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  • Community Atlas: Dendorlig Hall - A Sort-Of D23 Dungeon for Nibirum

    Well, it just fits better to how the Dendorlig region is set-up actually Sue (as the GM would say anyway, of course... ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜ˆ).

  • Community Atlas: Dendorlig Hall - A Sort-Of D23 Dungeon for Nibirum

    Thanks @Autumn Getty, and good luck @roflo1!

    The final FCW file for the Atlas is going to be a bit different to the image here for this dungeon, as I've started making alterations to fit how I see it as being Dendorlig Hall, rather than a generic random dungeon as shown so far. Not least is the map's probably going to be inverted, so what's currently shown as north will be more southeast, to fit better to the area map (the cardinal directions will be roughly those suggested by the corner "arrow"-shapes of Room 17, for instance; at least on current thinking!).

    As the random design created a lot of oddly small rooms and buildings (?) in a cave in the current map's top right, and drawing on the map notes for Malajuri, I'm thinking this part is a gnome settlement under King Dendorlig XXX, which has only recently been reoccupied, with much of the dungeon remaining little to unexplored. Thus the gnomes might be looking for cannon fodder adventurers to explore and map further for them. What's more distant from that top right corner remains a little vague in mind currently, however!

    Actual mapping progress has been delayed by other matters, however, not least events yesterday relating to the first paragraph in my initial posting here (yes, it's all still dragging interminably on, like slaying a dragon that has far too many hit points...).

    More when I know what it is (on the mapping and dungeon notes only!!!).

  • Popping in to say hi after illness

    Better health from here on in, hopefully, Autumn.

    Autumn Getty
  • ProFantasy is looking for a web developer and graphic artists

    So does this count as a "paid promotion" advert Sue? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Size of boxes and selection boxes

    You are not alone in this - had CC3 10 years now, and only discovered this was possible thanks to one of Monsen's video tutorials where he showed it, which I think was the year before last now (that dratted pandemic and its time-dilation effects again!)!

  • Dialogue Concerning two river systems

    Yes, the images seem to be fine now, but they definitely weren't yesterday! Even clicking on the image symbol brought up error messages, after several reloads of the topic, so I've no idea what was happening!

    Rivers are, as has been pointed out by others here already, always a tricky subject, and it does come down to what you want from them, and how much work you're willing to put in to each map.

    For instance, you can always add hand-drawn polygons along the lines to vary the width more, or help disguise features such as multiple river confluences, or where there's too great a difference in appearance between two stretches of river otherwise.

    River mouths at the coast are often difficult as well, which can be overcome sometimes by moving the end of the line so it blends better with the effects along the coast (where that's an option, naturally; best to zoom-in very closely), or again add a polygon of appropriate size and colour to hide the river line end.

  • Medieval / Fantasy Docks and Ships

    There are a few options for docks in a couple of different styles from the Annuals, though ships and boats in the same package and style are in shorter supply in general. Fantasy Towns from 2021 has all, albeit the ships and boats are restricted to just one of each (two, if you count the varicolor option as well). Symbol Set 5: Cities of Schley has a broader range of options, and there are some simpler design options in the vector style Serpentine City from 2020. I've likely forgotten others though, and hopefully someone else can jump in with other ideas! Of these, Cities of Schley probably offers the larger set of possibilities, though that may depend on what you're looking for, and what sort of styles appeal most to you. Good luck!

    PNW Angler
  • From Quillan to Montsegur

    Alternatively, you could try making the higher hills somewhat larger in size, perhaps, or possibly use some smaller mountains to represent them instead.

    As Sue said though, the map looks splendid anyway!

  • Dhakos, The City of Spires - Watabou Cities Annual

    @seycyrus - It might be https://stormbringerrpg.com/, as that's definitely a fan site for the Stormbringer RPG.

  • Live Mapping - Sewer Encounters

    So, we're being dragged back to the sewers this week, are we? I think you've been reading too much of the usual livestream video chats ๐Ÿ˜‰
