[WIP] Per-Nezahd

Working on a desert village using the Desert Oasis style, but now I'm wondering if it's turning more into a town than a village, even though it's only 500 feet x 500 feet.

I added a wall around it because I figured they'd be pretty protective of their water source and the crops it's able to sustain. Added an inn and stables because I figured that traders would be coming through. And a pyramid outside of the walls as the Halls of the Dead (either tombs or a columbarium). All of this is making it feel a little big for a village -- which is fine, I can always add it to the Atlas outside of the competition and do another desert village for the contest.


MonsenLoopysueRickoC.C. CharronRalf


  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼 41 images Cartographer

    One country's town is another country's village and vice versa. Maybe check out any neighbouring villages that have already been mapped nearby?

    Royal Scribe
  • This will be in the Gold Coast area that I'm working on (almost ready to queue it up), so there aren't any other mapped villages for a thousand miles around! ;-) I guess I could do this one and a smaller one and let the voters decide if they like either.

  • Yup, I think it's a town, not a village. But that's okay, I have a home for it (looking at the parent map, it probably should be a town, not a village). But that's okay, it got me thinking and gave me ideas for a smaller village in the same style to design. (Also a little too symmetrical, but I guess it makes sense that everything would radiate out from the only water source for miles around.)

    MonsenRickoQuentenLoopysueDaltonSpenceMaidhc O Casain
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