Making my own Watabou style
I have made my own template and drawtools, and collection of fills for future Watabou City maps. However, I cannot get the drawtools (Watabou City QW) to stay on the template, but instead it reverts to the normal watabou City drawtool. What am I doing wrong?
Once you've set it up that way you can make all the new drawing tools in that folder. The initial drawing tool copied over can be deleted once you are done with it. Its only there to make things easier. For some reason CC3 doesn't really like being given a totally empty Drawtool sub-folder - as I discovered a couple of weeks ago when I tried it myself.
The map/template will always remember the last drawtool set used, so the best way to always force it to be a spesific value on map load is to specify it in the OnOpenMacro map note. (DTSTYLEM command).
I will also be using the Watabou mansions as well, for various buildings I am too lazy to design myself.
"...varied in width from 8 to 35 feet, although the average width for the main roads was from 12 to 24 feet..."
So it would seem that 10m does actually fall within those limits, since 10m is nearly but not quite 33ft.
There are also other factors to be considered. In most modern road maps all the roads are shown many times wider than they really are on the ground. That is so they can be easily seen, since the primary point of the map is to show the roads. In the Ferraris style the roads are set to those kinds of widths because that is the way they are portrayed in the original Ferraris map, in which the roads were equally important for military planning. I've also seen many fantasy city maps where the roads are artificially wide so that legible road names can be shown.
And I can't help spelling metres correctly, even though the spelling check always indicates the spelling is incorrect.
BTW, 10 metres = 32.808399. No idea why you didn't know that off the top of your head, Sue.
Writing an entire Mapping Guide in American to match all the other mapping guides and the fact that FT3 menu commands are in American, made my brain fizz with a desire to run away. But I did it.