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  • Looking for Advice on Terrain Techniques

    If Erdan Worlds won't let you do what you want with the mapping, it's probably best to look around for something that will. 13th Age might be somewhat closer to that example map whose style you want to replicate, for instance as a first suggestion. You're never going to get exact matches for everything, of course (unless the source map's in a style PF already has available that is!), so you need to decide what's most important to preserve, and then work around that.

    In terms of the Sheet Effects, like Edge Fade and Edge Fade Inner, or others that may help blend adjacent textures, adjusting the size and strength beyond the presets is always worth trying out. Experimentation is key though, as has been said before re Sheet Effects generally, and trying to advise you "blind" like this isn't really practical. You just need to play around with ideas and see what you think looks good. If you run into specific snags, someone here may well be able to assist.

    You might also want to try varying the edges of adjacent terrains, so they're not always simple linear features - not saying to use fractals here, just add some extra curves and variations by-hand (like a weak "jigsaw piece" join, perhaps), nothing very finely-detailed. With a strong enough Effect, you'll not see much of the original shape, and it may help break-up the linear junction a bit more.

    The blending in this sample map looks like it could work by adding rounded patches of one of the greens over the top of the other, with a strong Edge Fade Inner Effect on the patches Sheet, for instance.

  • Endoria

    Good-looking map!

    My immediate thought beyond that is that some of the broader rivers don't appear quite right. In places where they merge, there's often a patch of darker blue in them which makes them seem a little disjointed. I suspect that may be because the inner glow effect on the rivers sheet needs tweaking to be a little larger, perhaps (it may be something else, as this isn't a style I've used much, or very recently, however).

    Also, there's the common problem with river lines where they meet the coast, that they don't match up properly with the coastline, and can seem to run into the sea, with a colour mismatch. Sometimes you can adjust the final node on the river line to match better with the coastline, though sometimes not. One alternative is to add a small polygonal patch of the appropriate sea fill texture over the end of the river line, although even that sometimes doesn't work as well as you might wish.

    A further alternative is to set up the land sheet with a Color Key Effect, which effectively "cuts out" the rivers instead of superimposing lines on top, so essentially the rivers become long sea inlets instead. The downside is you have to draw the rivers on the land sheet as well, and in a solid fill of a single colour (by default, this is Colour 6, bright pink). You can though make your rivers look a lot more natural that way, especially if you draw them as polygons instead of lines (this can be a bit tedious for long rivers, however, as you have to draw both banks), or add polygons to disguise where river lines of different widths meet (so the main river line can vary in thickness along its length in a more "realistic" manner than a single line width will allow.

  • Community Atlas - Forlorn Archipelago - Poncegraf Village - Church

    Why thank you Sue! Just getting into practice for the livestream...

  • Island Chain annual

    Yeah, it's a fine line. Or indeed several fine lines. With islands strung along them. 😎

    Loopysue[Deleted User]
  • Commission WIP!

    Time needed to map a city? OK, working only as and when able, not to deadlines or for money, but the earliest file-date I have connected to my Embra City mapping for the Community Atlas is 7 July 2021, and the final versions of the last maps were submitted for the Atlas on 4 May 2022. And yes, not a standard city by any means, but of comparable detail to some certainly, and with full notes for every individual map and drawing also provided, so not far short of ten months in total (59 maps/drawings).

    Creating cities - actually ANY settlements - are not "quick" or "minor" tasks.

  • Community Atlas - Ezrute - Skolt City

    I'd be inclined to change the roads to make their routes clearer. The dashed markers in particular are very problematic in places, especially those in the farmland areas in the southeast.

    Making the main routes (currently solid lines) a different colour - maybe red or black - and then using a different colour for the lesser routes/trails, but keeping those lines solid too (maybe a darker brown than the current solid road lines), might help.

    [Deleted User]
  • Community Atlas: Queen Mica's Scintillant Palace

    Yep, there are a number of different symbols involved, which are all just different colours of the varicolor symbols. The symbols are simply added in an appropriate cluster, and stacked to look more or less like a castle.

    [Deleted User]JimP
  • [WIP] Community Atlas August Mapping Contest: Cloven House

    Oops, forgot to mention that I found a small glitch with the fill styles in Dracula's Dossier. The "Floor, Roof S" (= roof tile south-facing) tool is using the west style's fill, so needs swapping out (the "Roof 270" style needs replacing with the "Roof 180" one when you have the Fill Style Properties window open, essentially).

    As this map's so small in scale, I had quite a battle getting the fill styles rescaled correctly more generally, especially the cobbled flooring for the backyard, which has a "Fog" fill that overlies the cobbles, to make them look worn and damaged. The Fog was so dense, all it showed as was white until I'd scaled it down to something I felt sure would be too tiny to work!

    And thanks Sue!

    JimPMaidhc O Casain
  • [WIP] August Competition - Vertshusen Town Hall and Tax Office

    If this one looks different to all the others, that's because it is.

    I had to start again.

    Well, we've all been there, Sue. Sometimes repeatedly...

  • [WIP] August Competition - Vertshusen Town Hall and Tax Office

    You should have stuck with the hall how it looked, Sue. It was perfect, and perfect for a very typical, ordinary day too. I've NEVER been in a neat waiting room in my life - and I've been in a lot of all different sorts, waiting and working!

    As for all the political chat, you can make up whatever you wish, because that's exactly what folks do in RPGs! Game reality is whatever the person running the game says it is, after all!
