
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
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  • [WIP] Kingdom of Gongodûr

    Well, I was going to make a twist of Hanlon's Razor ("Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity") phrased more like Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law ("Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"):

    A secret grand design is indistinguishable from stupidity.

    The truth is...just a clumsy attempt to recreate from a much bigger parent map that was itself derived from a much, much bigger parent map.

    This is the parent map I took it from (Gongodûr is in the lower right):

    And this is the section parent map that this whole 1,000 x 1,000 mile section comes from:

    When I downloaded the FCW for the parent map, it said there were green mountains there, which I took to mean vegetation-covered hills and small mountains.

    So no real grand design, just an over-exuberance in trying to add more detail from the parent map and slip in some mapping/adventure hooks.

  • [WIP] Kingdom of Gongodûr

    Tweaked the text for the ones I saw that were too close to the border. I will have the borders set to be on, but the political borders and names of the other countries are all on the same layer, so they can toggle on and off at the same time.

    LoopysueWyvernShessarCalibreRicko Hasche
  • [WIP] Kingdom of Gongodûr

    Appreciate your help and everyone else's! Looking forward to getting back to city and dungeon maps for a bit after this. ;-)

  • [WIP] Kingdom of Gongodûr

    Okay, the first thing I did was back another backup of the FCW in case I didn't like the fractalization and couldn't undo it. ;-)

    The fractal command isn't something I've used that much, and when I tried it on this map earlier, I wasn't sure of which settings to play with. While I think the smoother map works for a map of this scale, I rather like the Depth 2, Strength 40, smooth result on the rivers. Fractalized a few of the roads but not all -- there were some where it just made the road look overly-caffeinated.

    With the place names: I added names for the settlements and rivers that were missing them (let me know if I missed anything important). I've played with the Glow settings a bit. I'll post the FCW, too, if anything has adjustments to recommend.

    Here it is without the borders:

    And again with the redrawn borders:

    LoopysueQuentenRicko HascheShessarCalibre
  • Donut-shaped buildings?

    Oh, fantastic! I will try that.

    As soon as I posted it, I had an idea for how to do a semi-circular one using drawing lines to draw an irregular building that was 1/12th of a circle, and then copying 12 in a circular array. But yours will allow me to do an oval-shaped stadium. Thank you!
