
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
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  • [WIP] Trying to design a barrel roof

    One of the projects I'm working on is an attempt to create a fortress loosely modeled after The Armory in San Francisco (here are some pix I took nearly a decade ago, so no copyright violation posting them):

    After a bit of research, I've learned that the dome-shaped part of the roof is actually called a barrel roof. In my version, the roof would be split in the center and retractable, allowing for flying creatures housed inside to be able to fly in and out when the roof is retracted.

    I've been trying to create the barrel roof using a variety of techniques and effects, but I'm not super thrilled with all of my results. First, I tried taking domes from City Domes and enlarging with different XY values to make them oval. I like how it looks, but for a different project. Not the barrel roof I'm looking for.

    I tried adding walls at the ends to chop off the ends, but it's still not a barrel roof.

    Then I tried something totally different: going for two rectangular polygons with the Shaded Polygon (Angled by Edge) effects, as if going for a peaked roof, and then adding a series of Glow effects to suggest curvature. There are three Inner Glow effects on this, with a Blur of 4, 8, and 16 map units:

    This is getting closer, but I would love any suggestions with effects or an entirely different approach to achieve a proper barrel roof. Here's the FCW for the latest attempt, if that helps.

    C.C. CharronJulianDracosEdE
  • Wishlist for CC4

    I'm sure ProFantasy has a communication plan as part of their scheduled release, and all announcements are carefully scheduled as part of that plan, and we won't know anything until all of the logistics are sorted out...but I am dying to know when CC4 will be released.

    Kertis HendersonCalibre
  • [WIP] Town of Kukaar (Ancient Cities Annual)

    Great! I played with the ADJUST HUE/SATURATION effect to soften the wooden part of the bridge so it blends better. Even though it's unlabeled, I may declare this map is "done" unless anyone else notices anything that needs fixing. Love this style! Thank you to @C.C. Charron, Ralf, and everyone else who had a hand in its creation.

    LoopysueMonsenC.C. CharronDon Anderson Jr.
  • [WIP] Town of Kukaar (Ancient Cities Annual)

    Busy day, so I'm just now getting a chance to get back to this. Don, did you mean something like this, where the foundational towers would extend from the riverbank to rise above the bridge, like the towers of the Golden Gate Bridge, for example?

    seycyrusLoopysueC.C. Charron
  • [WIP] Town of Kukaar (Ancient Cities Annual)

    I also tweaked the smaller bridges over the canals so they're more even and identical-looking.
