
Royal Scribe

Royal Scribe


Royal Scribe
Last Active
February 5, 1968
San Francisco, California
Real Name

Latest Images

  • [WIP] The Octopus' Garden

    Ooops, I said that I would post the FCW in case anyone had recommendations for adjusting effects settings and then I forgot. Here it is.

  • [WIP] Town of Kukaar (Ancient Cities Annual)

    I've played with a few different options. Thought I could copy the Random Street buildings to a sheet below and then turn then into a gray polygon, but if there's a way to do that without it being a gray house, I haven't figured it out. Tried the colorize effect to mute the effects of the background. Of course, I could delete the background terrain and redraw it around the houses, like for backyards.

    But I think, since it's such a small map, that I will just limit the Random Street houses to a few around the paved plaza, like they are specialty shops or government buildings, and then hand-place the rest with the buildings symbols.

    C.C. Charron
  • [WIP] San Francisco, California (Parchment Cities)

    Ever since the Parchment Cities annual came out in February, I've been wanting to create a map of old San Francisco, California -- the city where I live and was born, and where generations of my ancestors were from.

    I wanted to find a reference map for 1895, because by that point, six of my eight grandparents were living here by then. (Two moved here no later than the late 1860s, one moved here in 1884, two others moved from different parts of France in the early 1890s, meeting and marrying in San Francisco.) Unfortunately, the images I found were poor-quality JPGs that would have been a challenge to draw the coastline correctly. (The coastline changed significantly after the famous earthquake in 1906 that burned a huge swath of the City. In rebuilding the City, a lot of the rubble was tossed into the bay, changing the coastline and becoming landfill that newer buildings were built on top of.

    Once I made peace with not finding a good 19th century source map, it become much easier to hunt down good quality SVG images on Wikimedia Commons that I could convert into a DXF file with CloudConvert. That made doing the coastline much easier.

    I will still have to do the streets and blocks using JPG reference images, as my source map included elevation changes rather than streets. To make it a little easier, I decided to focus on the northeast corner of the city, the downtown Financial District. I thought about doing my own neighborhood but it's in the middle of the City, three miles to the east of the ocean, and three miles southwest from the bay, so I wouldn't have gotten any of the lovely coastline.

    Anyway, here's what I have so far. The streets will take a lot more time.

  • [WIP] Town of Kukaar (Ancient Cities Annual)

    And you are absolutely not coming off as a jerk. It’s fun to play with a new style where the designer is able to give feedback and insight.

    Don Anderson Jr.C.C. Charron
  • [WIP] Town of Kukaar (Ancient Cities Annual)

    Okay, here's the next iteration of the map. Most of the Random Streets buildings have been replaced by individual building symbols. I think I fixed domes on the river towers and the tower a little southeast of the map's center. (I was originally thinking it might be a mage's tower but now I think it would serve as a columbarium.

    In my campaign world, this is a very old map of town (or small city) about 3,000 years before the present time. The religion, the Akh'Barad, is loosely inspired by Egyptian mythology.

    I haven't really labeled anything. There isn't really room on the map, though I could move the inscribed characters on the right side and have a small legend there for just a few of the key buildings.

    Ricko HascheLoopysue
  • [WIP] Town of Kukaar (Ancient Cities Annual)

    I also tweaked the smaller bridges over the canals so they're more even and identical-looking.


    So beautiful. You make me want to live in the worlds you paint.

    Ricko Hasche
  • Wishlist for CC4

    I'm sure ProFantasy has a communication plan as part of their scheduled release, and all announcements are carefully scheduled as part of that plan, and we won't know anything until all of the logistics are sorted out...but I am dying to know when CC4 will be released.

    Kertis HendersonCalibre
  • Planet of those Apes

    Historically, homo sapiens are the only primates who are any good at spelling. Have you ever seen an ape win a spelling bee? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Don Anderson Jr.Calibre
  • Live Mapping: Modern Journeys (with Custom Symbols)

    This was super educational. Thank you! I definitely plan on rewatching. Lots of new commands and techniques to study.

    Here are some thoughts I jotted down on potential topics for future Live tutorials. Apologies if some of these exist already (and if they do, could someone point me in the right direction?). If you'd prefer a new thread for these suggestions, please let me know and I can move these suggestions to that thread.

    • Build a castle, inside and out (like CA149 Beaumaris Castle) – might require multiple tutorials like the Big City series did.
    • Vertical Dungeons / Side Views
    • Advanced Drawing Tool Techniques (drawing commands like control-for-smooth with mirrored polygon tools, parabolic polygon, Bezier, cubic poly, chained arc, multipoly tool) – many are mentioned here and there in other tutorials but could be helpful to have a whole video about these techniques to have one video to rewatch.
    • Elven Village with connected tree houses (SS5 Elven assets, maybe with a custom-made Rivendell-inspired palace)
    • One Day World Builder tutorial video
    • CA92 Real World Vector Data (how to import, examples for using like maybe a historical map or a post-apocalyptic map)

    I had other ideas, but I think they’re more for future annuals or monthly symbols instead of Live tutorials. I’ll throw them here anyway.

    Potential Future Annuals

    • Exotic Fantasy Ships (swan boats, gnome dirigibles, eagle-shaped airships, shark-shaped submarines) – feathered/scaly fills, painted wood fills, transparent glass domes (or semi-transparent fills for panes of glass)

    Potential Monthly Symbols (possibly an Annual)

    • Castle Fixtures, External – Gargoyles & grotesques, flags & flagpoles, spires, bells, drawbridges, machicolations (murder holes), corbels, any other castle ornamentation that could be seen from above
    • Heraldry symbols expansion – solid varicolor silhouettes of animals, mythological creatures, zodiac symbols, other common heraldry symbols not currently available in CA15 (great for using as brass inlays or stitched on fabric per this thread)
    • Greco-Roman (dungeons & city symbols and fills). Dungeon Symbols: more column options, litters on poles, lounging couches, more statues. City Symbols: various temple types, amphitheaters, aqueducts, Forum…