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  • WIP Commission, Ancient Tombs

    I keep missing days here somehow; other distractions elsewhere. So apologies if you've already covered this, and I just missed it somewhere earlier, but should there be an accessway into area 31? There seems to be a corridor linking to the level, without a doorway or secret door marker.

  • [WIP] Community Atlas - River Watch - Druid villages

    That's 497 maps now, according to the Downloads page in the Atlas!

  • Banners

    I suppose I'm just more used to having worked with real scrolls down the years, than how cartographer's have opted to draw them!

  • How do you make connecting symbols?

    Impressed that you've managed to "force" @Loopysue to reveal her hidden treasure in the City Cliffs Annual @Elfling!

    I understand what you mean about how parts of the Tome and help files are sometimes written. It can be frustrating when you know what you want to do in CC3+, but can't quickly find the information on how to do it. It's often a matter of experience, trial and error (lots of the latter, in my case...), and taking time to watch through the video tutorials (the Joe Sweeney ones are what most helped me when I was trying to first get to grips with the program some years ago, though there are plenty more now by other folks too), and/or reading the written tutorials, if that's more suitable for you.

    Sue's right I think in suggesting the Symbols Along command might work nicely for your palisade fencing. You may already have access to suitable symbols from what you have installed for CC3+ that will let you do this without needing to create fresh ones too.

    You might want to think about the Symbols in Area command as well, which allows you to fill a polygon of whatever size and shape you wish with your selected symbols - a narrow strip polygon could work for things like hedge-lines made up of individual bush and tree symbols, for instance.

  • Community Atlas - Blackrock WIP

    For the size of the Arena, not sure it will help necessarily, but the Greek and Roman stadion/stadium, also known in English as the stade, unit of length was around 180-185 metres in length (there were variants, and some modern estimates have varied still further from this). That might be a way to go, though it would be likely the inner circumference, not the actual length of the construction in an oval form. It really depends what goes on there as to how large it should be.

    The River Docks is another in the "length of string" debates, as it depends what the river is used for and by what proportion of the populace, whether it's used for exports and imports (and what of, type and quantities), does a ferry run from here to other places (such as even across the river), etc., etc. To my eye, for a river of this size, the three docks now seem probably too few, but more information would be needed for a more definitive answer, I think.

  • Advice on Drawing Mines

    There is also an automated arrow drawing tool option, but the arrows tend to look clumsy, because the line pushes through the arrow's tip, so Sue's suggestion, of simply drawing the arrow yourself, is the better option.

    The floor fills look good on your revised map, I think, as indeed does the map overall. I've sometimes used the fills just to indicate areas of different rock type, or where there's something interesting happening on similar B&W maps, as the options to show such features otherwise are quite limited in some of these styles.

  • Community Atlas competition entry: The Summer Palace of the Winter Queen

    Certainly worth considering using images of actual objects, like flames, leaves, etc., for mapping, I think.

    If you're simply using the outline, and maybe some of the main features of the object as shapes to define internal built structures, it shouldn't be too onerous, judging from my experience with the snowflakes so far. I thought beforehand this first one was going to be one of the more intricate, and while to an extent it looks it, it really wasn't very difficult to trace-draw over the JPG original by-hand.

    [Deleted User]
  • [WIP] Gordo the bard

    If you were willing to use the older style Character Artist options, there's a greater range of instruments, albeit that's somewhat relative - a bell, a horn and a lute! The missing horn and lute in CA3 do seem rather an oversight, but then we've discussed endlessly on the Forum about ALWAYS wanting MORE symbols for everything ?

  • Help with Perspectives

    I'm not certain if that unqualified "5' Grid" label in the Annual issue's PDF Mapping Guide may not be a mistake, as looking at the sample FCW file map with that issue, there are only two five-foot grids in it, "5' Grid, 2 Snap" and "5' Grid, 5 Snap".

    It doesn't really matter however, as BOTH are basic 2D rectangular grids, and that's actually all you need for drawing 2D maps. The snap setting just mean the snap points in the grid will be either every 2.5 feet (2 Snap) or every 1 foot (5 Snap).

    The 10' Grid, 2 Snap is also a rectangular grid for 2D work, with snap points every 5 feet.

    This will let you draw a plan-view = 2D vertical of your dungeon layout, and following the next part of the Mapping Guide will help you convert your 2D floorplans into 3D isometric forms.

  • [WIP] Atlas Competition Entry - Coils of the Cold Coroner

    ...caverns of the snow-women (strange cold rituals are performed here, which include the creation of magical snowballs for throwing at men...

    Getting visions of something a bit Monty Python here ?

    Autumn Getty