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  • WIP - My New World - Myrrhina

    The center lake looks a little "off" - at least at low zoom levels. Maybe an edge-effect similar to the Shoreline, or a different texture could help.

    Apart from that, the map looks really good and well thought out.

  • (WIP) Path to the Ruined Tower - A more realistic Forest Trails map

    Thank you @Loopysue

    Using Forest Trail grass. I think the issue is that I tend to cluster multiple patches together (at various scales and orientations), to create organic shapes.

    This works pretty well with the dirt patches, but not so much with the grass ones, because they are symbols and the "texture" difference becomes really visible, when the grass patch symbols are not scaled properly.

    I'll just make my rounded grass polygons a bit more detailed.

    Good luck with your Computer. :-)

  • Shrimp Tony

    Completely agree. And ruins, farm animals, rocks... ๐Ÿ™‚

    Though Mike Schley Overland works great for adding terrain or different vegetation.

    EDIT. Found the cattle in MS Overland. YES!

    I wonder if some of the isometric dungeon stuff might fit in, to set some accents...

  • Karkaroff region

    Very nice. Love the colour, smoke, the and carts to provide detail and the Gargoyles at the main gate.

    I was actually a bit disappointed that the SS6 gargoyles were not "turnable" in at least 3 directions. Would have used them a lot more if there had been one facing the map viewer...

  • Forest Trail project - part 2

    Still on the fence in regards to the water effects, but glad that you have a working PC again.

    Plus, I'm very much looking forward to those Dungeon-scale cliffs. :)

  • marble tile floor textures available?

    "Horror House" from the 2016 Annual has a black and white checkerboard-tiled floor texture.

    It's a monochrome style, but the texture might work with colour styles.

    Robert Feyerharm
  • (WIP) Bindak's Retreat - An Asian Pirate Hideout

    @JulianDracos @Jeff B :

    Thank you for the comments.

    Yes, there's barren hills, but I'm simply not yet finished with the right side (WIP ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). Still undecided whether I'll add more vegetation, bits of different ground texture or bits of both. It'll probably be rockier than the Western plateau. Will also add cave entrances to where the paths end.

    The blue green Terrain is supposed to be swamp/ water. A bit of terrain where the ground is more level and the ground more water absorbent, so it catches the rain running down the slope to the North. I'm thinking about moving it a bit more North / downhill now, where it would collect more water running down the slope.

    The roof damage effect is rather easy:

    Add a colour Key effect to the appropriate building sheets, and then put floors, rubble, beams etc beneath it.

    @Loopysue found it and created a great tutorial about it (This seems to work only on city symbols, which is a bit of a shame.)

    Edit: Just tried it out with SS6. Doesn't work there. ๐Ÿ™

  • Gioiella, a small Serpentine City map

    No. Had to create the ring in a rather elaborate way:

    - Build another land mass using the land mass tools.

    - Copy the settings of the land mass.

    - Manually set a with

    - Draw a ring shape using the circle drawing tool.

    - Open the sheet effects and put a colour key on the land sheet (as topmost effect).

    - Draw cutouts and manually "rough up" the inside of the ring using colour key fractal polygons.

    - Manually draw the coast lines of the new land masses on the coastline sheet.

    There's probably easier ways of doing this (trace command?), but that was the way that came to my mind. Does anyone know an easier method?

  • Drabarmund - an SS5 village

    Yes please. Just remember to put the individual trees and the forest texture on the same sheet (I moved the trees to the "woods"-sheet for this - and moved the woods sheet around, so that the trees covered the houses again).

  • Carn Dum - using Inked Ruins annual

    Cool. Reminds me of old MERP maps - in a very good way.
