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  • City locations

    Might want to tweak the angle of the seating a little for the rows nearest the outer walls; otherwise, patron complaints about stiff necks can be expected!

    Will there be upper levels too?

  • [WIP] Community Atlas, 1,000 Maps Contest: Villages in The Whispering Wastes of Haddmark, Peredur

    Place four is from Hex 805, Toresk Village:

    A somewhat more conventional, "open", layout for the next village in this group compared with last time's Ivan's Keep, if with more potentially untoward locations this time, including an overt reference to The Shimmering Cult, to add a little more linkage between features across the maps in this Haddmark mapping extravaganza. Those who read through last time's PDF notes here will have learnt the Druids from Hex 611 had a hand in creating the defences at Ivan's Keep (and may be responsible for the Goblin attacks on the place too, while The Shimmering Cult may be behind the Kobold attacks there...). Here, no similar problems, just a variety of dubious or curious goings-on. The map notes, as usual, have a little more detail.

    Even so, I wanted the layout to be a bit odd, since the random rolls in the Shadowdark tables had come up with a Chaotic nature for the settlement (for those unfamiliar, most things in this RPG can be assigned an alignment - Law, Neutral or Chaos - as a keyword for GMs to apply as they choose to provide variant atmospheres for different places). So the village began nearer the river as a planned layout, but as more people came here, it spread more haphazardly eastwards, such that the older properties are now rather run-down and ill-favoured, despite also having a neater street pattern and fancy road-end walls.

    MonsenQuentenRoyal ScribeLoopysue
  • WIP Goldenlilly Dungeons

    As Sue suggested, something to help the bars look more vertical probably would be helpful.

    Maybe think of reducing the intensity of the shadows overall, given they don't really work with the light sources in the dungeon.

    Some of the shadows - for the buckets and smaller round table - are also perhaps too large for what they are. The buckets probably shouldn't be casting the same length of shadow as the rack and dissecting table, for instance.

  • Commercial use of maps

    Yep, I think many of us have learnt far more than we wanted to about the murkiness of copyright and IP laws in different parts of the world in recent months, thanks to events elsewhere in the RPG world.

    Bottom line is it's probably safer to create your own new maps from scratch, than try copying anything someone else has done, however varied, especially when you're intending to make money from doing so.

  • [WIP] Atlas Contest: Village of Djayet (Gold Coast, west coast of Doriant)

    Scalebars are fine in the Atlas.

    You can change the font in any symbols like this in your map by making a new symbol with your preferred font in.

    Select the symbol in Symbol Manager (in the Symbols drop-down menu), and Clone it, giving it a new name (this is very important, so you don't overwrite the original symbol).

    Then, still in Symbol Manager, select your cloned symbol and click to Edit it. Draw your editing pane and then make whatever changes you wish - all the usual CC3+ tools are available to work on the symbol.

    Once you're happy with the new version, click the cross box in the top right corner of the editing pane to dismiss it, and you'll get a terrifying message like this:

    Despite the terror, click "Yes" - it's fine to do so with the cloned image.

    Then your revised scalebar will be available to use in that map only.

  • Commission Map - Realm of Arduin

    Yeah, this is really big! Presumably going for a wall-hanging poster-sized version if it's to be printed-out, I'd imagine, or all that intricate detail is going to be lost!

    Congratulations on getting the borders to work with the dash and double-dot arrangement with no issues. These things are ever a nightmare in CC3, I know. (And on the more detailed view, all the other dashed lines as well!)

    On the easy-to-view Forum version, I'm losing the knotwork corner details in the mountains especially - the colour's too similar. Maybe try a glow of some kind, or maybe a different shadow to pull-up the decorative elements?

    The "Khorsar" label right beside the "Arduin" cartouche is very distracting; one or other would benefit from moving further away.

    The surrounding nation/area labels aren't as clear as they might be in places, ironically including the Khorsar one, particularly where they overlie the mountains. Again, maybe a glow or shadow would help.

    Is there a particular reason why only the Ozharen border has been colour-highlighted? That name-label might be tweaked slightly too, as the "O" is currently a little too near the map border overall.

    The scalebar and compass rose are partly buried below the lower-left corner decoration currently, and the North point of the compass rose is obscuring part of the "Talafar" label.

    On the more detailed Gallery view (and also on the Forum view version), the watercourses maybe aren't as clear as they could be, notably again in the mountains, plus in the woods at times. In places, they also seem to be impossibly narrow, to the point of almost vanishing, between far broader stretches, which looks odd, if perhaps required as a quirk by the commissioner (given how common these features seem to be). Several lakes appear rather too angular as well, though again this could be simply a required quirk, as they too are pretty frequently-seen.

    The City Cliffs symbols in The Great Rift area could perhaps use some tweaking, as they look rather too angular in places, compared with how nicely curving they are in others. This could be worth considering too in that Devil's Footprint crater.

    In the lower right corner, there's a tiny label that I think reads "Gast Water" which is too close to the corner decoration. The "Maragore" label could be moved lower, to fit within the border lines better, and the "Barbarian Hobbit Tribes" label it's currently partly obscuring should probably be moved as well, and perhaps set-up on two text lines, not just the one, to shorten it to fit with the moved Maragore label.

    That's what I spotted easily in a quick check, at least, though obviously many of the smaller details can't be viewed properly even using the Gallery version.

    Good luck!

    [Deleted User]Octorilla
  • [WIP] Community Atlas, 1,000 Maps Contest: Villages in The Whispering Wastes of Haddmark, Peredur

    The eighth small settlement in this set is from Hex 1604, Brightlawn Hamlet:

    No especially fancy elements were required here, although as a major river shown on the Atlas map for this continent, the Torne needed to look somewhat more imposing than the others to feature so far, and I did feel it would be useful to include an outlet into it from the subterranean streams that had been randomly decided-upon as part of this hamlet's layout. The settlement is also relatively close to the edge of the Siljan Hills, so a few more of the style's contour lines were added than normal. I did trial one of the cliff-line symbols for what became the Wend's Hole stream outlet as well, but that just didn't look right, mostly because the better-shaped of the cliff options is intended as a promontory, with the cliffs on its outer side. Instead I simply hand-traced the line of that cliff piece, and drew the little cliff-line markers to make it look more as if this was a hollow than a clifftop, which in combination with the contours and a mild shadow effect (suitably masked in part) seemed to work well enough.

    Everything else was much as has become normal for these village maps, with properties of varying sizes and types, scattered vegetation and a few fields. Interestingly, the random options here from the Shadowdark tables came up with an area with a pillory and a "Wanted" noticeboard that wasn't a market place, although it makes such an obvious feature in the settlement, I decided occasional markets could happen there too. I added a well, and a hut by the noticeboard, since it made sense to develop that other local notices might be pinned-up there, thinking of medieval European settlements and how things such as broadsheets were presented publicly. The oracle in the cave below the small temple here adds a further note of mystery to the place, which hopefully helps make it seem a bit more "real"!

    LoopysueRoyal ScribeShessarAleD
  • CA style development - "Darklands City" (issues for September and December 2021)

    @JulianDracos noted: ...I am interested in Hobbit house symbols. I have found a way/map style that I can do OK to demonstrate it is a Hobbit style home city, but I do not have anything for the city level view.

    SS5 Cities of Schley has a selection of Halfling house options (grassy mounds with round doors and windows), and also Elven treehouses, plus rough-looking Orc buildings. The main CD3 Bitmap B style has a larger range of fantasy building options as well, including for Halflings (houses and grassy mounds) and Elven treehouses again, as do the main CD3 vector styles, so there are options there without needing to go down the Annuals route. And the Annuals, being smaller in size than these main products, do tend to concentrate more on providing the basic styles first.

    It is worth noting that you can draw your own house shapes using the CD3 toolset, and give the roofs whatever texture you wish from the range of options you have available. Stacking different shapes on top of one another on different Sheets with variant Effects can also increase the options for how things appear. DIY treehouses by placing a suitably-shaped and textured house in different sized tree and other vegetation symbols, all on separate Sheets, for instance. And things like varicolor wooden roofs can be made to work as market stall awnings with a bit of resizing and choice of suitable colours.

    Sorry for hijacking your thread, Sue! Can't really add much beyond what's already been suggested above for Darklands Cities II, after all that... 😪

  • Wishlist for CC4

    @Glitch - Something else you might try is having a second window with another program (such as Windows Explorer) on full screen mode, so it hides the CC3+ window completely. This helps stop the looping as much, and you can check the thumbnail view to see when the CC3+ screen is showing correctly again. I spotted Ralf did exactly this on this week's livestream at one point, so I know it's not just me who finds this helps sometimes!

  • What games do you use ProFantasy to create maps for?

    D&D, homebrew RPG systems, Ars Magica, Call of Cthulhu, Erin (fantasy Irish-myth-based wargames), Laserburn (science-fiction skirmish wargames) and Hordes of the Things (fantasy tabletop wargames), in terms of specific game systems, though a lot of what I've used CC3 and CC3+ for has been to provide maps to illustrate published ancient military history factual articles. I have a lot of hand-drawn maps from other RPG systems going way back too which might be fun to convert into CC maps at some stage. However, the Community Atlas mapping takes up most of my mapping efforts presently!
