
Jeff B

Jeff B


Jeff B
Last Active
Member, Betatester
Fairbanks, Alaska

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  • My First Floorplan: Cybperpunk Club

    Try increasing to 80000000 - helped on my aurura image. what is your anti alias set at it should be at least 35% but don't go too high.

  • Live Mapping: Herwin Wielink Overland

    I have to say I like Ralf and Remy's videos very much. When thing don't go as expected it always makes me feel good that is just not me. With that said I thought the recovery from the crash was great and show how to change a map from one style to another so quickly was great, I decided that I wanted to try what was shown in the video so I took one of my favorite maps and converted it. I started with the hex version and now I'm converting the none hex version, here is a look at the hex version conversion.

    JimP[Deleted User]LoopysueMonsenroflo1Ricko HascheRalfLauti
  • [WIP] Project-A


    Thank You for your input. The aurora from my location is most of the Green or white coloring with some red when it is really active (65 degrees North) So my representation is based on that. With that said the color and type of background has a huge effect on the color of the lights more than what I expected. I still have a long way to go to get things to look the way I want them to and to get some reflections in the water during the day. Your suggestion are always welcome and helpful. I will continue to work on the project and refine I hope the lighting as that is the biggest issue right now. The other problem I have with the aurora is the upper edge is too soft but I do not know if I can fix that as there is very little control on lighting so to help with that I placed a color band under the upper lights which does help but not with sharpness.

    I'm not trying to make a photo realistic image in CC3 but more a map that is more like a photo than a map if that makes sense. I guess that is part of my mapping problem I don't see thing is a fantasy setting I see things in a more realistic setting which is a draw back for mapping in some regards.

    Here is an example of how much the background effects the lights.

    JimP[Deleted User]EukalyptusNowMonsenroflo1MapjunkieRalfLauti
  • [WIP] Project-A

    @Ricko Hasche

    Ok here is a quick stab at what I think your asking for. One more thing I need to learn how to do better, yes it needs to added to the final image. Let me know if this is the right track for your suggestion.

    Think I found the limit of lights you can have in a map. Think I need a smaller scale map to work with for the next test map. Having issues rendering the map as the last two attempts turned off the lights during the rendering. Got it to render. (Light count 750)

    Remember work in progress, learning as I go and a quick stab at the reflection in the water.

    [Deleted User]LoopysueMonsenRicko Hascheroflo1EukalyptusNow
  • [WIP] Project-A

    Phase 2 of the project is the night version. Again this is a work in progress and I have a large amount of work to get the sky the way I want it to be.

    1) Does the image give the over impression of what I'm trying to showcase in this project?

    2) Does the lighting of the mountain range work?

    3) Does the lighting in the sky represent the Aurora? (Yes it still needs a lot of work but again this is my first attempt at doing something this intense) (if interested there are 330 lights in the aurora)

    I have really learned a lot about lights and how a color background effects the lights differently from a bitmap background.

    This will be an on going project until I get the lighting the way I want it and it works for the subject then I will start work on the actual project.

    Thank You in advance for your comments and suggestions.

    JimPRicko Hascheroflo1[Deleted User]MapjunkieLoopysueMonsenEukalyptusNowLoreleiLauti