Community Atlas: Du Wylderune (The Wild Lands) region, Malajuri (Complete)

I started working on the region where Voud Califf can be found on Lorelei's Malajuri. I've created the landmass, by tracing what was already there, based on the screen shot I took of the area. Unfortunately, I had to increase the size of the screenshot, which gave me a LOT of pixilation, so I sort of had to wing it a bit.

I haven't done much... but I have gotten to a good start. Now, Lorelei mentioned that she had planned for this area to be mostly wild lands, so there won't be much in the way of settlements. I do, however, plan to have many natural areas that will be great for exploration... caves, maybe some ancient ruins, perhaps a long abandoned tower, that type of thing.

I do need some input from Lorelei, however. My traceable map is so pixelated, that I can't tell what some of the images are from the main map. Lorelei, what I need to know is this:

1. Just south east of the mountains in the top left corner, those 4 images... are the hills? settlements? I can't make out what they are.

2. The forested area, is it conifer? Deciduous? or Jungle? I do get the impression that further south east, as you get to where I'm putting Voud Califf, those trees are palm trees, yes?

3. That secondary river, does it go all the way to the second lake? I can't tell from what I'm seeing.

Anyway, as soon as I get those questions answered, I can continue on this map. Like I said, not so much at the moment, but still a decent beginning.


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    I've got too many graphics open at the moment to risk opening another one, Storm (the price of working on new symbols). Any chance of uploading one with a filename that doesn't have an apostrophe?

    I don't have a problem with apostrophes. Its just that images with filenames that contain them don't show on the forum and you have to download and open them to see what they look like. (Right now I have "North gate 1" through to "North gate 8" open simultaneously to make sure it looks like the same building when I've finished all 8 views)
  • I thought I got rid of that! No wonder it wouldn't load right... hang on, let me fix it.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Ah that's better :)

    This is looking good already.
  • 1. They are hills and some dry vegetation.

    2. For the most part, it is a tropical environment, so lots of palms and jungle vegetation

    3. Yes the river goes to the lake which feeds into an underground river cave exiting in the bay
  • Mapping out this region is going fairly quickly. I'm trying to keep as much to Lorelei's original landscape as I can, while still adding some interesting elements. I already have two cave systems for exploring, and a few settlements. I may add a few more, or at least move some of the ones I have, though they are pretty spread out as it is. This region will not have roads, since it's supposed to be Wild Lands.

    I do, however, plan to add maybe some ancient ruins, to show that there might have been a civilization here at one point. I havent' decided, yet.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Looking good :)

    This is just a point to ponder. Attractive though it may seem to have no roads, Storm, a city is hardly likely to survive without any kind of transport into and out of the hinterland. There is very little reason for it to exist without any kind of trade, and importing everything the residents need, including stuff like grain and cloth would be very much more expensive than having an apron of reasonably large farming communities in the immediate vicinity at least - from which the basics of civilised life can be sourced.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    I recommend you manipulate the coastline a bit more where your city is located to match the terrain on the city map. There will always be coastline details that are too small to be visible on a continental map, so modifications such as these are standard procedure anyway.

    As for roads, I noticed on Lorelei's original map that there is also a settlement a bit south of the river (probably a bit larger than yours, since that showed up on the continent map), wouldn't it be natural that there is a road going down there at least, even if there isn't a large road network in the location (And with road I usually mean a somewhat maintained dirt trail, good enough to pull wagons and carriages along with some effort)
  • I understand what you are saying... but most of these settlements are either on the ocean, or the rivers. Voud Califf, of course, has a port, which will be implemented, and the other one on the coast probably will too.

    But some of these settlements can be 'nomadic' in which case, they move to where the food is, when they hunt, they use all of the animals, fur, skins, hides... and create their own woven goods, much like the Native American's in North/South America.

    Besides, these are like the first settlements... so roads just haven't been established yet.
  • Just a point - I think there are more jungle/palm trees.
  • Of course there are, Quenten! I'm not anywhere near done yet, this is just an update :)
  • I will have to check that out, Remy. As I stated before, I'm having a hard time downloading the actual fcw, so I'm having to rely on a very pixelated jpeg. I can't make out half of what's on the image I have.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Posted By: LadieStormI'm having a hard time downloading the actual fcw
    In what way? As far as I know, there shouldn't be any issues with downloading stuff from the atlas. Fcw isn't even particularly large. But if there is a problem I can fix, I'd like to know about it.

    Also note that you can also grab the high-resolution image, which show the map in great detail.
  • is there a way to download just the Malajuri FCW?

    Part of my problem, is that there are buttons across the tops of the maps. But they are hidden by the drop down header, so I can only see the edge. And I don't want to download the full atlas at this point, just the Malajuri map, so I can see what Lorelei has there.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Drop down header?

    Is that part of your browser?

    If it is, then you could use a different browser that doesn't hide the buttons?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Ah, I see. You are using a screen resolution that is small enough that the menu line doesn't fit, but large enough that it doesn't switch to the hamburger menu.

    I'll update the css of the site to fix this in a moment.

    In the mean time, the button to download the .fcw on the Malajuri map is the second to last one.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    What's a hamburger menu?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    This issue should be fixed now, but browsers cache this stuff, so you may not see the change immediately. There is usually a key combination to force a complete reload (Ctrl+F5 in most browsers).

    Posted By: LoopysueWhat's a hamburger menu?
    It is a common name used for the website/program menus as they appear on mobile devices. Instead of having the menu visible, it is usually hidden until you click the menu button, which is usually 3 horizontal lines in a box. Someone obviously thought it looked like a hamburger.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Oh I seeee!

    Well, I guess I just let the whole world know I don't have and never have had any of those "i" things the rest of the world tend to live by! LOL!
  • OMG! I finally can see what I'm looking at for Malajuri! Thanks Remy. What you did for that header did the trick. I was able to download Malajuri, and now I can actually see what I'm looking at! For example, that large tree where I wanted to put Voud Califf isn't a tree at all. It's a monolith!

    But now that I can see what I'm supposed to be looking at, I can do a much better job with this region, although it may not be exact... but then, what you see in a regional map, is always more detailed then a continental map.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited April 2019
    Posted By: LadieStormbut then, what you see in a regional map, is always more detailed then a continental map.
    Exactly. I think it is quite important to actually keep this in mind when mapping. The detail map is supposed to be more detailed, showing coastline details and small islands not visible from the higher level maps, adding minor rivers, breaking the terrain up more, adding more smaller features, and so on... The detail map is not supposed to be an exact copy of the above map.
  • I'm still working on this region, although I now have a lot done. I realized I put Voud Califf in the wrong place, so I added to the little bay's northern peninsula, and placed it there. Now it's more in keeping with the city I mapped.

    Lorelei's jungle is MASSIVE, and it took me a while to get that all done... but I did add a few things along the way. I have one more area to detail, that massive area to the south of the small hills I added. I'm not quite sure what I want to do there, yet, which is why it's still fairly blank. But, we're getting there.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
  • I figured out what to do with that area. I'm mostly leaving it alone, but I did add a few elements. At this point, All I really have left to do, is the labeling.
  • grrrrrrrrrrrrr, my docks disappeared. I'm going to have to figure out which sheet they ended up on, and fix that.
  • Looks great, Storm! I like the cliff edges you used along the river!
  • Thanks Lorelei! I was trying to come up with a viable 'reason' why the river seems to split there. I figured the best reason, would be if it flowed through a canyon. So I created a canyon :).

    I went ahead and put in roads, despite my original intentions... I guess traveling between these settlements, early pioneers may have cut roads through...

    I've also started on the labeling. Now my main concern here, is if it's readable, so please let me know if the colors are too dark/bright, or what not.
  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 39 images Cartographer
    Looks great, Storm :)

    Maybe the coastline could be a little stronger, but that's just a personal thing ;)
  • I agree with Lorelei about the coastline, and would also reduce the font quite a bit - it will still be legible, but at present, it is too dominating IMO
  • At this point, this map is almost complete. I only have one more thing to do, and that's add the scale. I have to refresh my memory on how to do that accurately, so it may take a day or two.

    But I added a glow to my landmass to help it stand out more, and I did end up reducing the size of my text labels. I forgot that this is actually a small map by my standards... 600x650.

    Once I have the scale in place, I will submit the fcw.
    By the way, if anyone is looking for dungeons to map, I have 3 cave in this region, plus some castle ruins, and an ancient pyramid. Not to mention there is a MASSIVE jungle that could hide a lot of things!
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