City Designer 3: Use/Bug Discussion

I've changed the start Post here to Summerise the Bug list and fixes you'll find in here:

1. My Install doesn't appear to be working! It says my serial key is invalid:
A. Please contact Profantasy about this, there isn't much as we can do.

2. My Hi Res Download Installer says I don't have CD3 installed!!:
A. Start CC3, Click CD3, Close, Try the Installer again.

3. My Hi Res Download Installer only gives me 2 options, Uninstall or Repair:
A. Run it in Repair mode. Something is a little messed up but Repair gives you the same deal anyway.

4. What Order should I install from scratch?:
A. CC3, Any of the other items though install SS2 AFTER DD3, then CD3 and Possibly Patch 6.

5. My Menu's are All Screwed up! They don't have the new buttons and I can only get Vector stuff!
A. Get the Fix from your Registration Page or further down this list. It replaces your menu's and fixes the problem.

6. On the menu City >> Terrain Fills there are three options, Grass, Land, and Water. Only water brings up the draw tools. The other two says that there are no matching draw tools:
A. Ralf's added a fix for that into the CD3 Menu Fix download.

7. My .FCW files have lost their Icons!
A. Being Looked into.. this shouldn't have happened but it has.
- Open CC2 Pro (if you own it). The FCW icons will show up again.

8. Fractual Poly Command isn't working properly:
A. Press Space, it tends to fix the command and make it work how it should.

9. Fractual Poly/Path not using my Bitmap texture:
A. At 0 it does it at the color, make it .01 or the like should fix this.
- This is not a Bug, and is Working as Intended.

10. My Resolution seems really crappy and Pixelated!!!
A. Go to your display speed settings, switch it to Very high hit ok, then refresh, go back in and switch back to Auto High.

11. Define Symbol seems to be Busted:
A. Not a new problem. Symbols need to be defined on the Common sheet to appear immediately in the Symbol Manager. If they're not, simply close and re-open the map, and they should appear.

12. The help file isn't updated:
A. No idea on this one.

As I notice more I'll Update etc etc for you.


  • ok other bugs listed so far:

    1.- Monsen: Yup. But there seem to be a bug. Well, for me at least. It forgot to install the master filter settings and symbol catalog settings to my registry. I've sent a tech support request for this one.

    - Fix (from Ralf)
    Try these, if you have trouble with master filters not installing. Unzip and add you your registry by double-clicking:
    CD3 Master Filter

    2. - Monsen: That works, but I did just discover another issue.

    No matter what template you start with, and what master filter you choose, each time you click on one of the button in the menu (using city.mnu), it reverts back to the vector style, instead of staying with the style of the recently selected filter.

    A: Ralf - The catalog buttons work a little differently in CD3. THe two left-most ones always give you the bitmap catalogs and the other ones the different vector styles. IS that what you're seeing?

    Responce Monsen: - No. All the buttons only give me vector symbols. Are there any buttons that weren't installed into my menu bar perhaps? The two leftmost buttons in my CD3 catalog button bar are the old Default/Miscellaneous and Fantasy/Howel ones. The bar itself looks identical to how it looked in CD Pro.
  • RobRob
    edited September 2008
    Monson: once I get an Install done I'll post up what my bar looks like if it looks diffrent to the CD2 bar.

    Nope I have the same issue here.. all the buttons bring up the Vector Catalogs only. No bitmaps Ralf.
  • Mogul76Mogul76 Traveler
    edited September 2008
    I like this initiative, Rob. Thank you.

    My (minor) issue after the installation of CD3: The icons of the FCW's have disappeared. I have increased the Windows XP icon cache to 4096 in the registry and rebuilt IconCache.db. To no avail, though.

    Am I the only one having this (once again, minor) problem?

    PS As to the symbols, same issue as Monsen and Rob over here: vector catalogues only.
  • RobRob
    edited September 2008
    Mogul: nope Mine have vanished as well :/ even though it still shows up as a CC3 file.

    Oh hint for anyone for if your updating a map etc, remember that you'll need to do the convert/drawtool adding like in DD3 etc when updating.

    The other thing I wanted to check Ralf, using the Bitmap A style for CD3 should in Drawing Properties the Text Sheet read: TEXT^?’@d

    I get the feeling it shouldn't but that is what mine reads :/ oh i should note that is when I used the Decide settings myself optioin. Not the templates.
  • First, I want to thank ProFantasy for CD3. I've looked at CD3 for a short time so far. It's been released in the late evening, so I will look at it more today and at the weekend. However, everything I've seen so far is excelent and I'm most satisfied. It's really pretty good job you did.

    My qustion: Is it needed to run CD3Setup.exe and then CD3Bitmaps.exe, or CD3Bitmaps.exe is sufficient?
  • Just a minor thing: When I choose Decide settings myself and then some (metric) style, dimensions are 999 x 799 instead of 1000 x 800.
  • I've just found out I have the same problem with vector style as noticed above. It's always switched from Btimap A or B style to Vector Shaded style when I use the icons from city.mnu So, if I want to use Bitmap A or B symbols, I have to choose the FSC catalog manually.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    edited September 2008
    If you apply this file, does it fix the menu: CD3 Menu Fix

    The catalog toolbar should look like this:
  • Mine doesn't look like that so I'll try that fix now.. the other thing is I can't find the Floor Plan button Ralf at all.. my menu's are ALL like the old CD-Pro menu's.. I'm wondering something:

    Shadowww, Monsen are you like me with the CD-Pro compat update installed BEFORE you installed CD3?

    I know i had mine installed and hadn't removed it etc.. and I'm wondering if that's the cause.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited September 2008
    Ahh. Much better. Except for the part where I lost my customizations to the city menu file. Oh well, I got a backup at home.

    There is some strangeness with the HQ bitmap installer btw.
    When you run it, it doesn't offer the option to install. It seems to think it is already installed, so it only offers "Repair" and "Remove" instead. Selecting repair seems to install the files. Does the installer believe it is the same installer as the main CD3 installer perhaps?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Posted By: RobShadowww, Monsen are you like me with the CD-Pro compat update installed BEFORE you installed CD3?
    Yes, i had the compatibility installed.
  • RobRob
    edited September 2008
    Ok ralf, that fixed both the Symbol menu and the Menu on the side ie it now has the floor plan option.

    I'm thinking if we can get more people to conferm it that it's the CD-PRO Compatability update that is causing the problem.

    I'm gonna test it real fast on my main computer.. which hasn't had CC3/CD installed on it yet.

    though I just noticed I now have a bunch of symbols for things I don't have installed ;) ie Perspective Pro etc etc lol guessing mainly because it's just sent through from ralf..
  • Posted By: Monsen
    Posted By: RobShadowww, Monsen are you like me with the CD-Pro compat update installed BEFORE you installed CD3?
    Yes, i had the compatibility installed.
    I think you guys may be on to something. I decided to uninstall the CD-Pro compat update just before I installed CD3 just to play it safe. My catalog toolbar looks exactly as Ralf posted without any issue - no need for the menu fix.
  • Dally yeah it's the CD-Pro Compat Update by the looks of it, only thing i can find in common.

    Ralf the other question that I'd bring up, if you use the random house / house stuff should it be the same size as the normal symbols at Scale 1.0 on the templates?

    I'm using the town template and the symbol sizes are significantly diffrent.. the best example would be that using the random street tool on that map, which is 1000x800 if i'm not mistaken i get a total number of houses = 14 houses up/down and 16 across.. for a town that's not a large amount of houses.. a street alone might have that in it :/
  • I also has the problem with the buttons being the same as CD Pro. Just confirming that I too had the Compat update installed. Ralf's fix worked.

    Also, under the menu City >> Terrain Fills there are three options, Grass, Land, and Water. Only water brings up the draw tools. The other two says that there are no matching draw tools.

    I think I'm going to reinstall after removing the Compat update just to insure my install is clean.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    I'm currently at a loss why the comp update should do this. Perhaps it is an issue with file dates. I've put the fix on the registry page for reference.
  • edited September 2008
    I uninstalled the Compat update, bitmaps, and CD3.

    After a new install the buttons are as they should be, however I have two possible bugs and one minor annoyance:

    1. On the menu City >> Terrain Fills there are three options, Grass, Land, and Water. Only water brings up the draw tools. The other two says that there are no matching draw tools.

    2.For the floor plans, I cannot select a directory to save the floor plan files in. I have to type the entire path of where I want to save them. Anyone else have this?

    3. Like Mogul76 and Rob, Win XP no longer shows the Icons for .FCW files.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Thanks for the reports, people. I'm looking at fixing these things as soon as possible.

    As for your #2 Shessar, have you tried double-clicking a file within the selected folder? That puts the folder path into the field for me. I know it's a bit weird handling, and we'll have a look at fixing it.

    Rob, see the attached image. That's a default random street on a "Town" Bitmap A template. No settings changed after starting the map. Is your size significantly different?
  • RobRob
    edited September 2008
    Ralf, town map attached straight load in, click on the random street.

    On the other side I put the symbol catalog stuff.. to me the 'big' buildings in the catalog symbolise larger manors etc (correct me if I'm wrong) while the smaller stuff is houses.. at the sizes here.. those = some big diffrences in house sizes etc.

    btw the map's the full size map..

    I went in and checked my settings (on right click - street) =

    House Settings: CD3 A Default.
    House Width: min 30, max 30
    " Length: 50,60
    Distance 10, 15
    Street 80
    Center 15

    oh and my map is definantly 1000x800 i just checked :/
  • Posted By: Ralf

    As for your #2 Shessar, have you tried double-clicking a file within the selected folder? That puts the folder path into the field for me. I know it's a bit weird handling, and we'll have a look at fixing it.
    Thanks Ralf. Double clicking a file in the folder I want to save to does not work for me, but I just figured out that it seems to insist on creating a sub directory under the one that the city map is in. This isn't exactly how I wanted to set up my folders, but it works well enough that I'm content. :)
  • oh and i can confirm the high res install wanting to either uninstall or repair. Repair seems to install the files anyway.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Ah, my bad. I used 2000x1600 thinking that was "Town", but it's city.

    No I think, your settings are correct. The number of houses you're showing there (if the map was filled up) woulfd make up a sizeable (if not large) medieval town, which I was thinking of when labelleing the templates. But those are only very rough suggestions anyway, added by me to have something different than pure numbers in the templates. If you prefer different sizes, I recommend using the wizard template.

    As for the different size in house symbols, that's by design. You're certainly correct by them representing different dwelling types: houses, manors, even temples, palaces, etc.
  • Okies just checking ;) I used the actual symbols for a change this time around anyway. which worked really nice though when I get to doing / redoing some of the bigger cities I'll be using the road/street command ie that old map of the rook i did needs updating for 4th edition and a nice few centuries of years passing.. and there is no way known I'm doing that by hand lol.

    I do have one question is the Annual CD3 city style exactly the same as the CD3 styles? and can the other style:

    Also this isn't a bug more a request for in the future.. is it possible to get some wall symbols that match Style A?

    and is it possible to get some towers that match the wall drawing tools? or a tool that does it? I tried to make one for quick and easy use but the polygon command doesn't allow a circle :(
  • Ok, a new problem. My Fractal Poly button produces a fractal line rather than a polygon and it does so with the currently selected color rather than the selected bitmap fill.
  • RobRob
    edited September 2008
    Same problem as Shessar, Fpoly is producing a Fpath UNLESS I hit space durring it

    then it will come out as a Fpoly, after that it works fine.

    but my poly did produce the right color i just had to increase the line width to see that ;) it was a bitmap fill

    oh if you want a tower that match's style A, I did this really fast, single item, not perfect.. but hey it works
  • edited September 2008
    Posted By: RobSame problem as Shessar, Fpoly is producing a Fpath UNLESS I hit space durring it

    then it will come out as a Fpoly, after that it works fine.

    but my poly did produce the right color i just had to increase the line width to see that ;) it was a bitmap fill

    Related problem, if I have line width set to zero, all of my lines (no matter what style, straight, path,smooth, fractal) are the current selected color rather than the current fill style. I reran the update just in case my install went bad but it didn't help.

    Edited to add: If I draw the line with a width greater than zero it uses the bitmap fill but when I change the width to zero it changes to the current color fill.
  • I had a few bugs on initial install, which seem to be resolved by installing the latest updates.

    I'm going to list them in case others have similar problems and are wondering what to do.

    (For the record, the size of the CD3 bitmaps required a complete uninstallation of CC3, add-ons and annuals and reinstallation to a more capacious hard-drive; in effect, I was doing a fresh install.)

    1) Very low resolution display. Before I updated, I found that manually altering the display speed settings did the trick. Without doing so, my attempts to follow the basic commands in the Essentials pdf bore no relation to the images in the PDF. I think I read about this trick in one the latest annual - without that, I wouldn't have had a clue what to do (and so people who don't subscribe to the annual, or haven't downloaded the latest edition, may well be unaware of it).

    2) Bitmap catalogues not loading through the CD3 menu icons. Ralph has posted a fix file for this, linked to from further up this thread, and on the updates page on Profantasy's main website.

    3) Manually loaded bitmap catalogues appearing in garish a shade of red (some or all of the symbol, depending on the catalogue loaded - awnings and domes inthe Middle East catalogue; the thatch in Bitmap A Thatch). This did not happen with buildings created through the House command, only the bitmap symbol catalogues. I didn't get this resolved until applying CC3Update6 (prior to this, after the fresh install, CC3 version was 6.18; the patch brings it to 6.22 and has cured the garish red problem). Update 6 is available from the Updates page on Profantasy's main site.

    Having applied the fixes and patches, everything I've tried so far now appears to be working as expected.
  • Symbol Definination doesn't appear to be working...

    I go through all the steps for just adding a new symbol ie all the layers correct etc etc

    Go to Symbols: Define Symbols

    Select everything

    hit Do it

    type in the data..
    Prefix Name, Normal Name etc

    Hit ok

    Symbol Vanish's like normal

    Go to symbol manager...

    nothing in there at all.

    However if I go - New - then create the symbol from the Symbol Manager it will let me save and things work...

    I've just done a symbol though in the normal fashion and can't get it to define :/
  • I edited the First Topic in this with all the 'Questions' and 'Answers' That I can find.
  • Installed and went to work with CD3, trying out the floorplan (DD3 Bitmap style) option for a building. After I got the floorplan map I tried to add doors, but while aligning to the walls properly, when I place them the turn back to their non-aligned position. If I add a room in the same map with the normal DD3 tools, the doors do work on that. Can't seem to figure out what the difference between the two is.
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