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  • [WIP] Norrath

    You can create snowy hills and mountains in this style simply by choosing a suitable colour for the varicolor symbols. There is an Ice fill and an Icefield drawing tool already with CA95, so you'll just need to match the hills and mountains with that. You may need to adjust the bitmap fill scaling too, so the patterning doesn't get lost at this sort of world-level map size.

    Part of the problem may be the Alyssa Faden style isn't well-suited to world-size maps, so the default scaling is set against that. As the PDF notes with CA95 note, "Alyssa's style is a great one to depict small to medium level overland maps. For very large maps, the beautiful detail of the symbols might get lost a bit." Doesn't mean you can't do it, and it will probably suit the cartoony look of the original map you'd linked to with its over-sized symbols, just that you have more effort to put in for it to work how you'd like!

  • Live Mapping: Monthly Symbols Dungeon

    Didn't somebody shoot Smaug already though? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐ŸŽฏ

  • Wilderland Campaign

    This of course is the kind of thing you have to do if you don't want to run your RPGs in the default setting the game comes with (it's Eriador, the OTHER side of the Misty Mountains for those who don't have TOR 2e) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • [WIP] Azeroth Classic

    The CSUAC trees are part of the free third-party resources you can download and install for use with CC3+. The process is not straightforward, however. If you want to try, you can find the links on this Forum information topic.

  • Forest Trail project - part 1

    This used to happen with new sheets you'd created in any map. If you didn't put anything on the sheet, it would be deleted the next time you reopened the map. That was changed in an update a long while back, and while it does solve the problem that if you don't use it immediately, you'll lose it, it does mean most maps now end up with far too many sheets in, because nobody's ever going to remember which sheets haven't been used in a given map. Plus there's always the danger you'll accidentally delete some critical sheet by mistake that has something on you'd forgotten about if you try to do a cleanup manually.

    It would be excellent to have the same possibility to remove excess Sheets at the end of a map, just as you can with Layers, currently. Not sure how practical that would be from a programming perspective though.

    EukalyptusNow[Deleted User]