Live Mapping: Landform Overland Maps

LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

Hi Everyone! :D

In this week's live mapping session Ralf will be taking a look at an old Annual issue, inspired by the cartography of Erwin Raisz.

Come along and join in the live chat here on YouTube:

Or watch it here on the forum (ps. there's no live chat right here)

Royal ScribeJimP


  • I really like this style. I think it is the first annual I bought.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer

    We've had a couple of requests for a live mapping session, so Ralf has kindly obliged.

    I'm looking forward to it as well, since I also like the look of the style.

  • LoopysueLoopysue ProFantasy 🖼️ 40 images Cartographer
  • I ran into the same issue that Ralf identified during the livestream when preparing my recent Monseignor District map for the Community Atlas, regarding the unscalable hatch styles, when trying to map the swamp areas there. My problem was greater though, because the area I was mapping was a lot smaller, at 10 x 15 miles.

    The way I got around it was by accessing the hatch style's FCW file, and simply copying over all the constituent vector polygons, and rescaling the lot together. I then just copied and pasted those rescaled elements to where I needed them for the swamp texture, and in the forms required. This had one advantage, as I also wanted some grassland texture to represent the farmlands, and the swamp texture's polygons include those horizontal linear polygons too. Just a few more copy & paste operations.

    It would be practical to use the hatch style's FCW file to set up individual symbols for use when mapping this way, so the individual pieces would be scalable like any normal symbol. Plus that would have the advantage you could also make use of techniques such as "Symbols in Area", "Fill with Symbols", etc. If you're going to be making frequent use of one of these early Annual styles, that would definitely be worth doing.

  • I watched this and would like to point out that the font used at the end does come with this style. It is the default font when I've made maps with the style.

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