet. Moved them.

    The spiral staircase in this tower are difference colors, so if zoomed in the referee can see the floor by color.

    Map 23: same problem, and had some duplicate tree symbols, one on top of another. A couple of times.

    Map 24: Keeper Tower basement. No changes.

    Map 25: Bell, Adventurer's Store. I couldn't come up with another place for the rose and scale. Added a path.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 28: did the same for Bell's Bread and Cheese Shop. Path added.

    Map 26: Bell's storage, first floor. Path added.

    Map 27: Bell's storage second floor. Used a light brown for the path as seen from the second floor.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 29: Bell's repair shop. Added a path.

    Map 30: No changes. Map presumes anyone using this Dungeon City entrance covers their tracks.

    Map 31: Kobold entrance to Dungeon City. An occasional track can be found. No changes to the map.

    Map 32: tried an edge fade on the bitmap fill, doesn't seem to do anything. On Map 34 it did make a difference. I'll attach the map 32 fcw file.

    without fog and with fog
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 33: The Deep, a city. No changes.

    Map 34: The Entrance. Sheet problem, fixed it. Edge fade worked on this map, but its a color, not a bitmap fill.

    Map 35: no changes.

    Map 36: Small lake. Can't get the fade inner to work on the bitmap fill. I'll attach the fcw. Fixed the sheet order.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 37: Desolate Fen. Put a glow around the scale and compass rose to make it easier to read. It had a black glow, now white.

    Map 40: had a scale bar, but it was on a hidden layer. I can make it smaller, for 1 mile instead of 2 miles.

    I think that is it. To sleep, perchance to Dream... but not of maps.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited August 2020
    Maybe 41 should have a floor that isn't quite as grass-like?
    40: Yea, make the scale bar 1 mile. Or even 0.5
    32: Replace the Edge Fade, with an Edge Fade, Inner instead.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    I'll take them in order.

    Map 41: background city sheet was affecting the floor. I figured out how to get rid of the grid. Tile floor.

    Map 40: reduced both the compass rose and the scale bar.
  • I think the scale would be best outside the building - lower left or right
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Compass rose move to ? Or leave it where it is ?

    I'm used to seeing them fairly close together.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 32: changed to Fade edge, inner. Without and with fog.

    Has the same problem as 36 which I will be posting shortly.

    Map 36: same as 32 but no fog on top of the floors.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Map 40 update.

    Am I done yet ? I have no idea. I do need to type up info on the different areas.
  • Yes, move compass, to opposite side at bottom (or above scale, just keep it outside building
  • In general, I think scales and compasses look better in one of the 4 corners, (not always true)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Unless I make some of the store maps larger, I have to leave the compass roses and scales inside the buildings. Not any room elsewhere to put them.

    Map we are talking about, is posted just above.
  • There is space below the store fo the scale and Compass, though you may need to reduce the size of the compass
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    I think I have stared at this computer enough today. Taking a break.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Unless there is something major for me to do on these maps, I'll start work on text for each location. maybe a bit of history as well.

    Thanks for the input. Hopefully I finally understood the feedback.

    Probably wont be posting text for the locations until Monday. When that is done, I'll start uploading zip files, with text separated out for each map.

    Next set will NOT have this many maps.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 9: Shoro Town update.

    I noticed all of this area only had one repair shop open to adventurers. So I named some more places. Moo will get the same.

    Map 7: Moo updated.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Info for adventurers. Food is a place they could buy food for a journey.

    Inn: Forest Tower, Moo, Outstretched Tower, Shoro Town, Stout Tower, Wrelna Town

    Food: Bell, Keeper Tower, Moo, Wrel Tower, Wrelna Town, Zosh

    Open Air Market: Outstretched Tower, Stout Tower,

    Repair: Bell, Moo, Shoro Town

    Stables: Forest Tower, Moo, Outstretched Tower, Shoro Town, Stout Tower, Wrelna Town

    Storage: Bell, Shoro Town, Wrelna Town,

    Supplies: Bell, Moo, Shoro Town, Keeper Tower, Wrel Tower, Wrelna Town, Zosh

    Well, Public: Keeper Tower, Outstretched Tower, Stout Tower, Wrel Tower, Wrelna Town, Zosh,
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Moroni Range, South

    Map 1: Moroni_Range01.fcw

    The fcw filenames after each map number is how I'll submit them; however, if a name change is desired, please let me know. Thanks.

    Elves in the Starshine Forest to the north and east.

    Castle Defender wasn't much, they had weak attackers, until the day stronger opponenets showed up. Now it is a Motte and Bailey, with three support towers nearby.

    The various evil people in the mountains started attacking the villages. More towers with enclosed stone baileys were built to better defend these areas.

    Keeper Tower basically defends, at least they try to, the surface entrance for humans going down to The Deep, a dungeon city.

    There is evil nearby who keep attacking this keep.

    Each town and tower along the road south are bastions of repair and recuperation.

    I'll continue the text posts as my imagination kicks in.

    Comments welcome. When I get some text for all maps done, I'll submit the zip files.

    Thanks for the help.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 3: Keeper_Tower01.fcw

    This map has more places than most of the rest.

    Moo is a nice place, sells beef and various farm crops in season.

    Yonder Spring, nothing odd about it.

    The Small Wood: trees aren't crowded, you can see through it to the other side.

    Two ruins areas, believed to be built by former inhabitants of the area.

    Desolate Fens is marshy and evil lives there in a tower.

    Keeper Tower tries to protect the human entrace down to The Deep, a dungeon city.

    Two kobold villages, and the might be using the kobold entrance to Dungeon City areas.

    Map 4: castle_defender01.fcw

    Castle Defender. A Motte and Bailey with 3 support towers nearby. The roads into the forest interior can bring more elf defenders.

    Map 5: wrel_tower01.fcw

    Wrel Tower doesn't have much in the way of amenties. A small store. Adventurers are advised to have tents for camping outside the walls. There is a water well.

    Map 6: Bell_villagearea01.fcw

    Bell Town has several shops, but no Inn. Adventurers are advised to have tents for camping outside the walls. There is no water well for outsider use.

    Map 25: Bell_adventure_store01.fcw

    Bell shop for adventurers. Has a variety of items to help with an adventure. Some items might be too bulky for a backpack.

    Map 26: Bell_storage01.fcw

    Bell storage has 2 floors. Do not mess with the caretaker.

    Map 27: Bell_storage02.fcw

    Second floor of the storage building.

    Map 28: Bell_bread_cheese01.fcw

    Bakes bread daily, and also has cheese for sale.

    Map 29: Bell_repairs01.fcw

    They can do minor repairs. Busted up chain mail or a broken sword is beyond what they can fix.

    Map 7: Moo_villagearea01.fcw

    Inn and Stables, Repair shop that can fix minor armor problems. A General store for supplies. Not mapped.

    The Inn has some nice beef meals. They can supply jerky for the trail. Two weeks notice needed.

    Map 8: outstretched_tower01.fcw

    Outstretched Tower has an open air market, A large nice Inn and Stables, and a tax collector. No repairs, but some of the Inn folks can make repairs in leather and cloth items.

    Map 38: outstretched_tower_and_bell01.fcw

    This map shows the general area for these two locations. The henge is not detailed.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    edited August 2020
    Map 9: shoro_town01,fcw

    Inn, Stables, repair shop, general store, and storage. Not mapped.

    A row of shops, not mapped.

    Bee Hill.

    Well, a large colony of honey bees live there. The farmers are glad of them as they pollinate these fields.

    Why are there no guard towers like the other arable land ?

    Many years ago, kobolds attacked via this road and field. The bees saw their favorite gardner killed by some large beings. He had been kind to them, getting them water and planting flowers when their water supply had dried up. The other field hands gave report that they distinctly heard small trumpets being sounded. The guards on the walls didn't hear them.

    But the bees in Bee Hill did. They attacked the kobolds who never attack this town using this direction ever again.

    A traveling druid did communicate with the bees on behalf of the town. Both the bees and the town resolved to come to each other's aid in all such future events.

    The field hands, and two adventurers, did convince some bears to leave the bees alone. Find their honey elsewhere.

    All has been quiet on this side of town for years.

    Map 10: stout_tower01.fcw

    Stables, warehouses, 2 Inns, open air market, and the tax collector. This tower is a backup for Keeper Tower.

    Map 40: stout_and_shoro_area01.fcw

    Shows their relationship to each other and the Contentious Hills. The dotted road is old and worn out, partially goes to ruins off to the southeast.

    Map 11: wrelna_town01.fcw

    Wrelna Town has places for adventurers to stay and buy supplies.

    a) main gate
    b) military commander's house
    c) town hall
    d) wizard tower
    e) merchant homes
    f) Bill's Inn and Bar
    g) Town water fountain and well
    h) wells
    j) storage
    k) commoner houses
    l) town militia or town military homes
    m) tax man
    n) stables
    o) warehouses
    p) store

    No area map for Wrel Tower and Wrelna Town.

    Map 12: Zosh_villagearea01.fcw

    1) main gate
    2) food stall
    3) weapons stall
    The store and sundries building between the two stalls carries more items.

    4) secondary gate
    5) one of several apple trees
    6) shops, family lives upstairs.

    Map 17: forest_tower01.fcw

    Inn, Stables. Well at the Inn.

    That Weird Rock. Well, its not exactly weird, I mean, it just sits there in water no one will drink from, quietly humming songs to itself. It doesn't bother anyone, at least, as far as anyone knows.

    Map 39: forest_tower_and_zosh01.fcw

    I need to tone down the glow on the symbols.

    Both town and tower have crop fields. And a small path leads into the Starshine Forest where farmers go to sell fresh vegetables. The elves don't always allow the farmers entry to the forest.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    Posted By: JimPThe fcw filenames after each map number is how I'll submit them; however, if a name change is desired, please let me know. Thanks.
    For the filenames in the atlas, I never use unnecessary numbering, so if a location is just a single map, it shouldn't have any numbers. Actually, for buildings/dungeons with many floors, I also always leave the main/entrance/ground level/whatever unnumbered, and only numbers subsequent files, so a building with 3 floors would be named building.fcw, building 2.fcw and building 3.fcw.
    Also, I don't use underscores in the file names, I always use spaces, and I use a space between the name and the number.
    For overland maps, I also use proper names for zoomed in maps, not just increased numbering. Generally, if the area doesn't have a proper name, I often find a prominent feature and add environs, such as keeper tower environs for the area around keeper tower.

    I always rename maps I receive to follow those rules if they aren't already named like that.

    I guess you can say Shoro Town have their own stinger missile air to ground defense system :)
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Map 13: yonder_spring_ruins01.fcw

    ruins south of Yonder Pond

    Greenish buildings, must be moldy.

    1) the old tower, tree growing close to it.
    2) two walls left, cracked ground
    3) four partial walls, tree growing into the building. Might have been a house at one time.

    4) two walls barely standing, shrub growing inside.

    5) an old well. Looks like something comes out of the well and wanders about the ruins.

    Either something growing in the 7) garden, wandered around, and went into the well. Or something came out of the well, wandered around for a bit, and stopped at the garden.

    6) some reddish weeds... they appear to almost be in formation.
    7) the previously mentioned garden

    8) a tree that appears to be an autumn tree, even in the spring.
    9) a reddish tree in several locations. Sometimes move when there is no wind.

    Map 14: yonder_spring_ruins02.fcw

    1) older keep than map 13. Has a snow covered maple tree growing on one side of it.
    2) a snow covered bush growing in a house
    3) 3 snow covered bushes growing in a house
    4) unknown, appears to be a large house or store. Has a snow covered maple tree next to it
    5) unknown, appears to be a large house or store. Has a snow covered maple tree next to i and a snow covered bush growing in it.
    6) an old religious building, with a snow covered pine tree.
    7) wall remnant with a snow covered pine tree.
    8) older keep same as 1)
    9) a small pergole
    10) This tree seems older than the rest.
    11) snow covered tree

    The snow doesn't melt as the seasons change.

    Map 15: kobold_ost01.fcw

    bones in a cage.

    Map 16: kobold_sud01.fcw

    more bones in a cage.

    Map 17 already mentioned.

    Map 18: general_store01.fcw

    general General Store.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Maps 19 through 24 are details of Keeper Tower building.

    Map 19: Keeper_Tower_groundlevel01.fcw

    Entrance, 3 water barrels that are more to help defend this floor than

    Three sacks of food, two chairs for visitors. A nice decorative plant, don't touch, it growls when people do that.

    Spiral stairs going up.

    Under the potted plant is a hatch. Wooden stairs down into the basement. Might need to make the plant larger.

    Map 20: Keeper_Tower_level02.fcw

    Note that the color of the spiral steps can be used to track level of this keep in closeups.

    A storage box with quivers of arrows. A weapon wrack. Barrels of apples on the rug. Stools to rest on.

    Map 21: Keeper_Tower_level03.fcw

    Second floor.

    Two small storage boxes, benches for resting. Two wooden toilets.

    Spiral stairs up and down.

    Map 22: Keeper_Tower_level04.fcw

    Third floor.

    Three beds, toilets, food on two small tables. Benches for resting.
  • JimPJimP 🖼️ 280 images Departed Legend - Rest in Peace
    Map 23: Keeper_Tower_toplevel.fcw

    Top of the tower. Correct, the Lord and family don't live in this building.

    Spears, baskets with quivers of arrows, water buckets to put out fire arrows, Two toilets, 4 benches for resting.

    Trap door opens to a spiral stair going down.

    Map 24: Keeper_Tower_basement01.fcw

    Food and water barrels. A small group of potions on one table. Locked door to a small treasury.
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