[WIP] Per-Nezahd

Working on a desert village using the Desert Oasis style, but now I'm wondering if it's turning more into a town than a village, even though it's only 500 feet x 500 feet.
I added a wall around it because I figured they'd be pretty protective of their water source and the crops it's able to sustain. Added an inn and stables because I figured that traders would be coming through. And a pyramid outside of the walls as the Halls of the Dead (either tombs or a columbarium). All of this is making it feel a little big for a village -- which is fine, I can always add it to the Atlas outside of the competition and do another desert village for the contest.
One country's town is another country's village and vice versa. Maybe check out any neighbouring villages that have already been mapped nearby?
This will be in the Gold Coast area that I'm working on (almost ready to queue it up), so there aren't any other mapped villages for a thousand miles around! ;-) I guess I could do this one and a smaller one and let the voters decide if they like either.
Yup, I think it's a town, not a village. But that's okay, I have a home for it (looking at the parent map, it probably should be a town, not a village). But that's okay, it got me thinking and gave me ideas for a smaller village in the same style to design. (Also a little too symmetrical, but I guess it makes sense that everything would radiate out from the only water source for miles around.)